Daily Anime Podcast

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
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Anime for the everday


  • Split-screen in Anime Part 1


    I figured there’s going to be a point where I will want to talk about split-screen in anime again, so I’m using the ‘part’ in the names so that I can do another episode like this if I felt like it. Here is the “what” use of split-screen I was referring to in GATE. Like, […]

  • Legend of the Galactic Heroes Episode 10: Jessica’s Battle


    In this episode I mumble through the episode where Yang returns to Thernusen, the place where his old military academy was, and he encounters Jessica Edwards and struggles with survivors guilt, especially when thinking through his relationship with Jessica and his best friend Jean Robert Lap. There’s also a Char’s Counterattack-esque moment in here that […]

  • Satoshi Kon: The Illusionist


    Today I a review a book. Andrew Osmond’s book on Satoshi Kon. It’s ok. But I really like Satoshi Kon. So there’s that. I also just moved and got a job that officially begins in a few days, so that means more episodes. Right click, save as to download.

  • Legend of the Galactic Heroes Episode 9: The Klopstock Incident


    This episode was awesome, got to see some more action in the Kaiser’s court from a man who opposed it and was ostracized and got to see some interesting background information on the Kaiser. There was also some hilarious looking laptops. No one likes the prince. Right click, save as to download. OP&ED Theme: 3DS […]

  • Wandering Son Vol 1 Review


    Given the recent wave of news and attention I figured that people should probably know about this manga. The property got kind of famous among, I guess you could say, a fringe group of Noitamina fans years ago and I plan on doing a proper review of the anime, but since I have it, I […]

  • Legend of the Galactic Heroes Episode 8: Cold, Clear Cybernetic Eyes


    7/2/15 will become LOGH Day and our grandchildren will celebrate by engaging in intricate space politics. — Kane's Dad (@jyareddo) July 3, 2015 Legend of the Galactic Heroes getting licensed and distributed in the United States is a pretty big piece of news in my humble opinion. It finally happened. After all these years, it […]

  • Legend of the Galactic Heroes Episode 7: The Iserlohn Invasion


    This is an episode filled with action, and it even has its own funny moments. Drunk Soldiers who have no idea what is going on when the invasion happens. The Empire for the most part is caught off-guuard Which is why they call him Miracle Yang Right click, save as to download. ED theme: ACNL […]

  • Ore Monogatari Mid-Season Review


    Today we have a special guest, Rob from the Zero Points Articulated Podcast to talk about Ore Monogatari. We talk about manliness, masculinity, and shoujo in general. Specifically, the negotiation and love of masculine characters in a genre that adores proper, manly characters, rewriting shounen in shoujo. Right click, save as to download. Op Theme: […]

  • Legend of the Galactic Heroes Episode 6: The Rosen Ritter


    This episode (of the anime) is pretty funny, I was giggling throughout a lot of it given the seriousness of the music and the laid-back attitude that Yang Wen-li had in the face of a suicide mission. I also noticed there’s a strange mechanical sound at the beginning of the episode, that’s my refrigerator, I […]

  • Legend of the Galactic Heroes Epsiode 5: The Kastrop Rebellion


    Another episode over Legend of the Galactic Heroes, this time we see the continued development of Lohengramm’s rise to power and the scheming by Phezzan in influencing the affair. There’s a lot of negotiation over nobility, with the critique of the corrupt nobles and all that. Right click, save as to download. End theme: ACNL […]

  • Legend of the Galactic Heroes Episode 4: The Empire’s Afterglow


    Here’s another installment in our episode-to-episode coverage of Legend of the Galactic Heroes. This episode establishes the backstory of Siegfried Kircheis and Reinhardt Von Lohengramm as they receive promotions from the King for their exploits at the Battle of Astate. We see Reinhardt, motivated with contempt for the decadent nobles who ask their subjects to […]

  • Legend of the Galactic Heroes Episode 3: Birth of the 13th Fleet


    Here’s another installment in our episode-to-episode coverage of the SF anime classic, Legend of the Galactic Heroes. I really do like how small both Jessica Edwards and Secretary of Defense Truniht are, the enormous stage adds to that overwhelming sense of producing, via imaginative and physical labor, the monolithic idea of the nation-state with no […]

  • Legend of the Galactic Heroes episode 2: The Astate Encounter


    We continue our episode-to-episode coverage of this classic SF anime. This episode continues with the battle where the Free Planets Alliance was getting beat by the smaller, more tactically versatile Imperial Fleet led by Lohengramm (how do you spell his name?) How will future anime historians view this event? Right click, save as to download.

  • 26 March 2015 Parasyte


    We’re back. Manga is that ho I go see every now and then. Today we talk about Parasyte the Maxim. Right click, save as to download. The opening theme is one of Jon CJG’s new tracks from the new season of Arby n the Chief that he’s working on. The ending theme is Hoshizora no […]

  • Ten Nights at Freddy’s: Paradise Lost


    5 NIGHTS AT FREDDYS 2 IS OUT. A WHOLE NEW LEVEL OF NOPE. — Sky Williams (@SkyWilliamsTho) November 11, 2014 Animal Crossing is a little too close to Five Nights at Freddy’s Right click, save as to download. I bought it on a steam sale, and I regret it. Thanks dunkey.

  • Legend of the Galactic Heroes episode 1: In the Eternal Night


    Hey y’all, today I start a new series, Legend of the Galactic Heroes, and we start with the first episode, because that’s where people start watching shows. Right click, save as to download. Look at the twp calenders I mentioned. Two different political systems. Remember what the dude from Gundam said? Isn’t this just a […]

  • 16 September 2014: To Terra


    Today, I review the 1980 film, Toward the Terra. A film that was pretty disappointing because it turns out that you kind of need more than love for a revolutionary struggle. Right click, save as to download.

  • Daily Animapocalypse: Fan Pandering Episode


    On this episode, I invite 420Weedacolypse from the blog Pokemon Day Cares to talk about some stuff I’ll never watch, read or play. (Black Butler, Dramatical Murder and Hatoful Boyfriend). Right click, save as to download.

  • Pokemon Unicorn Brotherhood Episode 4: Char


    This episode. Goddamn. It’s almost 30 minutes long. If you know all the references, then you’re a good person. This episode contains the first trainer battle with our rival and a lot of other events and dreams. Right click, save as to download.

  • PokeHypeTrain: Pokemon the Origin


    In this episode, we discuss Pokemon the Origin, an OVA that Andy just doesn’t understand. Right click, save as to download. Promos played: SSA Podcast END: Lavender Town Ghost Swag – Shofu

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