Better income, Better career, Better life. Every Wednesday London Porter interviews guests, teaches strategies, and shares research on: interviews, salary negotiation, conflict, difficult co-workers/bosses, promotions, public speaking, and more. Improve these skills, improve your life.
iblb Episode 9: London Porter - EQ | Emotional Intelligence | Bill O'Reilly and Rachel Maddow
14/06/2017 Duration: 07min -
iblb Episode 8: Cortney McDermott - TEDx Speaker: Change Starts Within You
07/06/2017 Duration: 33min -
iblb Episode 6: Carmen Bonilla - Sales, influence, & How To Ask For What Your Want
24/05/2017 Duration: 29min -
iblb Episode 5: Vinne Tatorich - No Sugar, No Grains, Better Work, Better Brain
17/05/2017 Duration: 23min -
iblb Episode 3: Francis Piche - The 'How To' Resilience Element at Work and in Life
03/05/2017 Duration: 29min -
iblb Episode 2: Nicole McMiller The Myth of Medical Device and Pharmaceutical Sales
26/04/2017 Duration: 19min -