Saturday Night Love

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 21:10:35
  • More information



Welcome to Saturday Night Love, a weekly recap of the previous week's Saturday Night Live episode. Each episode, a panel of experts will discuss the previous episode and determine the best sketch of the night.


  • S41E17 - Russell Crowe

    14/04/2016 Duration: 24min

    Oh hell yeah, player!  It's time for another episode of SATURDAY NIGHT LOVE, your weekly Saturday Night Live recap show!  This time, we're looking at Russell Crowe's episode.  If you can even call it that -- he was only in 4 skits! Join us for an episode full of scatological jokes, praising Michael Douglas, and a little slash-fiction!

  • S41E16 - Peter Dinklage

    07/04/2016 Duration: 29min

    We're back from a three-week hiatus with a brand new episode of SATURDAY NIGHT LOVE!  This time, we're talking about Peter Dinklage's episode and SPACE PANTS!!! Join Scott, Kia, and Vince for a discussion of dead bodies at hotels, bosses with poopy pants, and SPACE PANTS!! SPACE PANTS!

  • S41E15 - Ariana Grande

    18/03/2016 Duration: 22min

    Kia and Vince are back with a brand new episode of SATURDAY NIGHT LOVE!  This week, we're talking about Ariana Grande's episode, which was surprisingly pleasant.  Kia suggests how the monologue and one skit should have been flipped, and Vince tries to explain feminism (but he's not particularly eloquent).   Also, RIBLET! Also, Vince gets a little too excited about the prospect of Ian McShane making an appearance on the next episode!

  • S41E14 - Jonah Hill

    11/03/2016 Duration: 20min

    Jonah Hill has not one, but two, skits about pooping his pants on this week's episode of SATURDAY NIGHT LOVE, your weekly recap of Saturday Night Live!

  • S41E13 - Melissa McCarthy

    19/02/2016 Duration: 28min

    Guest-star Ashley joins Kia and Vince this week to talk about Melissa McCarthy's episode of Saturday Night Live!   Discussion topics include: the sanctity of the Five-Timers Club, overhearing political conversations at Park Slope, how much of a goofball was Kyle Mooney as a kid, and should ever skit end with a car crash? Those answers and more, all on SATURDAY NIGHT LOVE!

  • S41E12 - Larry David

    12/02/2016 Duration: 21min

    We're really feeling the bern on this week's SATURDAY NIGHT LOVE!  Larry David returns to host Saturday Night Live in probably the best episode of the year.   There were some real classics, such as Kevin Roberts, Sturdy Barbie, John Rudnitsky miming Dirty Dancing, and the return of the Super Bowl Totino's Commercial!  Hear your hungry guys' thoughts on this week's episode! Plus: Our predictions for next week's episode with Kanye West and Melissa McCarthy!

  • S41E11 - Ronda Rousey

    28/01/2016 Duration: 20min

    Ronda Rousey gives SNL the good kick in the pants it's needed for years and delivers the great episode we've all been asking for! was a mediocre episode with some bright spots. But, it had some good honest-to-goodness laughs. Join Kia and Vince as they derail the show talking about The Bachelor! #oliviasgiantmouth Also, on, please hit up the comments and vote to keep Scott on the show or kick him off!  

  • S41E10 - Adam Driver

    21/01/2016 Duration: 25min

    Saturday Night Love is back from the winter break with some fresh hot takes to warm you up! On this episode, we cover Adam Driver's hosting stint.  Find out what we thought of Undercover Boss: Starkiller Base, Social Puppeteering, and America's Funniest Cats! Boy-yoy-yoing! #undercoverren #saturdaynightliev

  • S41E09 - Tina Fey & Amy Poehler

    31/12/2015 Duration: 22min

    We ate too much over the holidays, and we were a bit sluggish in getting this week's SATURDAY NIGHT LOVE out. It's a week late, but we hope this episode was worth the weight! Tina Fey & Amy Poehler shared hosting duties this time around for a fun mix of Christmas skits, political skits, and weird Taylor Swift parodies that we don't understand.

  • S41E08 - Chris Hemsworth

    17/12/2015 Duration: 19min

    It's Hemsworth's time!  Thor stops by 30 Rock for the second time this year to host Saturday Night Live!   Vince, Scott, and Doug Vader remember Toonces the Driving Cat, marvel at the Predator font in "No Time to Bleed", and wish they could be as cool as Chris Hemsworth (even though he's weird now).

