React Native Radio Podcast
RNR 125: Performance with Anna Doubkovar
09/07/2019 Duration: 43minSponsors Radio Infinite Red TripleByte offers a $1000 signing bonus CacheFly Panel Charles Max Wood Joined by Special Guest: Anna Doubkovar Summary Anna Doubkovar, a developer at Hive, shares her experience switching to React Native from React. Anna and Charles Max Wood discuss the reusability when moving from React to React Native. Anna talks about using React Native Web. Charles asks Anna about performance, how they measure performance and what kinds of performance changes they are making to their apps. Anna shares how helpful users are in discovering performance problems in mobile apps. Anna and Charles discuss the benefits of working with React Native and give tips for those getting started in React Native. Links Picks Charles Max Wood: Soccer Kingdoms of Heckfire Youtube Channel
RNR 124: Testing Libraries with Michał Pierzchała
02/07/2019 Duration: 51minSponsors Radio Infinite Red TripleByte offers a $1000 signing bonus CacheFly Panel Charles Max Wood Joined by Special Guest: Michał Pierzchała Summary Michał Pierzchała, a member of the JestJS core team, joins Charles Max Wood to discuss the React Native Testing Library. Michał explains why his team built the library and the problems they were experiencing with Enzyme. Enzyme and the React Native Testing Library are compared and the pro’s and con’s of using each is considered. Charles asks Michał about writing tests and pulling the library into a project. The panel discusses JestJS; Michał explains what he does for the JestJS team. Michał shares what the teams have in store for both JestJS and the React Native Testing Library. The episode ends with a discussion about React Native CLI. Links https://
RNR 123: Remote Work with Wouter Van den Broek
21/05/2019 Duration: 52minSponsors: Radio Infinite Red TripleByte offers a $1000 signing bonus CacheFly Panel Nader Dabit Spencer Carli Peter Piekarczyk Joined by Special Guest: Wouter Van den Broek Summary Wouter Van den Broek explains the difference between a distributed team and working remote. The panel discusses what to do when you receive messages in your off hours. They share the benefits of working remotely for both the company and the developer. Wouter gives advice for companies who want to adopt a remote working model; including tips for onboarding, communication, and having a relationship with remote employees. The panel discusses the negatives of remote work and having remote workers, they also come up with some ideas to address these negatives. The episode ends with a discussion on productivity in an office versus at home and digital nomads. Links Picks Spencer Carli: Peter P
RNR 122: React Native Animations feat. Catalin Miron
30/04/2019 Duration: 28minSponsors: Radio Infinite Red TripleByte offers a $1000 signing bonus Panel: Nader Dabit Special Guest: Catalin Miron In today’s episode of the React Native Radio Podcast, the panel talks with Catalin Miron who is currently working for Skype. Catalin uses React and React Native and talks with Nader Dabit about past and current projects. Check out today’s episode to hear all the details! Topics and Questions Discussed: 0:11 – Nader welcome everyone and mentions today’s guest, Catalin Miron! 0:31 – Nader and guest have met through a past conference. 0:54 – The topics of today’s episode is mentioned here. 1:09 – Nader: Can you give us your background, please? 1:15 – Guest gives his background. He talks about React, Swift, Hootsuite, Skype, and other topics. 2:20 – Nader: Do you work for Microsoft? 2:30 – Guest: I have been under the benefits of both because Skype is under Microsoft. 3:01 – Nader: It’s cool because we are using Skype now! 3:29 – Nader: Are you guys using React XP or is it pure React Native?
121 - React Native Open Source & the React Native Community feat. Christoph Nakazawa
23/04/2019 Duration: 46minChristoph Nakazawa, Engineering Manager at Facebook, joins the show to talk about the current state of React Native.
120 - Fastlane + React Native feat. Eli Perkins
15/04/2019 Duration: 35minEli Perkins gives us the down & dirty on Fastlane Tools with React Native. Fastlane is a project that provides an easier way to build and release mobile apps.
119 - Shipping Your React Native App to the Store feat. Ryan Stelly, Cindy Li, & Shyam Komirishetty
08/04/2019 Duration: 38minThe team from Rally Health joins us to talk about what happens when you're finished coding & ready to get your app into your customers hands.
118 - MongoDB Atlas as a Managed Database for React Native feat. Michael Lynn and Drew Dipalma
21/03/2019 Duration: 36minMichael Lynn and Drew Dipalma join us to talk about a new way to manage your data using MongoDB Atlas, a managed database from MongoDB.
116 - React Native Testing feat. Josh Justice of Big Nerd Ranch
21/02/2019 Duration: 56minJosh Justice joins us to talk about testing React Native. We discuss everything from unit testing, to integration & end-to-end testing.
115 - Facebook Marketplace Team feat. Konstantin Raev & Blair Vanderhoof
03/02/2019 Duration: 47minThe team from Facebook Marketplace joins us to talk about the challenges behind building one of the largest React Native apps in production in the world.
114 - React Native at Expo feat. Evan Bacon
13/01/2019 Duration: 43minEvan Bacons comes on the show to talk about everything from AR Core to Legos on this episode of React Native Radio.
113 - Progressive Web Apps feat. Eric Elliott
31/12/2018 Duration: 56minEric Elliot, the author of Programming JavaScript Applications and Composing Software, joins us to discuss building modern Progroessive Web Apps (PWAs).
112 - Hasura feat. Tanmai Gopal and Rishichandra Wawhal
17/12/2018 Duration: 31minThe team from Hasura join us to talk about building GraphQL APIs for React Native applications using Hasura & why you may want to use GraphQL for a mobile application.
111 - React Native Fluid Transitions & React Navigation feat. Christian Falch & Eric Vicenti
17/12/2018 Duration: 41minChristian Falch & Eric Vicenti join the show to discuss in depth Fluid Transitions & React Navigation.
110 - Building AR & VR with React Native feat. Vladimir Novick
12/11/2018 Duration: 43minVladimir Novick joins us to talk about how React & React Native developers can use their existing skillset to begin creating AR & VR Applications.
109 - WatermelonDB with Radek Pietruszewski
31/10/2018 Duration: 35minWatermelonDB is a next-gen database for powerful React and React Native apps. Today we're joined by the author of WatermelonDB, Radek Pietruszewski, to talk about how it works & the benefits of using the database.
108 - Reanimated, React Native Screens & More feat. Krzysztof Magiera of Software Mansion
17/10/2018 Duration: 53minOpen source guru Krzystof Megiera of Software Mansion joins the show to discuss Reanimated, React Native Screens, & all of the other cool stuff he's been working on.
107 - React Native at Airbnb & Working at Tonal feat. Gabriel Peal
08/10/2018 Duration: 47minGabriel joins us to talk about Flutter, React Native, & hist current work at Tonal.
106- Reason feat. Jared Forsyth
24/09/2018 Duration: 46minJared Forsyth joins us to discuss Reason & how it's being used by developers to build React Native applications.
105 - Navigation++ feat. Eric Vicenti
17/09/2018 Duration: 52minReact Native veteran Eric Vicenti joins the show to talk about how navigation in React Native has change & improved over the years as well as what projects he is currently working on.