React Native Radio

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 240:07:03
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React Native Radio Podcast


  • RNR 226 - GraphQL in React Native

    11/02/2022 Duration: 45min

    Robin’s back! And Eve Porcello, author of Learning React and Learning GraphQL, joins us to talk GraphQL in React NativeThis episode brought to you by Infinite Red! Infinite Red is a premier React Native design and development agency located in the USA. With five years of React Native experience and deep roots in the React Native community (hosts of Chain React and the React Native Newsletter), Infinite Red is the best choice for your next React Native app.Helpful Links:Learning ReactLearning GraphQLApollo StudioGraphiQLMoon HasuraApollo odysseyConnect With Us!React Native Radio - @ReactNativeRdioEve - @eveporcelloJamon: @jamonholmgrenMazen - @mazenchamiRobin -  @robin_heinze

  • RNR 225 - Behind Our Decision to Cancel Chain React 2022

    01/02/2022 Duration: 31min

    We get the band together — Todd, Gant, and Jamon, along with Mazen as co-host, to discuss our decision about Chain React 2022 and some intriguing alternatives.This episode brought to you by Infinite Red! Infinite Red is a premier React Native design and development agency located in the USA. With five years of React Native experience and deep roots in the React Native community (hosts of Chain React and the React Native Newsletter), Infinite Red is the best choice for your next React Native app.Connect With Us!React Native Radio - @ReactNativeRdioGant - @GantLabordeJamon - @jamonholmgrenMazen - @mazenchamiTodd - @twerth 

  • RNR 224 - React Native Web on Next.js with Fernando Rojo

    20/01/2022 Duration: 37min

    In this episode, Mazen and Jon Major are joined by Fernando Rojo, Co-Founder and CTO at BeatGig, to discuss the ins and outs of working with React Native Web on Next.js.This episode brought to you by Infinite Red! Infinite Red is a premier React Native design and development agency located in the USA. With five years of React Native experience and deep roots in the React Native community (hosts of Chain React and the React Native Newsletter), Infinite Red is the best choice for your next React Native app.Helpful Links:PATOSBeatGigFernando's next.js Conf 2021  talk about React Native  + Next.jsResources With Us!React Native Radio - @ReactNativeRdioFernando - @FernandoTheRojoJon Major -  @jonmajorcMazen - @mazenchami

  • RNR 223 - What's the difference between React.js and React Native?

    07/01/2022 Duration: 42min

    In this episode, Mark Rickert joins the show again to talk with Jamon and Mazen about the differences between React.js and React Native.This episode brought to you by Infinite Red! Infinite Red is a premier React Native design and development agency located in the USA. With five years of React Native experience and deep roots in the React Native community (hosts of Chain React and the React Native Newsletter), Infinite Red is the best choice for your next React Native app.Helpful Links:ReactJS vs React Native: A Comparative AnalysisRNR 188: Styling with StyleConnect With Us!React Native Radio: @ReactNativeRdioJamon - @jamonholmgrenMark -  @markrickertMazen - @mazenchami

  • RNR 222 - The New Architecture with Kevin Gozali from the RN core team

    17/12/2021 Duration: 44min

    Meta engineering manager Kevin Gozali joins the show to talk about the React Native new architecture -- TurboModules, Fabric, codegen, and whether React Native developers need to go learn C++!This episode brought to you by Infinite Red! Infinite Red is a premier React Native design and development agency located in the USA. With five years of React Native experience and deep roots in the React Native community (hosts of Chain React and the React Native Newsletter), Infinite Red is the best choice for your next React Native app.Helpful Links:Blog post on Hermes being the default for RNConnect With Us!React Native Radio: @ReactNativeRdioJamon - @jamonholmgrenJon Major - @jonmajorcKevin - @fkgozaliMazen - @mazenchami

  • RNR 221 - React Native Colo Loco

    13/12/2021 Duration: 32min

    Mazen and Jon Major quiz Jamon on his new library, react-native-colo-loco, which is a library that lets you colocate your native components with your JSX/TSX components.This episode brought to you by Infinite Red! Infinite Red is a premier React Native design and development agency located in the USA. With five years of React Native experience and deep roots in the React Native community (hosts of Chain React and the React Native Newsletter), Infinite Red is the best choice for your next React Native app.Helpful Links:React Native Colo Loco instructional videoWeird bugConnect With Us!React Native Radio: @ReactNativeRdioJamon - @jamonholmgrenJon Major - @jonmajorcMazen - @mazenchami