  • S41E07 - Ryan Gosling

    10/12/2015 Duration: 23min

    Are you there, Gos? It's me, Saturday Night Love! This week, sexiest man alive Ryan Gosling hosts Saturday Night Live for a very special Christmas episode, even though SNL has two more episodes before the big day! Listen as Vince expresses his disappointment that Ryan Gosling never takes off his shirt, Scott finally finds a "Santa Baby" he enjoys, and Kia suggests that Vanessa Bayer may be doing a better job than Kate McKinnon this season (blasphemy...but also maybe true).

  • S41E06 - Matthew McConaughey

    26/11/2015 Duration: 24min

    Alright alright alright! Failure to Launch star Matthew McConaughey hosts this week's Saturday Night Love. Vince brings the party down by talking about homeless mortality rates during the holiday season (seriously, donate your coats you're no longer using to your local shelter), but Kia and Scott are more than happy to rate and review the show. Yes, he deserves to host and I hope he does it well!

  • S41E05 - Elizabeth Banks

    19/11/2015 Duration: 22min

    Elizabeth Banks hosted SNL this past week on an episode filled with Uber jokes and foul-mouthed babies. Also, the boys present their Grand Moynified Moyniverse Theory, where all of Bobby Moynihan's SNL characters are actually related (Riblet is Drunk Uncle's son!). And that's something you can take all the way to the bank!

  • S41E04 - Donald Trump

    12/11/2015 Duration: 19min

    Well...that was an episode. Kia, Scott, and Vince talk about highly watched, really mediocre episode of SNL. Weirdly, one of our big criticisms of this episode was "Why wasn't there more Donald Trump?"

  • S41E03 - Tracy Morgan

    21/10/2015 Duration: 19min

    Tracy Morgan's back! We're are down one Scott this week, but that doesn't stop us from asking the tough questions like... Why does Young Osama Bin Laden have a skateboard? Are Bobby Moynihan's Steven Seagal and Ted Cruz impressions the same impression? And of course, where Jackie Chan at right now? Add in Astronaut Jones and Brian Fellows appearances, and we've got the makings of a good SNL episode!

  • S41E02 - Amy Schumer

    15/10/2015 Duration: 19min

    SNL superfan and Bradley Cooper's girlfriend hosts this week's Saturday Night Live, and Scott, Vince, and Kia are back to talk all about it. On this episode, we talk about SNL's political writing, the best skits on Inside Amy Schumer, and how worthless Taran Killam's Mark P is. Also, we still can't get over Vanessa Bayer's Billy Crystal impression.

  • S41E01 - Miley Cyrus

    07/10/2015 Duration: 23min

    We're back for a brand new season of Saturday Night Love (formerly known as Tuesday Morning Pod)!  In our season premiere, hosted by Miley Cyrus, we barely talk about Miley, but instead talk about Taran Killam's new Donald Trump impression, conning our brother's husband out of his money, and how Scott thinks all white people look the same.  And we may get a little political! I ain't afraid of no Josts!

  • Special - Best of Season 40 Spectacular

    02/06/2015 Duration: 35min

    They did it!  They found the best skit of Saturday Night Live's Season 40's spring! In this over-sized episode, Scott, Kia, and Vince go through all their previous Best Skit of the Night contenders and find out what will be remembered as the classic skit from Season 40.

  • S40E21 - Louis CK

    19/05/2015 Duration: 25min

    Louis CK finishes off SNL's 40th season as Kate McKinnon's Hillary Clinton returns, Riblet steals Che's jorb, and Kia clarifies once and for all that he is not a pedophile. It's summertime, everybody!  But we're not done yet.  In two weeks, tune in for our Best of the Spring Season Spectacular!  We're going to go through all our Best Skits and pick the best one.

  • S40E20 - Reese Witherspoon

    12/05/2015 Duration: 23min

    Kia and Vince have run of the asylum as Scott takes a break to celebrate his birthday (what a silly goose).  Meanwhile, Saturday Night Live celebrates Mother's Day with Reese Witherspoon, hosting for the first time since 2001 (Amy Poehler's first episode to be exact).  Plus: The return of SNL Trivia! The answers may surprise you!

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