John Piper is founder and teacher of; he is author of more than 50 books and travels regularly to preach and teach. New messages are posted to this podcast as they become available. Pipers sermons, books, articles, and more are available free of charge at We want people everywhere to understand and embrace the truth that God is most glorified in us, when we are most satisfied in him.
Becoming All Things to All Men to Save Some
18/02/1996 Duration: 36minUntil the wrath of God figures as largely in our worldview as it did for Paul, we will not have the passion for evangelism that he had.
The Providence of God
14/02/1996 Duration: 01h10minJohn Piper | God will have his way in the lives of his people and across the globe. And he will use our prayers to accomplish precisely what he wills.
Walk in Wisdom: Seize the Moment
11/02/1996 Duration: 42minWisdom is the use of knowledge to reach worthy goals, such as winning outsiders to Christ.
The Providence of God
07/02/1996 Duration: 01h14minJohn Piper | The providence of God is a most practical doctrine in ordering our lives and living by faith.
God's Purpose for Jacob and Bethlehem
04/02/1996 Duration: 29minEveryone we lead to Christ is a fulfillment of the promise, "I am God Almighty; be fruitful and multiply."
Martin Luther: Lessons from His Life and Labor
30/01/1996 Duration: 01h19minFive hundred years later, we still feel the effects of Luther’s life and labor. Pastors today can learn from his devotion to the church and his rigorous, heartfelt study.
The Providence of God
24/01/1996 Duration: 01h07minJohn Piper | In order to understand God’s undisputed providence and sovereignty, we need to see that Scripture presents God as having both a sovereign will and a moral will.
Challenging the Church and Culture with Truth
21/01/1996 Duration: 46minBelieving in the supremacy of God leads us to believe in the existence of absolute truth.
Racial Reconciliation
14/01/1996 Duration: 46minLet us be the salt and the light of our hostile and fearful society with courageous acts of inter-racial kindness and respect.
The Providence of God
10/01/1996 Duration: 01h07minJohn Piper | God reigns supremely over the heart of every man and woman. But that doesn’t mean he’s just a puppet master pulling our strings.
Prayer Changes People’s Wills
07/01/1996 Duration: 42minDon’t neglect the amazing influence you have in the world through prayer.
Incentives to Strive in Prayer
31/12/1995 Duration: 41minGod calls us from time to time, and some of us as a kind of vocation, to strive—to struggle, and wrestle, and persist, and prevail in prayer.
The Son of Man Came to Give His Life a Ransom for Many
24/12/1995 Duration: 36minWere you ransomed when Christ died? Are you still under the guilt and power of sin when you might be free?
The Son of Man Came to Serve
17/12/1995 Duration: 35minAt the end of this season, receive the best present imaginable: Jesus giving himself to die for you and serve you.
Good News to the Poor
10/12/1995 Duration: 33minThe fact that Jesus was born to a poor couple in a cow stall tells us something about the way God meant to reach the world.
The Providence of God
06/12/1995 Duration: 01h10minJohn Piper | The heart of a king or a president or a ruler is nothing but a stream of water in God’s hands. The Lord turns it wherever he wills.
Diversity in God-Centered Worship
03/12/1995 Duration: 34minWhile we are diverse in what helps us connect with God, the abiding foundation of our corporate worship is always centered on God through the Word.
Urban-Suburban Partnership
26/11/1995 Duration: 41minOur mission is to spread a passion for the supremacy of God in everything, including choosing where we live.
The Value of Relationships
19/11/1995 Duration: 30minAll Christian relationships have this as their goal: to help each other stay satisfied in God.
The Providence of God
15/11/1995 Duration: 01h03minJohn Piper | God is always doing more than any of us can see, including ruling and reigning over the affairs of every nation and ever people group on the earth.