John Piper is founder and teacher of; he is author of more than 50 books and travels regularly to preach and teach. New messages are posted to this podcast as they become available. Pipers sermons, books, articles, and more are available free of charge at We want people everywhere to understand and embrace the truth that God is most glorified in us, when we are most satisfied in him.
The Life of the Mind and the Love of God
03/10/2010 Duration: 58minThinking is firewood for burning love for God and others. It’s not the end in itself, but it’s a means to the end: to love God.
Praying in the Power of the Spirit
25/06/2010 Duration: 48minSometimes we experience so much pain and so much confusion, we don’t know what to pray for. But fear not: the Holy Spirit intercedes for his people.
Preaching in the Power of the Spirit
24/06/2010 Duration: 51minTrue Christian preaching isn’t a lecture, but an awakening of worship in both the pastor and his people.
Living in the Power of the Spirit
23/06/2010 Duration: 47minThe same Spirit who awoke faith in your dead soul is the same Spirit who empowers you to live a holy life. Keep in step with the Spirit, not the flesh.
What Does It Mean to Live by Faith in the Service of the Fatherless?
30/04/2010 Duration: 33minThe cause of orphan care and adoption must be pursued by faith, both in success and suffering.
Consider Your Calling
25/04/2010 Duration: 41minJohn Piper | God’s love for his people is so rich and full that they need the Holy Spirit’s help to really feel it.
Rejoicing in the Midst of Sorrow
23/04/2010 Duration: 34minJohn Piper | Eight suggestions are given for how to persevere in ministry in the midst of sorrow.
How Much Does God Love This Church?
18/04/2010 Duration: 51minWe are precious to God — so precious that he will not have us make that preciousness into our god.
Did Jesus Preach the Gospel of Evangelicalism?
14/04/2010 Duration: 01h05minChrist is our pardon. Christ is our perfection. Paul and Jesus agreed.
The Inner Essence of Worship
11/04/2010 Duration: 55minGod seeks and is pleased with those who worship him in spirit and in truth — those who have the inner experience of being satisfied with him.
What Jesus Demands from the World, Session 2
10/04/2010 Duration: 01h12minGod-glorifying obedience is fruit of being born again, having a total change in our inner reality, believing in Christ, coming to Christ, loving Christ, and rejoicing in Christ as our all-satisfying treasure.
What Jesus Demands from the World, Session 1
09/04/2010 Duration: 01h03minAll the demands of the Great Commission flow from the person and work of Christ.
The Supremacy of Christ in Suffering
08/04/2010 Duration: 52minJohn Piper | Everything in the universe points to God’s glory. He uses even our greatest sorrows to display his supremacy.
Suffering for the Gospel Q & A
08/04/2010 Duration: 42minSuffering in the path of obedience is something promised to every believer, but we should be patient with those who struggle to grasp God’s sovereignty and goodness in their suffering.
The Immeasurable Greatness of His Power Toward Us
04/04/2010 Duration: 37minThe resurrection of Jesus shows the greatness of God's power toward us now in this life.
The Son of Man Must Suffer Many Things
28/03/2010 Duration: 36minThe death of Christ was planned by the Father and approved by the Son to ransom many people from their sins.
Parenting with Hope in the Worst of Times
21/03/2010 Duration: 55minIn every stage of parenting, knowing God's mercy gives us brokenhearted boldness—and hope.
Why God Makes Much of Us
01/03/2010 Duration: 37minThe love of God that makes much of us for his glory is a greater love than a love that would only make much of us.
Why God Makes Much of Us
28/02/2010 Duration: 45minGod’s children are immensely precious to him, and he ensures that their preciousness to him does not become their god, but that he is their God.
Q & A with Urban Pastors
28/02/2010 Duration: 44minThe word of the cross is sufficient for our issues of ethnic harmony, political schisms, and standing against false doctrine in the church.