  • RNR 220 - We React to News

    10/12/2021 Duration: 27min

    Jamon, Mazen, and Jon Major go over the latest news in the React Native world, including news from Expo, Native Base, and React Three Fiber! This episode brought to you by Infinite Red! Infinite Red is a premier React Native design and development agency located in the USA. With five years of React Native experience and deep roots in the React Native community (hosts of Chain React and the React Native Newsletter), Infinite Red is the best choice for your next React Native app.Helpful Links:Weird bug: On-device onPress registers as onLongPress because the device and host computer clocks are off v3React 3 FiberFaster bundler (Expo Exotic)Jamon unboxing Connect With Us!React Native Radio: @ReactNativeRdioJamon - @jamonholmgrenJon Major - @jonmajorcMazen - @mazenchami

  • RNR 219 - React Native 0.66

    24/11/2021 Duration: 25min

    In this episode, Jamon, Mazen, and Jon Major talk about what’s new with React Native 0.66, and…Sweatcoin?This episode brought to you by Infinite Red! Infinite Red is a premier React Native design and development agency located in the USA. With five years of React Native experience and deep roots in the React Native community (hosts of Chain React and the React Native Newsletter), Infinite Red is the best choice for your next React Native app.Helpful Links:Full changelogPicker (deprecated)Check out this free app — It Pays to Walk

  • RNR 218 - Performance Enhancing Drugs for your React Native app with Mark Rickert Part 2

    19/11/2021 Duration: 41min

    In the second of this two-part series, Mark Rickert joins the podcast to talk about performance-tuning your React Native apps. This episode brought to you by Infinite Red! Infinite Red is a premier React Native design and development agency located in the USA. With five years of React Native experience and deep roots in the React Native community (hosts of Chain React and the React Native Newsletter), Infinite Red is the best choice for your next React Native app.Helpful Links:useMemo & useCallbackUse React Memo WiselyDon’t overuse React useCallbackrequestAnimationFrameRedux Performance tipsInteractionManagerTurboModules and FabricReact State MuseumConnect With Us!React Native Radio: @ReactNativeRdioJamon - @jamonholmgrenJon Major - @jonmajorcMark -  @markrickertMazen - @mazenchami

  • RNR 217 - Performance Enhancing Drugs for your React Native app with Mark Rickert Part 1

    12/11/2021 Duration: 40min

    In the first of this two-part series, Mark Rickert joins the podcast to talk about performance-tuning your React Native apps. This episode brought to you by Infinite Red! Infinite Red is a premier React Native design and development agency located in the USA. With five years of React Native experience and deep roots in the React Native community (hosts of Chain React and the React Native Newsletter), Infinite Red is the best choice for your next React Native app.Helpful Links:React Native performance docsReact Native Flatlist performance tipsFlipperReactotronWhy Did You RenderExpo-optimizeReactotron’s benchmarkConnect With Us!React Native Radio: @ReactNativeRdioJamon - @jamonholmgrenJon Major - @jonmajorcMark -  @markrickert

  • RNR 216 - Creating "React Native as a Service" at DraftBit with Peter Piekarczyk

    28/10/2021 Duration: 37min

    This episode brought to you by Infinite Red! Infinite Red is a premier React Native design and development agency located in the USA. With five years of React Native experience and deep roots in the React Native community (hosts of Chain React and the React Native Newsletter), Infinite Red is the best choice for your next React Native app.Helpful Links:Draftbit ReScript Expo Y CombinatorConnect With Us!React Native Radio: @ReactNativeRdioJamon - @jamonholmgrenMazen - @mazenchamiPeter -  @peterpme

  • RNR 215 - React Native: iOS Native Components

    20/10/2021 Duration: 28min

    This episode brought to you by Infinite Red! Infinite Red is a premier React Native design and development agency located in the USA. With five years of React Native experience and deep roots in the React Native community (hosts of Chain React and the React Native Newsletter), Infinite Red is the best choice for your next React Native app.Helpful Links:Tiger King Season 2React Native vs. Native blog post by Gant LabordeJamon’s React Native Live broadcastDiffOrta’s RNEU 2019 talkOrta’s RNR 187 showConnect With Us!React Native Radio: @ReactNativeRdioJamon - @jamonholmgrenJon Major - @jonmajorcMazen - @mazenchami

  • RNR 214 - React Native: Android Native Components

    14/10/2021 Duration: 38min

    This episode brought to you by Infinite Red! Infinite Red is a premier React Native design and development agency located in the USA. With five years of React Native experience and deep roots in the React Native community (hosts of Chain React and the React Native Newsletter), Infinite Red is the best choice for your next React Native app.Helpful Links:Jamon’s React Native Live broadcast:Part 1Part 2RepoReact Native vs. Native blog post by Gant LabordeCreate React Native ModuleReact Native Module InitReact Native Builder BobSetting up your machine for React NativeInstalling React Native on WindowsRNR 178Connect With Us!React Native Radio: @ReactNativeRdioJamon - @jamonholmgrenJon Major - @jonmajorcMazen - @mazenchami

