One depressed man's journey to better mental health, or suicide.
#188b Stay At Home Blues
09/04/2020 Duration: 23minThanks for listening in to this episode! I talk about being a proud papa, how things are going staying at home, and sleep habits. Be sure to subscribe to this show over on iTunes Everyone be safe and be well. Tags:Suicide, Depression, Therapy, Depressed, Mental Illness
SAH #12 Fired Up Feeling Bummy
07/04/2020 Duration: 11minIt's day twelve, come hang out with me for a few minutes.
SAH #11 The World Still Isn't Burning
06/04/2020 Duration: 14minIt's day eleven of staying at home with me.
SAH #8 Basketball4Lyfe
03/04/2020 Duration: 10minDay eight of being at home. I talk about basketball!
#188a School Over Fun
02/04/2020 Duration: 17minThanks for listening in to this episode! I talk about being a proud papa, how things are going staying at home, and sleep habits. Be sure to subscribe to this show over on iTunes Everyone be safe and be well. Tags:Suicide, Depression, Therapy, Depressed, Mental Illness
SAH #7 Music I Like
02/04/2020 Duration: 12minIt's day 7 of being at home. Join me as I talk music a little bit.
Bonus #1 My Chat With Claire
01/04/2020 Duration: 49minHey everyone. Bonus episode time. My dear friend Claire and I finally got a chance to catch up. Embrace your inner voyeur and have a listen.
SAH #5 The Great Filter
31/03/2020 Duration: 14minIt's day five, have a seat and listen to me ramble about sciencey stuff. Today's opening song is We Didn't Start The Fire by Billy Joel
SAH #4 I Had A Dream
30/03/2020 Duration: 12minIt's day four and I had a stressful dream last night.
SAH #3 I'm Part Of The Problem
29/03/2020 Duration: 12minIt's day 3 and I acknowledge that I'm part of the COVID problem.
SAH #2 Careful What You Read
28/03/2020 Duration: 16minIt's day 2 of staying at home. Listen in as I ramble on about thoughts from my walk.
SAH #1 Introduction
27/03/2020 Duration: 10minHere's the first of my new, temporary, daily podcast for the Corona 2020 season. I hope you enjoy it.
#188 Weird Times
26/03/2020 Duration: 21minThanks for listening in to this episode! I talk about how work is going, intrusive thoughts, and concerns about the near future. Be sure to subscribe to this show over on iTunes Everyone be safe and be well. Tags:Suicide, Depression, Therapy, Depressed, Mental Illness
#187 Base Function
19/03/2020 Duration: 15minThanks for listening in to this episode! I talk about what I'm doing to try to stay healthy Be sure to subscribe to this show over on iTunes Everyone be safe and be well. Tags:Suicide, Depression, Therapy, Depressed, Mental Illness
#186 Isolating
14/03/2020 Duration: 17minThanks for listening in to this episode! I talk about isolating lately. Be sure to subscribe to this show over on iTunes Everyone be safe and be well. Tags:Suicide, Depression, Therapy, Depressed, Mental Illness