On The Objective

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 296:40:06
  • More information



Our mission is to encourage, exhort, and motivate members of the Remnant Body of Jesus Christ to play their positions, pursue their unique callings, and stand their ground in our generation. On the Objective is a network aimed at examining our world from a Biblical viewpoint and tracking significant global developments. We are engaging with our brothers and sisters in the battle for our faith, while extending shelter to those still lost so that they may come to know redemption and peace through Jesus Christ.


  • On the Objective - The Father Effect - John Finch - 10.11.2017

    11/10/2017 Duration: 49min

    Join us On the Objective as your host Steven Menking (The Amateur Society) welcomes John Finch (The Father Effect) to discuss his movie production and upcoming book about the importance of fatherhood. Forgiveness, culture, father wounds, spiritual maturity, proper parenting, and the way a Christian must look to God as our heavenly Father are all touched upon in a dynamic conversation about this critical yet unaddressed issue.The Father EffectWebsite: http://thefathereffect.com/YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/TheFatherEffect?feature=mheeFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheFatherEffectMovie/Twitter: https://twitter.com/johnpfinchOn the ObjectiveWebsite: http://ontheobjective.org/YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYWArNcoTCBRxeoTJWvcc9QSpreaker: https://www.spreaker.com/show/on-the-objectiveTwitter: https://twitter.com/ontheobjectiveEmail: ontheobjective@gmail.com

  • On the Objective - CPS, Evil, and Pedogate - Mellisa 'Honeybee' Zaccaria - 10.06.2017

    07/10/2017 Duration: 57min

    Join us On the Objective as your host Steven Menking (The Amateur Society) welcomes back Mellisa "Honeybee" Zaccaria (NAPALM) for an update on the pedogate investigations. Nothing is what it seems, and the organizations that are ostensibly created to help innocent children have been infiltrated. Mellisa discusses her upcoming documentary and how Christians must awaken as well as respond to the reality of radical evil.Mellisa ZaccariaBitChute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/honeybee/Twitter: https://twitter.com/thehoneybee_?lang=enNAPALM: https://twitter.com/NAPALM_USAPatreon: https://www.patreon.com/thehoneybeeOn the ObjectiveWebsite: http://ontheobjective.org/YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYWArNcoTCBRxeoTJWvcc9QSpreaker: https://www.spreaker.com/show/on-the-objectiveTwitter: https://twitter.com/ontheobjectiveEmail: ontheobjective@gmail.com

  • On the Objective - Remnant Canine 360 - Jill Powell - 10.04.2017

    04/10/2017 Duration: 58min

    Join us On the Objective as Steven Menking (The Amateur Society) welcomes Jill Powell (Remnant Canine 360) to discuss the new preparation company she recently co-founded. Jill discusses the importance of being able to prevent or deescalate conflict situations in times where resources are scare, supply lines are down, and emergency services can't respond in time. The flexible online video regiment offered by Remnant Canine 360 allows owners to train their dogs in obedience, scent detection, and patrol. Jill PowellRemnant Canine 360: http://www.remnantcanine360.com/On the ObjectiveWebsite: http://ontheobjective.org/YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYWArNcoTCBRxeoTJWvcc9QSpreaker: https://www.spreaker.com/show/on-the-objectiveTwitter: https://twitter.com/ontheobjectiveEmail: ontheobjective@gmail.com

  • On the Objective - What Happened To Being Prepared? - Ross Powell - 10.01.2017

    02/10/2017 Duration: 58min

    Join us On the Objective as Steven Menking (The Amateur Society) welcomes back Ross Powell (Survival 401k) to discuss the mindset required to maintain and sustain proper preparation. In light of recent disasters and other troubling events that always lurk on the horizon, what should we do to make sure that we are as ready as possible to sustain ourselves in times when the normal course of life gets disrupted? Did everyone just go back to sleep? What happened to being prepared?Ross PowellSurvival 401k: https://survival401k.com/On the ObjectiveWebsite: http://ontheobjective.org/YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYWArNcoTCBRxeoTJWvcc9QSpreaker: https://www.spreaker.com/show/on-the-objectiveTwitter: https://twitter.com/ontheobjectiveEmail: ontheobjective@gmail.com