  • RNR 213 - We React to News

    23/09/2021 Duration: 26min

    Jamon, Jon Major, Mazen, and Harris talk about the latest React Native news, including some recent React Native announcements and Expo news.This episode brought to you by Infinite Red! Infinite Red is a premier React Native design and development agency located in the USA. With five years of React Native experience and deep roots in the React Native community (hosts of Chain React and the React Native Newsletter), Infinite Red is the best choice for your next React Native app.Helpful Links:Blog post for preparing your app for iOS 15 and Android 12Blog post on React Natives many platform vision.Mo Gorhom's blog post on React Native Bottom Sheet v4Expo's announcement about async bundle loadingConnect With Us!React Native Radio: @ReactNativeRdioHarris - @nomadicspoonJamon - @jamonholmgrenJon Major - @jonmajorcMazen - @mazenchami

  • RNR 212 - React Native EU Roundup

    16/09/2021 Duration: 42min

    React Native EU 2021 was fully online and we watched every talk! Jamon, Robin, and Mazen talk about what piqued their interest and what you should know about this React Native focused conference. Also: Jamon shows off his sound bite editing skill…. This episode brought to you by Infinite Red! Infinite Red is a premier React Native design and development agency located in the USA. With five years of React Native experience and deep roots in the React Native community (hosts of Chain React and the React Native Newsletter), Infinite Red is the best choice for your next React Native app.Connect With Us!React Native Radio: @ReactNativeRdioJamon - @jamonholmgrenRobin - @robin_heinzeMazen - @mazenchami

  • RNR 211 - Transitioning from Native to React Native at Coinbase

    08/09/2021 Duration: 52min

    Coinbase’s Brent Walter and Jacob Thornton join the show today to talk about Coinbase’s switch from native to React Native, and discuss how important it is to get buy-in. Great show to listen to if you’re considering this switch too! This episode brought to you by Infinite Red! Infinite Red is a premier React Native design and development agency located in the USA. With five years of React Native experience and deep roots in the React Native community (hosts of Chain React and the React Native Newsletter), Infinite Red is the best choice for your next React Native app.Helpful Links:Blogpost announcing Coinbase’s successful transition to React Native.Connect With Us!React Native Radio: @ReactNativeRdioBrent -  LinkedinJacob - @fatJamon - @jamonholmgrenRobin - @robin_heinzeMazen - @mazenchami

  • RNR 210 - Exploring Shopify’s Restyle with Haris Mahmood

    01/09/2021 Duration: 42min

    Jamon, Jon Major, and Mazen interview Haris Mahmood about Shopify’s “Restyle” styling system. We talk about why Restyle is TypeScript-first and how it helps scale their styles at Shopify. This episode brought to you by Infinite Red! Infinite Red is a premier React Native design and development agency located in the USA. With five years of React Native experience and deep roots in the React Native community (hosts of Chain React and the React Native Newsletter), Infinite Red is the best choice for your next React Native app.Helpful Links:RestylePolaris TokenStyled SystemShopConnect With Us!React Native Radio: @ReactNativeRdioHaris - @harisaurusJamon - @jamonholmgrenJon Major - @jonmajorcMazen - @mazenchami

  • RNR 209 - Favorite Third-Party RN Libraries

    25/08/2021 Duration: 38min

    This episode brought to you by Infinite Red! Infinite Red is a premier React Native design and development agency located in the USA. With five years of React Native experience and deep roots in the React Native community (hosts of Chain React and the React Native Newsletter), Infinite Red is the best choice for your next React Native app.Helpful Links:Awesome React Native React Native Gifted ChatReact Native ScreensVictory NativeReact Native Calendar StripConnect With Us!React Native Radio: @ReactNativeRdioJamon - @jamonholmgrenJon Major - @jonmajorcMazen - @mazenchamiRobin - @robin_heinze

  • RNR 208 - React Native 0.65

    18/08/2021 Duration: 35min

    This episode brought to you by Infinite Red! Infinite Red is a premier React Native design and development agency located in the USA. With five years of React Native experience and deep roots in the React Native community (hosts of Chain React and the React Native Newsletter), Infinite Red is the best choice for your next React Native app.Helpful Links:RootTag & RootTagContextConnect With Us!React Native Radio: @ReactNativeRdioJamon - @jamonholmgrenJon Major - @jonmajorcRobin - @robin_heinze

  • RNR 207 - We React to News

    11/08/2021 Duration: 30min

    This episode brought to you by Infinite Red! Infinite Red is a premier React Native design and development agency located in the USA. With five years of React Native experience and deep roots in the React Native community (hosts of Chain React and the React Native Newsletter), Infinite Red is the best choice for your next React Native app.Helpful Links:3D Game Programming for KidsFan mailRNR 191Expo SDK 42GenyMotion/Detox blog postTwitter post from GenyMotionTwitter post from DetoxConnect With Us!React Native Radio: @ReactNativeRdioJamon - @jamonholmgrenRobin - @robin_heinze

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