John Piper is founder and teacher of; he is author of more than 50 books and travels regularly to preach and teach. New messages are posted to this podcast as they become available. Pipers sermons, books, articles, and more are available free of charge at We want people everywhere to understand and embrace the truth that God is most glorified in us, when we are most satisfied in him.
Make a Case for Your Hope
19/10/1980 Duration: 28minThe way to get ready to make a case for your hope is to get hopeful. Apply yourself to settling the questions of your own heart.
The Savior's Supper and the Second Coming
12/10/1980 Duration: 22minLord's Supper is a memorial service looking back to Jesus' utterly unique death—a death that so satisfied the righteous demands of God that Jesus was granted to rise from the dead and come again as King of all. The sacrifice of Christ set the charge for the explosion of his second coming.
The Lips of Knowledge Are a Precious Jewel
05/10/1980 Duration: 35minGod teaches us things for our good, and he intends for us to share them for the good of our neighbor.
It's My Pleasure!
28/09/1980 Duration: 34minThe humble Christian does not crave the praise of men. He longs for God to be praised and thanked and for truth to be honored.
What We See When the Spirit Reigns: Love
21/09/1980 Duration: 33minIf we are unmerciful, unforgiving people, if we hold grudges or cherish resentments or plan revenge, then what we are saying in effect to God is, "This is the way I prefer life to be."
The Liberating Law of the Spirit of Life
14/09/1980 Duration: 26minThe death of Christ does not turn away the wrath of God from all people. In order to benefit from the work that God has done outside of us, we must now experience the work that he does within us by the Holy Spirit. What is this work and how is it related to the gift of justification?
The Shepherd, the Host, and the Highway Patrol
08/09/1980 Duration: 35minGod pursues us with goodness and mercy in both joy and trials — all for his name’s sake.
How Is It Right to Justify the Ungodly?
07/09/1980 Duration: 23minWe unseat judges with indignation who acquit the guilty. Our moral sensibility is outraged when wrong and guilt are given legal sanction. Yet at the heart of our gospel stands the sentence: God justifies the ungodly who trust in him.
Restful Words for Labor Day
01/09/1980 Duration: 33minIt seems that with this passage of Scripture, more than any other, to recite it is also to experience its reality. The psalm itself is green pasture, the psalm itself is still water, the psalm itself restores my soul.
Final Judgment: Eternal Life vs. Wrath and Fury
31/08/1980 Duration: 28minEvery responsible person, on the basis of their actions and attitudes, will meet the final judgment of God.
How to Argue with God
25/08/1980 Duration: 34minDon't let your sinfulness hinder your prayers. Run into the arms of God and fill his ear with arguments that aim for His honor.
Whatever Is Not from Faith Is Sin
24/08/1980 Duration: 30minAnything, absolutely any act or attitude which is owing to a lack of trust in God is sin, no matter how moral it may appear to men. God looks on the heart.
Christ and Cancer
17/08/1980 Duration: 37minIf God is in control of everything, why do we suffer? Here are six affirmations to hold you through seasons of suffering.
Is God for Us or for Himself?
10/08/1980 Duration: 27minWhen we clamor for praise, we are prideful and petty. But when God commands us to praise him, he is loving us to the uttermost.
How to Do Good So That God Gets the Glory
03/08/1980 Duration: 22minGod gets glory not from our heroic exertion but from our reliance upon his strength—when we serve as one who serves with the strength which God supplies.
Go to God in Prayer: How Not to Be a Mule
03/08/1980 Duration: 32minDon’t be stubborn like a mule, but run headlong to God in prayer while he may be found.
God Created Us for His Glory
27/07/1980 Duration: 29minGod’s glory and our happiness are never at odds. His pursuit of his own fame is a full commitment to our deepest joy.
The Wisdom We Speak
20/07/1980 Duration: 38minThe remedy for the darkness of man's mind is not mindlessness but light.