Mike, Kelly, and Char watch and review shows that were cancelled before their time. They check out the pilots of these (often very weird) shows that didn't really make it, pretend they could do better, and do their best to hold it all together. Who better to critique TV shows than millennials who were raised by them?
Episode 06 - Moonlight(2007)
16/04/2016 Duration: 47minThis week Michael and Kelly discuss the 2007 failed TV show called Moonlight. Michael explores his emotional background with the show while Kelly is shocked that the show made a fake Buzzfeed called Buzzwire.
Episode 05 - QuarterLife (2008)
09/04/2016 Duration: 40minThis week Michael and Kelly discuss the 2008 failed TV show called Quarterlife. We also discover that we might hate ourselves and all other millennials.
Episode 04 - Breaking Boston(2014)
02/04/2016 Duration: 33minThis week Michael and Kelly discuss the 2014 failed TV show called Breaking Boston. Which Is about terrible people living in Boston, and Mark Wahlberg made it.
Episode 03 - South of Sunset(1993)
25/03/2016 Duration: 36minThis week Michael and Kelly discuss the 1993 failed TV show called South of Sunset. Which we acknowledge is in fact south of sunset. Email us at
Episode 02 - Heil Honey I'm Home(1990)
12/03/2016 Duration: 36minThis week Michael and Kelly discuss the 1990 failed TV show called Heil Honey I'm Home. Which we may have enjoyed too much.
Episode 01 - The Melting Pot(1975)
04/03/2016 Duration: 34minThe first episode of Good Enough to Air, this week Michael and Kelly discuss the 1975 failed TV show called the Melting Pot.