John Piper is founder and teacher of; he is author of more than 50 books and travels regularly to preach and teach. New messages are posted to this podcast as they become available. Pipers sermons, books, articles, and more are available free of charge at We want people everywhere to understand and embrace the truth that God is most glorified in us, when we are most satisfied in him.
Future Grace: Its Purifying Power
21/04/1998 Duration: 01h12minSaving faith in Jesus Christ doesn’t only justify us before God. True faith transforms and purifies a Christian by the power of the Spirit.
Future Grace: Its Purifying Power
21/04/1998 Duration: 01h28minA passion for God’s glory, a passion for happiness, and a passion for holiness come together for understanding why living by faith in future grace is essential in the Christian life.
Future Grace: Its Purifying Power
21/04/1998 Duration: 01h27minGod’s passion for his glory is the basis of our salvation and our works of righteousness done in the strength he supplies.
The Supremacy and Sweetness of God: Preaching for Radical Obedience
26/02/1998 Duration: 56minPastors much preach the beauty of holiness to awaken contrition over lack of holiness. Preaching beauty begets contrition which begets radical obedience.
The Supremacy and Sweetness of God: How Not to Blaspheme God
25/02/1998 Duration: 51minUnless preachers herald the majesties of our Maker, we won’t give our people anything more than they can get anywhere else.
The Supremacy and Sweetness of God: Discussion Luncheon
25/02/1998 Duration: 01h23minWhat should you do if you’re in church and you don’t feel like praising God? How should pastors deal with particular sins from the pulpit?
The Supremacy and Sweetness of God: Community Worship Service
24/02/1998 Duration: 34minPreaching on a Sunday morning isn’t simply a lecture that explains a text or topic. Life-changing preaching is exposition that’s driven by and results in exultation in Christ.
Take Care How You Listen! Part 2
22/02/1998 Duration: 43min10 ways to prepare yourself to hear Sunday's sermon.
Take Care How You Listen! Part 1
15/02/1998 Duration: 41minThere are four ways to hear a sermon, but only one of them leads to life.
The Final Price of Showing the Glory of Love
11/02/1998 Duration: 33minThe gospel will continue to advance far and wide, but not without God’s people suffering with their Savior along the way.
You Must All Become Hedonists
11/02/1998 Duration: 50minIf you want your life to count for what matters most, then your highest calling in all of life is to relentlessly pursue your joy in God.
God Is Glorified When Christ Is Gain
10/02/1998 Duration: 19minThe task of missions is to spread far and wide the most awesome truth the world over: we glorify God truly when he satisfies us fully.
How Not to Serve God in Going and Sending
10/02/1998 Duration: 49minThe only way to serve God and avoid the debtor’s ethic is to serve in the strength he supplies by calling upon him in our needs and trusting in his all-sufficient power to help us.
God's Passion for His Global Glory
09/02/1998 Duration: 25minGod’s goal in all that he does is to uphold the fame and glory of his name. And that’s really good news for people made in his image.
The Place of Preaching in Worship
08/02/1998 Duration: 38minWhy is the proclamation of the Word so prominent in corporate worship?