Murder and the paranormal finally meet! Grab your wine and milkshakes and join us every Sunday for some chilling ghost stories and downright terrifying true crime stories. The world's a scary place. And that's why we drink!
E372 A Trash Nap and a Clumsy Girl Ghost
24/03/2024 Duration: 02h25minIt's episode 372: we've done some soul searching and we just don't like hot tomatoes, OK?! This week Em brings us creepy tales from King's Tavern in Natchez, Mississippi, which may involve some "light" possession. Then Christine covers the gut-wrenching case of the murder of Seath Jackson. And don't forget your weekly reminder to drink some water, you thirsty little rats... and that's why we drink! Milwaukee! You're our only On the Rocks show left with tickets available! Come join us in one of our favorite places - get your tickets at Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
E371 Warnings About File Organizing and Smooth Coffee Shop Compliments
17/03/2024 Duration: 02h47minIt's episode 371 and we're wishing you a happy belated Leap Day! We celebrate privately, not necessarily by leaping around, though. This week Em brings us a doozy of a creepy woo-woo cult in the Twin Flames Ascension School, as well as the background on soul mates and twin flames in general. Then Christine covers an incredible story of survival in the case of Holly K. Dunn. And join us on Patreon if you want to see us attempt to be psychic... and that's why we drink! Don't miss our very last few On the Rocks live shows! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
E370 Therapy Book Club and Satan's Church Fonts
10/03/2024 Duration: 02h27minIt's episode 370, welcome to our book report! Tune in this week to hear if either of us is psychic. We also have some stories for you: First Em takes us through the lore of the Rougarou and the origins of the werewolf as we know them today. Then Christine covers the wild and unsettling case of the murderer Malcolm Naden, one of Australia's most wanted men. And is Clifford the Big Red Dog just a dirty sinner who refused to tithe? ...and that's why we drink! We're almost to the end of our On the Rocks tour! Don't miss our last few shows ever of this very special location. Only a few shows have tickets left! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
E369 Frankenstein's Monster's Ghost and Grunge Justice
03/03/2024 Duration: 02h15minIt's episode 369, but, wait, what episode is it again? We need a gentle reminder. This week Em inducts us into the lifestyles of the rich, the famous and the haunted with a story of the infamous Dakota apartment building in New York City. Then Christine pays lovely tribute to a true punk legend gone too soon, Mia Zapata of the Gits. And show us a satanist we wouldn't want to hang out with... and that's why we drink! We're in the home stretch of our On the Rocks tour! Don't miss the last live shows of this tour, get your tickets at Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Listener Stories: Vol. 89
01/03/2024 Duration: 01h10minWe're bringing new meaning to "March Madness" this month with Trevin and Amanda from Live, Laugh, Larceny! They teach us how to live in the petty atmosphere with our fingers on the petty pulse and we make them read stories about murder. Together we're diving into stories about psychopomps, flower shop orders from a murderer and the Duggar cult to name just a few. And don't forget to feed your escort to the underworld aka your favorite pet... and that's why we drink! Check out Trevin and Amanda on their podcast Live, Laugh, Larceny! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
E368 Whodunnit Hauntings and Three Lollipops in a Trench Coat
25/02/2024 Duration: 01h54minEpisode 368 is here and you would tell us if we looked like corpses, wouldn't you? First Em brings us to 1600s England for the Haunting of Isabell Binnington who may or may not be Christine in a former life. Then Christine covers the former cold case of Sharron Prior. And you know what we always say, one man’s plate is another woman’s sixteen shovels… and that’s why we drink! Don't miss the last few shows ever of our On the Rocks tour! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
E367 Millennial Road Signs and Yappuccinos
18/02/2024 Duration: 02h25minIt's episode 367 and we're ready to flabber your gasts! First Em takes us down a wild road of near death experiences and future predictions with the story of the Baba Vanga Prophecies. Then Christine covers the heartbreaking and confounding case of Natalia Grace. We're just sitting here talking about Cream of Wheat in a bar like any normal man... and that's why we drink! Don't miss our last On the Rocks live shows! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
