Doug Owen takes his unique non-partisan and informal approach to tackling current events, news, and issues that resonate with freedom lovers world wide.
Blacklisted Radio 10.25.2014
25/10/2014 Duration: 01h01minIn this episode Doug covers more of the Ebola panic, the recent Ottawa and school shooting being used as pre-election political footballs, along with the latest headlines and
Blacklisted Radio - 10.18.2014
18/10/2014 Duration: 01h05minIn this weeks episode of Blacklisted Radio Doug covers some of the weeks headlines from and thoughts on the Ebola Outbreak Reponse, Cannabis, ECB, Energy and Money, and revisionist history in the making.
Doomcast 62
17/10/2014 Duration: 01h03minIn this belated edition of Doomcast, Doug and Charlie talk about the fear, hype, and mental psychosis being created by the Ebola media coverage. We also talk Oil, Geopolitics, and Current Events as well.
Blacklisted Radio - 10.11.2014
11/10/2014 Duration: 51minIn this episode Doug Owen discusses the missing North Korean leader Kim Jong Un as well as the Ebola outbreak, 350 trillion dollar Libor scandal, and how the US is becoming a police state barker economy.
Blacklisted Radio - 10.4.2014
04/10/2014 Duration: 01h03minIn this episode Doug Owen covers the mixed messages from government agencies on the Ebola importation to the US, ISIS CrISIS, Hilary Clinton's and Kissinger's misdeeds in Africa and South America and other observations from the weeks news cycle.
Doomcast ep.61
03/10/2014 Duration: 01h04minDoug and Charlie discuss the Ebola scare, and the different narratives and politicization of this event. We cover some other back burner topics like the regulation of speech via social media and the attack on those that dare to question.
Doomcast Pre-Show - 10.2.2014
03/10/2014 Duration: 14minCraig Simpson talks about his latest read (due to the Ebola scare), the Hot Zone while stuck in traffic. Pretty graphic realy...
Doomcast ep.60
26/09/2014 Duration: 57minDoug and Charlie cover a wide range of topics in this 60th episode of the Doomcast, including: Ebola Zombies, American Zombies, ISIS fear porn, Facebook Drones, World Code 666, Rockefeller's and the UN Climate Summit, Gold Predictions, just to name a few!
Blacklisted Radio - 9.20.2014
20/09/2014 Duration: 52minIn this weeks Blacklisted Radio podcast Doug discuss's his worries and joys as a new parent. Topics include the recent Scottish Referendum, Vaccines, GMO Science, Syria, ISIS, US Foreign policy, and other recent news from
Doomcast 59
18/09/2014 Duration: 01h01minIn this episode Doug and Charlie discuss the Scottish independence vote, ISIS, Syria, the economy, and other current happenings on planet earth!
Blacklisted Radio - 9.13.2014
13/09/2014 Duration: 54minIn this episode Doug covers a lot of economic headlines and touches on why jobs are being replaced by automation. We also cover some of the faux solutions from gold to resource based economies. Lots of thoughts and rants in this show!
Doomcast ep. 58
13/09/2014 Duration: 01h11minIn this episode of Doomcast, Doug and Charlie look back on this weeks terror hysteria surround ISIS and the 9/11 anniversary. Other topics include the politicization of the NFL, Iraq, CFR, Middle East, and other personal notes.
Blacklisted Radio 8.30.2014
30/08/2014 Duration: 57minThis weeks Blacklisted Radio podcast covers the GMO debate, current events in Ukraine, and how it is becoming increasingly harder for individuals escape failing states.
Doomcast ep. 56
29/08/2014 Duration: 01h10minThis episode of Doomcast focus's on the events in Ukraine and the global economic debt end game.
Blacklisted Radio Live - 8.23.2014
23/08/2014 Duration: 01h41sIn this episode we look at the origins and hype surround ISIS and the new relationships and alliances this created for the West.
Doomcast ep. 55
21/08/2014 Duration: 01h03minThe militarization and rise of the warrior cop is the back drop to Doomcast 55. Doug and Charlie talk about the unrest in Ferguson, Missouri, and contributing factors that have led to this violent event. Current events and personal insights are also included in this weeks show.
Blacklisted Radio 8.19.2014
20/08/2014 Duration: 38minIn this weeks podcast discussion focus's on the current state of emergency in Ferguson Missouri and those who truly caused this the desperate situation lead to the flashpoint. Bank bail in's coming soon, and Rick Perry's indictment are among other topics.
Doomcast ep. 54 - 8.14.2014
15/08/2014 Duration: 59minRants and raves from Doug and Charlie on topics ranging from the riots in Ferguson to the psyop happening in Iraq. Lots of thoughts and insights to some of the latest current events.
Blacklisted Radio Live 8.9.2014
09/08/2014 Duration: 01h01minIn this weeks episode we look at the events with Iraq 2.0, and ask the question, what is really happening, Updates on War, Africa Summit, Ukraine, Israel, Gaza and the Geo-political events shaping the world!