John Piper is founder and teacher of; he is author of more than 50 books and travels regularly to preach and teach. New messages are posted to this podcast as they become available. Pipers sermons, books, articles, and more are available free of charge at We want people everywhere to understand and embrace the truth that God is most glorified in us, when we are most satisfied in him.
Marriage: God’s Showcase of Covenant-Keeping Grace
11/02/2007 Duration: 49minBecause God has forgiven us in Christ, we ought to treat our spouses with the same grace that God gives us.
Holy Faith, Worthy Gospel, World Vision
06/02/2007 Duration: 01h33minAndrew Fuller shows us that getting Christian experience biblically right and getting the gospel biblically right are essential for the power and perseverance and fruitfulness of world missions.
Stripped in Shame, Clothed in Grace
04/02/2007 Duration: 42minWith sin came shame and hostility in marriage. Only God’s Son can give comfort and restore peace in covenant-keeping love.
Staying Married Is Not About Staying in Love
28/01/2007 Duration: 40minJohn Piper | Marriage is about keeping a covenant — just like Jesus does with his bride, the church.
A Service of Remembrance for the Life of Larry Jens Christensen
22/01/2007 Duration: 25minThe only way that God, the righteous judge, can award us with a crown of righteousness is that Christ took our sin on himself at the cross and gave us his righteousness.
When Is Abortion Racism?
21/01/2007 Duration: 38minWhite abortionists kill more black and Hispanic babies than they do white babies every year. Abortion is a racist institution.
Jesus Christ and the Fight for Life
19/01/2007 Duration: 54minThere are several reasons why we must be engaged in the fight for life, and the various aspects of Christ’s work in redemption directly relate to the efforts of the pro-life cause.
The Spring of Persistent Public Love
14/01/2007 Duration: 49minJohn Piper | Marking the two-hundredth anniversary of the abolition of legal slave trading in Britain.
The Word of God Abides in You, and You Have Overcome the Evil One
07/01/2007 Duration: 50minLive in God's word and in prayer, and you will be strengthened to defeat the devil.
How to Deal with the Guilt of Sexual Failure for the Glory of Christ and His Global Cause
04/01/2007 Duration: 46minJohn Piper | Satan will certainly remind you of your sinful failures. But Christ has defeated both the devil and sin to give you a redeemed passion.
The Power to Risk in the Cause of Christ
04/01/2007 Duration: 57minGod calls us to risk for the cause of Christ. But a risk is never truly a risk when God holds you in his hand.
Ask Your Father in Heaven
31/12/2006 Duration: 41minJohn Piper | God’s lavish invitations to ask him for good things, with the promise that he will give them, is unimaginably wonderful.
Jesus Christ in the Book of Romans
24/12/2006 Duration: 32minJesus is worthy of praise because he is the eternal Son of God who became flesh and died our death that we might live. To God be glory through Jesus.
To Him Be Glory Forevermore
17/12/2006 Duration: 50minGod’s glory shines throughout his word and in the world. To ignore it is to tragically miss the most beautiful and joyful reality in the universe.
The Great Work of the Only Wise God
10/12/2006 Duration: 42minGod is infinitely able to know the best possible outcome of any situation and then achieve it.
Command of God: The Obedience of Faith
03/12/2006 Duration: 44minThe greatest aim in this world is that Christ would be seen as glorious among all peoples by the means of Christian obedience flowing from faith.
God Strengthens Us by the Gospel
26/11/2006 Duration: 44minGod uses his gospel to strengthen believers so that they will persevere in faith and draw all attention to his glory.
How Does It Work Against Sin?
18/11/2006 Duration: 25minJohn Piper | Bitterness and impatience may seem like frightful enemies, but when we lay claim to Scripture’s promises, we can take seeming setbacks in faith that God himself is at work for our good.