E366 Troll Butter and Moon Spit
11/02/2024 Duration: 02h09minIt's Episode 366 and we're fresh off our Salt Lake City and Denver adventures! Today Em brings us to Kentucky for the absolutely bananagrams story of the Kentucky Meat Shower aka the Kentucky Meat Storm aka Carnal Rain and all the wild theories about what caused it. Then Christine finishes out her two-parter on William Heirens aka the Lipstick Killer. And did we just open a mocktail speakeasy?? ...and that's why we drink (mocktails)! Don't miss our last round of On the Rocks live shows! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
E365 Podcasting in Dog Years and Collecting Crows Feet
04/02/2024 Duration: 01h55minIt's episode 365 and we're one year old in dog years! After seven years of podcasting we've finally reached one entire year's worth of full episodes. It also just happens to coincide with Gio's Gotcha Day! In honor of all these self-imposed holidays, we've got some wild stories for you today. First Em takes us to 1800s Wisconsin for the strange Nodolf Incident, but not before taking us on a deep dive into the history of hillside letters. Then Christine starts a two-parter in the infamous case of the Lipstick Killer. And is this the reprise of the hoop and stick? ...and that's why we drink! Don't miss our very last On the Rocks live shows! Get your tickets to join us at Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Listener Stories: Vol. 88
01/02/2024 Duration: 01h01minHappy February, boozers and shakers! Join us for a lovely romp down food poisoning lane. We were hoping to leave potty problems in the past but not before we hear from a listener who may have hallucinated their own toilet exorcism. We also have some sweet and unnerving stories related to Third Man Syndrome and even a creepy Valentine's Day tribute. Oh, and don't forget the debilitating fear of elevators... and that's why we drink! Tickets are selling fast for our last round of On the Rocks live shows! Don't miss out - Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
E364 A Boulder of Salt and a Shot Put of Horseradish
28/01/2024 Duration: 02h11minIt's episode 364 and we're on our backstage, gold star behavior! This week Em takes us to the intersection of the Bible and Corn Belts for their story on Acid Bridge and the "Seven Gates of Hell". Then Christine brings us the star studded, unsolved mystery of Natalie Wood's death. And did we just invent for vegetables? ...and that's why we drink!Don't miss out on the very last run of our On the Rocks live show. Get your tickets at Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
E363 A Failed Handstand and an Infestation of Prairie Dogs
21/01/2024 Duration: 01h13minIt's episode 363 and we're recovering from an infestation of prairie dogs, we mean some kerfuffles on tour that may or may not have included food poisoning and lost laptops... but we couldn't leave you high and dry today so we're digging into the archives of our live show audio to bring you a very special episode from Denver where we not only weathered altitude sickness but we also braved a bomb cyclone! First Em tells the ghostly history and tales of Denver's famous Cheesman Park. Then Christine covers a story that fuels our nightmares, the Spider Man of Denver aka Theodore Edward Coneys, a mushroom colored perpetrator. We can't wait to see you again next week, Denver! ...and that's why we drink! Come join us for our last run of the On the Rocks tour! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
E362 An Identi-Tea Crisis and Wobbly Mountain
14/01/2024 Duration: 02h41minIt's episode 362 and our guts have left the building because we're going back on tour! But don't worry, we'll make an appointment with Dr. Leona to fix us. This week Em brings us to Vermont for the mystery of the Bennington Triangle, its multiple missing persons cases, and the wild theories behind them. Then Christine covers the terrifying case of Harvey Glatman aka the Glamour Girl Slayer aka the Lonely Hearts Killer and the woman who stopped him. And are we writing our needlepoint goodbye letters?...and that's why we drink! We are back on tour! Don't miss out on the very last run of our On the Rocks live show. Get your tickets at Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
E361 Troll Hole To-Go and Naming our ADHD