  • On the Objective - What About The End Of The World? - 09.23.2017

    24/09/2017 Duration: 45min

    Join us On the Objective as Steven Menking (The Amateur Society) welcomes back Chris Baucom (Remnant Radio Network) to make sure that the world didn't end today like many were claiming. The discussion focuses on how Christians must press in to the Lord through prayer and the word in order to hear His voice amidst the clamor and distress of our times. God's mercy has not yet evaporated. Seek the will of the Lord and allow Him to expand your faith to bear fruit for the Kingdom and bring glory to the name of Jesus!On the ObjectiveWebsite: http://ontheobjective.org/YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYWArNcoTCBRxeoTJWvcc9QSpreaker: https://www.spreaker.com/show/on-the-objectiveTwitter: https://twitter.com/ontheobjectiveEmail: ontheobjective@gmail.com

  • On the Objective - A Time For Christian Boldness - 09.09.2017

    11/09/2017 Duration: 48min

    Join us On the Objective as Steven Menking (The Amateur Society) brings us back On the Objective after a month-long break. In this discussion, Steven speaks from the heart about the boldness that all Christians must seek the Lord for in this hour. A time of turmoil and darkness calls for the body of Christ to press in to God, to be filled with the Holy Spirit, and to be laborers for the harvest in this generation.On the ObjectiveWebsite: http://ontheobjective.org/YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYWArNcoTCBRxeoTJWvcc9QSpreaker: https://www.spreaker.com/show/on-the-objectiveTwitter: https://twitter.com/ontheobjectiveEmail: ontheobjective@gmail.com

  • On the Objective - Mozambique Missionary Update With Darren Sweeney - 08.09.2017

    09/08/2017 Duration: 46min

    Join us On the Objective as Steven Menking (The Amateur Society) interviews Darren Sweeney (One Mission Society) live from the mission field in Mozambique! Darren and his entire family have now been in Mozambique for six months and have seen God working in awesome ways. This is a candid, heartfelt conversation that discusses the realities of serving the Lord. Please consider supporting Darren, his family, and the work God is doing!Darren SweeneyFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/darren.sweeney.52Support Darren: https://www.onemissionsociety.org/give/TheSweeneysOn the ObjectiveWebsite: http://ontheobjective.org/YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYWArNcoTCBRxeoTJWvcc9QSpreaker: https://www.spreaker.com/show/on-the-objectiveTwitter: https://twitter.com/ontheobjectiveEmail: ontheobjective@gmail.com

  • On the Objective - Biblical Prophecy Unfolding With Chuck Coppes - 08.09.2017

    09/08/2017 Duration: 51min

    Join us On the Objective as your host Steven Menking (The Amateur Society) welcomes back Chuck Coppes (IDP Consulting Group) to cover the prophetic events that are unfolding in real time before our eyes. How can we trust the Bible on these matters? Where should we be focused? How should we approach disagreements in the body of Christ concerning prophetic fulfillment?Chuck CoppesWebsite: http://chuckcoppes.com/IDP Consulting Group: http://idpconsultinggroup.com/On the ObjectiveWebsite: http://ontheobjective.org/YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYWArNcoTCBRxeoTJWvcc9QSpreaker: https://www.spreaker.com/show/on-the-objectiveTwitter: https://twitter.com/ontheobjectiveEmail: ontheobjective@gmail.com

  • On the Objective - Plentiful Harvest, Few Laborers With Coach Dave Daubenmire - 08.08.2017

    08/08/2017 Duration: 56min

    Join us On the Objective as your host Steven Menking (The Amateur Society) welcomes back Coach Dave Daubenmire (Salt and Light Brigade | Coach Dave Live) to discuss the current state of the American church as well as recent actions being taken to stand for God and against abortion in Louisville, Kentucky. Brothers and sisters in Christ, be encouraged, emboldened, and exhorted by this timely and powerful conversation about being a laborer for Jesus in this generation.Coach Dave LiveCoach Dave Live: https://coachdavelive.com/Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/coachdaveliveOn the ObjectiveWebsite: http://ontheobjective.org/YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYWArNcoTCBRxeoTJWvcc9QSpreaker: https://www.spreaker.com/show/on-the-objectiveTwitter: https://twitter.com/ontheobjectiveEmail: ontheobjective@gmail.com

  • On the Objective - Political Turmoil And Christian Boldness With Ross Powell - 08.05.2017

    05/08/2017 Duration: 50min

    Join us On the Objective as your host Steven Menking (The Amateur Society) welcomes back Ross Powell (Survival 401k | Remnant Radio Network) to discuss the current tensions building inside the Trump administration and across the world. Standing firm on our foundation in Christ is of paramount importance in these tumultuous times. Be encouraged, remain watchful, and seek the face of God!Ross PowellSurvival 401k: https://survival401k.com/Remnant Radio Network: http://remnantradionetwork.com/On the ObjectiveWebsite: http://ontheobjective.org/YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYWArNcoTCBRxeoTJWvcc9QSpreaker: https://www.spreaker.com/show/on-the-objectiveTwitter: https://twitter.com/ontheobjectiveEmail: ontheobjective@gmail.com

