John Piper is founder and teacher of; he is author of more than 50 books and travels regularly to preach and teach. New messages are posted to this podcast as they become available. Pipers sermons, books, articles, and more are available free of charge at We want people everywhere to understand and embrace the truth that God is most glorified in us, when we are most satisfied in him.
Born Again Through the Living and Abiding Word
13/01/2008 Duration: 49minThe new birth does not give us a mere temporary resuscitation. It gives indestructible, imperishable life.
Receive with Meekness the Implanted Word
06/01/2008 Duration: 46minOur souls need Scripture just like our bodies need oxygen: moment by moment, every day. If we learn to live apart from it, we will surely die.
Pray Like This: ‘Hallowed Be Your Name’
30/12/2007 Duration: 54minWhen we pray, not only does God get more glory, but in his glorification, we get a fuller and lasting joy.
The Reason the Son of God Appeared Was to Destroy the Works of the Devil
23/12/2007 Duration: 45minIf any human is to be saved from their sin and from the righteous wrath of God, the Son of God had to become human for our regeneration.
Free at Last: The Miracle of New Birth
16/12/2007 Duration: 32minDead men need one thing before anything else can happen: They must be made alive. They must be born again.
Why Do We Need to Be Born Again?
09/12/2007 Duration: 42minIf God did not make us alive to his grace and glory, we would remain dead — completely enslaved to our sins.
What Happens in the New Birth? Part 2
02/12/2007 Duration: 38minBeing born again is not the improvement of your old nature, but the creation of a new one.
What Happens in the New Birth? Part 1
25/11/2007 Duration: 45minJohn Piper | In the new birth, God takes dead souls and resuscitates them to new life in Christ. This is not a work of our own, but the grace of God.
You Must Be Born Again
18/11/2007 Duration: 43minThe new birth produces new desires and new behaviors. An unchanged life is not a born-again life.
Justification and the Diminishing Work of Christ
14/11/2007 Duration: 58minWhen the glory of Christ is partially obscured and the assurance of the soul is weakened, the costly, sacrificial labor of love is hindered.
Treasuring Christ in Planting Churches and Loving the Poor
11/11/2007 Duration: 42minLessons from the Philippian church on planting churches and giving to the needy.
Sexual Complementarity
10/11/2007 Duration: 35minJohn Piper | The New Testament promotes male leadership in the church, Christian ministry, and the nobility of women.
Sexual Complementarity
10/11/2007 Duration: 59minJohn Piper | What does submission and its relational dynamics look like in the church, the home, and the workplace.
Sexual Complementarity
10/11/2007 Duration: 54minJohn Piper | There are distinctions between men’s and women’s roles in marriage worth exploring.
Sexual Complementarity
09/11/2007 Duration: 51minJohn Piper | What are the roles of men and women? And nine reasons why masculine leadership is a good thing.
Sexual Complementarity
09/11/2007 Duration: 49minJohn Piper | The significance and relevance of Biblical manhood and womanhood in the culture.
Treasuring Christ Together as a Church on Multiple Campuses
04/11/2007 Duration: 46minWe must strategize for church growth because we have a God who builds his church day by day and thousands at a time.
How to Love Your People: The Gladness of Your People and the Glory of God
30/10/2007 Duration: 44minJohn Piper | If pastors are going to labor for the joy of their people, as Paul says in 2 Corinthians 1:24, then they must first make it their priority to pursue their own joy in the Lord.
Treasuring Christ Together Because He Is More Valuable Than All Else
28/10/2007 Duration: 42minNothing is more important as a church grows than that its people help each other rejoice in Jesus.