07/01/2024 Duration: 02h03minIt's episode 361 and we're not naming our ADHD, you are! Ok, we all are. This week Em takes us into the world of the exorcism of Clarita Villanueva and the nuances that mark the line between paranormal experience and mental health crisis. Then Christine covers the recent 2022 murder of Brenda Powell, a sad and perplexing story that has us revisiting why we drink this week. And who didn't have a childhood bossy streak to overcompensate for our parents' divorces... and that's why we drink! We're going back on tour THIS WEEK! Don't miss us in Philly, DC and Baltimore to kick off the very last run of our On the Rocks live show. Get your tickets at Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Listener Stories: Vol. 87
01/01/2024 Duration: 01h05minIt's January and we'd like to welcome everyone to the Schiefer Schulz Manor! Wow, what an intro to the year we have in this batch of stories from you, dear listeners. Not only do we check in on Christine's trash pile du jour, but we hear from a volcano-ologist, a time traveling Toyota owner, and someone who worked on Project Blue Book! We also contemplate the benefits of gender neutral pronouns used for anonymity... and that's why we drink! We're going back on tour so soon! Join us in Philly, DC, Baltimore, Salt Lake City and Denver this January and get your tickets at Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
E360 A Vampiric Stage Lipstick and a Nap Episode
31/12/2023 Duration: 01h53minLet's get one thing straight today, babe, your eardrum is perforated. Episode 360 brings some big updates on Christine's ears and our astral realm hang outs! First Em takes us on a journey into the world of Third Man Syndrome. Then Christine covers the tragic but ultimately heartwarming case of the Clouse family murders. And does the little drummer boy drum too loudly for Christine's injured ears? ...and that's why we drink! We can't wait to see y'all on tour so soon! Get your tickets for our On the Rocks live show at Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
E359 Secret Society Bullshit and Paranormal Rejection at the Front Desk
24/12/2023 Duration: 02h23minIt's episode 359 and we've gotten into crypto... cryptozoology that is! This week Em takes us to Norwich, England to cover the ghosts of the Augustine Steward House. Then Christine brings us the heavy part two of her Dennis Rader series. And did we say "no comment"? We actually mean "here's our comment"... and that's why we drink! Come on tour with us this January! Get your tickets to the very last leg of the On the Rocks live show at Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
E358 The Frenaissance and the Poopmonger
17/12/2023 Duration: 03h04minIt's episode 358 and despite all of our technical difficulties our husks can still podcast with the best of them! This week Em takes us into the claustrophobic, poop-filled streets of Mary King's Close. Then Christine brings us a big part one in the story of Dennis Rader (also known as the serial killer BTK, but since he gave himself that nickname, we're trying not to give him the satisfaction of using it all that often). Is this the equivalent of a true crime chain email? ...and that's why we drink! Come join us back on tour this coming January! Get your tickets at Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
E357 A Millennial Pause and a Scythe Tsunami
10/12/2023 Duration: 02h25minWelcome to episode 357 where we're definitely not threatened by all of Em's healthy developments... This week Em takes us on another 101 deep dive, this time into the world of psychopomps, specifically the lore of the Grim Reaper. Then Christine covers the mind-bending tale of the disappearance of Steven Kubacki. And is it really just all about the psychopomps we meet along the way? ...and that's why we drink! Don't miss us back on tour this winter and spring with the last round of our On the Rocks live show! Get your tickets at Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
E356 Spam Artists and Interplanetary Gossip
03/12/2023 Duration: 02h41minIt's episode 356 and on Wednesdays we get the middle finger by text message! Tune in this week for some prank call talk as well as some creepy stories. First Em brings us a 101 class on mirrors - are they both an entrance and a dead end at the same time? Then Christine covers the heartbreaking and mysterious case of Darlie Routier. And for our next trick... and that's why we drink! Come join us on tour in 2024! Get your tickets at Learn more about your ad choices. Visit