  • On the Objective - Pedogate Update With Mellisa 'Honeybee' Zaccaria - 07.27.2017

    28/07/2017 Duration: 01h05min

    Join us On the Objective as your host Steven Menking (The Amateur Society) welcomes back Mellisa "Honeybee" Zaccaria (NAPALM) for an update on the pedogate investigations. This interview was recorded before the Deputy AG of California was arrested, but it does cover several important topics: how can everyone make a difference in this fight, why everyone must make a difference, proper reporting protocol, Chester Bennington, Chris Cornell, and the Clinton body count. Mellisa ZaccariaYouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/Manifest143Twitter: https://twitter.com/thehoneybee_?lang=enNAPALM: https://twitter.com/NAPALM_USAPatreon: https://www.patreon.com/thehoneybeeOn the ObjectiveWebsite: http://ontheobjective.org/YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYWArNcoTCBRxeoTJWvcc9QSpreaker: https://www.spreaker.com/show/on-the-objectiveTwitter: https://twitter.com/ontheobjectiveEmail: ontheobjective@gmail.com

  • On the Objective - False Prophets and Jeremiah 23 - 07.22.2017

    23/07/2017 Duration: 01h13s

    Join us On the Objective as your host Steven Menking (The Amateur Society) spend some time in the Word of God walking through Jeremiah 23. We are living in a time when many who are standing as leaders, pastors, teachers, and prophets have not been called by God. If we are not encountering the full counsel of God regularly, then how can we expect to stand in this generation ready to give an answer for the hope that is in us? It is time to flee from sin, messages that prioritize comfort over truth, and run to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.Contact Us: ontheobjective@gmail.comOn the Objective: http://ontheobjective.org/YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/OntheObjectiveSpreaker: https://www.spreaker.com/show/on-the-objectiveTwitter: https://twitter.com/ontheobjective

  • On the Objective - Christianity, Universal Basic Income, and AI - 07.13.2017

    14/07/2017 Duration: 01h04min

    Join us On the Objective as your host Steven Menking (The Amateur Society) and Chris Baucom (Remnant Radio Network) discuss the idea of universal basic income. This concept is being openly proclaimed by technology moguls and politicians. What kind of transformations would be necessary to bring UBI about? The conversation also touches upon themes in technology, including the relationship between Christianity and artificial intelligence.Contact Us: ontheobjective@gmail.comRemnant Radio Network: http://remnantradionetwork.com/On the Objective: http://ontheobjective.org/YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/OntheObjectiveSpreaker: https://www.spreaker.com/show/on-the-objectiveTwitter: https://twitter.com/ontheobjective

  • On the Objective - Pedogate Interview With Angela Warren - 07.06.2017

    06/07/2017 Duration: 01h08min

    Join us On the Objective as your host Steven Menking (The Amateur Society) welcomes back Angela Warren for an update on the pedogate investigations. The discussion targets basic definitions, the importance of linguistics, the latest arrests, the scope of the problem, how to deal with the scope of pure evil, and practical solutions that everyone can implement in order to make a difference at this crucial moment. If this window of opportunity closes we may never get another chance to rid the world of this horrific wickedness.Angela WarrenTwitter: https://twitter.com/PGAngie1On the ObjectiveWebsite: http://ontheobjective.org/YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYWArNcoTCBRxeoTJWvcc9QSpreaker: https://www.spreaker.com/show/on-the-objectiveTwitter: https://twitter.com/ontheobjectiveEmail: ontheobjective@gmail.com

  • On the Objective - Mainstream Media Is Obsolete Media - 06.30.2017

    03/07/2017 Duration: 54min

    Join us On the Objective as your host Steven Menking (The Amateur Society) and Chris Baucom (Remnant Radio Network) discuss the latest CNN tapes from Project Veritas, the death spiral of the mainstream media, and what the death throes of these formerly influential institutions will create.Contact Us: ontheobjective@gmail.comRemnant Radio Network: http://remnantradionetwork.com/On the Objective: http://ontheobjective.org/YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/OntheObjectiveSpreaker: https://www.spreaker.com/show/on-the-objectiveTwitter: https://twitter.com/ontheobjective

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