Every Saturday and Sunday Morning join Peter Watts for the Alberta Morning News. Peter has a look at whats happening in our city, province and country with a variety of guests. Its informative, entertaining and maybe a laugh along the way. The news center helps round out this show with all the news, sports, weather and traffic. The topics are stimulating and will help you get your day started on the weekend.
Save The Whale
11/08/2018 Duration: 09minMichael Milstein from the National Oceanographic & Atmospheric Administration in Portland Oregon, speaks about an international effort to save an ailing killer whale.
CAFTA & Trade
11/08/2018 Duration: 08minBrian Innes, chair of the Canadian Agri-Food Trade Alliance, speaks about the need to get trade deals completed and operational.
barry ehlert
06/08/2018 Duration: 08minA progress report on Mickelson National Golf Club with Windmill Golf President, Barry Ehlert.
shirley puttock
06/08/2018 Duration: 07minShirley Puttock of the Foothills Bouys & Girls Club speaks about a grant from the Jumpstart program that will help the club with its work on behalf of young people in southern Alberta.
rick tofani
06/08/2018 Duration: 07minRick Tofani of SAIT speaks about new technology that will allow college researchers to continue their work on steam generation.
paige towler
06/08/2018 Duration: 07minPaige Towler, associate editor of National Geographic Kids Books, on a new edition of weird facts about Canada.
chris buttigieg
06/08/2018 Duration: 08minChris Buttigieg of BMO Wealth Management, speaks about the :GIG economy.
angus watt
06/08/2018 Duration: 07minWealth management advisor, Angus Watt, speaks about the current state of Alberta's oil and gas industry.
christal loewen
06/08/2018 Duration: 05minChrista Loewen of Global human rights forum speaks about this year's event which begins on Tuesday in Calgary.
kelly fraser
06/08/2018 Duration: 07minKelly Fraser, vice-chair of the Alberta Beef Producers, on a number of topics related to the livestock industry.
Single Parent Travel
05/08/2018 Duration: 07minAMA Travel's Roland Van Meurs speaks about the hospitality industry's interest in single parent travel.
CMHC Report
05/08/2018 Duration: 08minCMHC analyst, Lai Sing Louie, speaks about the latest assessment of mortgage and credit risk for Albertans.
Invictus Athletes
05/08/2018 Duration: 08minCavell Simmonds spent 35 years in the Canadian military. Now she's training to be an athlete at this fall's Invictus Games.
Indigenous Rehabilitation
05/08/2018 Duration: 07minAllen Benson from the Native Counseling Services of Alberta speaks about the challenges of dealing with Indigenous inmates in Canada's corrections system.
Parched Land
05/08/2018 Duration: 09minUniversity of Calgary's Mary-Ellen Tyler, speaks about new research she is doing on the challenges of drought in southern Alberta.
Farm Checkoff Fees
05/08/2018 Duration: 06minKevin Bender, chair of the Alberta Wheat Commission, comments on a decision by the Canadian Grain Commission not to return excessive fees to producers.
Opioid Artists
04/08/2018 Duration: 08minA unique arts project created by those who suffer from opioid issues is discussed here with project co-ordinator, Brianna Willey.
Milk River Grasslands
04/08/2018 Duration: 06minCliff Wallis of the Alberta Wilderness Association speaks about the need to preserve rapidly vanishing grasslands in southern Alberta from the ravages of development.
Bankers & Entrepreneurs
04/08/2018 Duration: 07minMichael Denham from the Business Development Bank speaks about dealing with entrepreneurs.
dave beeson
30/07/2018 Duration: 10minBC realtor broker, Dave Beeson, speaks about the state of the recreational property market in the wake of the potential imposition of a special levy by the provincial government.