A podcast where nerds geek out at the intersection of pop culture and academia. Weekly television discussions interspersed with bigger smarter panels on various nerdy topics. Regular hosts Dana and Marc.
Episode Seven - Brexit Broke It
08/07/2016 Duration: 31minMarc and Dana take on Brexit, the European Union, corporate media driven misinformation, normalizing narratives, and right-wing science fiction dystopias. (Apologies from Dana for the echo; she's moving soon and her recording space is empty.)
Episode Six - Civil Wars Are Surprisingly Meh?
01/07/2016 Duration: 25minMarc and Dana are back for the summer! But first we felt like we needed to go back and talk about Civil War which has no depth. Boo. We also talk about comics, Star Trek movies, and stuff. Bonus fun, the episode of Vidiots Video Store Show about Civil War is here:
Episode Five - The Blessedly Ended Third Season of Agents of SHIELD
06/06/2016 Duration: 01h10minDana and Marc talk way too long about crap seasons, comics, mainstream-Whedon, continuity and world-building, sci-fi science, cancelled shows, and some future theories.
Episode Four - Agents Of SHIELD 3x18 A Singular Singularity
01/06/2016 Duration: 33minDana and Marc finally return to their Agents of SHIELD commentaries in what turns into an unofficial FitzSimmons special discussing 3x18 "The Singularity." Dana alternately: shouts, beats pillows, squees, cries, and generally loses her shit. Marc amusedly spurs her on.
Panel Zero - Batman v. Superman SUX
08/05/2016 Duration: 01h09minIn the first official (test) Nerds Conferred Panel, Dana and Marc are joined by Aram and Will to discuss Batman v. Superman's miserable failures touching on DC Comics canon, squandered narrative possibilities, franchise-building fail, and the political implications of superheroes. WE PROFUSELY APOLOGIZE FOR THE AUDIO QUALITY. This was a logistical test.
Episode Three - Agents Of SHIELD 3x17 The Team and Good Things
23/04/2016 Duration: 41minMarc and Dana talk about what Agents of SHIELD does when it does good (and 3x17 "The Team" is very good), Dubsmash Wars, random film history, FITZSIMMONS, Captain America movies, and universe interconnectivity.
Episode Two - Agents Of SHIELD 3x16 Non-Miltonian Paradise Lost
14/04/2016 Duration: 29minMarc and Dana discuss Hydra factions, Women in Refrigerators, and superpowers kind of sucking. Also some Doctor Strange and Ta-Nehisi Coates' Black Panther #1. Dana breaks up with Agents of SHIELD. Marc goads her about Simmons. They both forget to talk about Milton's Paradise Lost, alas.
Episode One - Agents of SHIELD 3x15 Spacetime! Badly!
07/04/2016 Duration: 31minDana rips Agents of SHIELD 3x15 "Spacetime" to shreds while Marc mostly listens.
Episode .5 - Agents Of SHIELD 3x14
31/03/2016 Duration: 35minDana and Marc discuss Agents of SHIELD 3x14 with world-building, cult storytelling, and universe connectivity. Also sci-fi Nazis, Borg Collectives, and DC playing catchup.
Episode Zero (Matter) - Agents of SHIELD 3x13
24/03/2016 Duration: 34minLaunching from Agents of SHIELD 3x13, Marc and Dana discuss global security, spin-offs, and narrative utility. Also Agent Carter. And Hydra. And everything else.