Separate stories: Sunday Extra is RNs live Sunday morning broadcast, looking to the week ahead and also incorporating Ockhams Razor, Background Briefing, and First Dog on the Moon.
The Year that Made Me: Martha Wainwright, 1983
14/05/2022 Duration: 14minMartha Wainwright talks about her memoir, Stories I Might Regret Telling You, an often raw account of growing up in a talented musical family.
An Australian first responder in Ukraine
14/05/2022 Duration: 06minAlison Thompson has been described as Australia’s Mother Teresa , she travels the world as a humanitarian volunteer.
Modern science and its European myths
14/05/2022 Duration: 22minHistorian James Poskett is challenging the way we look at some of history’s most celebrated scientists
03 | Face Value — Killer curves and harsh realities
14/05/2022 Duration: 40minCosmetic enhancement comes with plenty of risks. Botched surgeries, safety breaches, and in the worst-case scenario, fatal results. They've been reported for decades. Horror stories aside, chasing your aesthetic ideal is no easy task. Beneath every Insta-perfect photograph is a tonne of time, energy and money that's often glossed over. And that's not to mention the pain and prolonged recovery that can come with invasive procedures. Why are so many people willingly submitting themselves to putting this much effort into how they look?
Pandemic preparation and the data pyramid
14/05/2022 Duration: 11minPriyanka Pillai combines computer science skills and a background in biomedical sciences to take on complex challenges in health data, particularly for pandemic preparedness research. You know, just in case we ever need that sort of thing …
How doing puzzles can make us better people
14/05/2022 Duration: 13minPuzzles are not only great for keeping the brain sharp, they can also make us better thinkers and better people.
Reckless policies took Sri Lanka's economy to the brink
14/05/2022 Duration: 12minEconomic mismanagement, magnified by the COVID pandemic has taken Sri Lanka to the brink of economic and political collapse.
From refugee to Archibald prize finalist
14/05/2022 Duration: 12minWhile in Immigration Detention Mostafa “Moz” Azimitabar taught himself to play guitar and paint using a toothbrush.
The Roundtable: The march of the so-called 'teal' independents
07/05/2022 Duration: 29minIn this election, all eyes are on the so-called ‘teal’ independents running in urban, inner-city seats, and threatening to unseat at least one senior Cabinet minister.
The Year that Made Me: Saad Mohseni, 1978
07/05/2022 Duration: 13minAfghan Australian media mogul Saad Mohseni was 12 years old in 1978 when the first president of Afghanistan was assassinated with his family by communist rebels, which led the way for the Soviet invasion.
Swimming to Alcatraz
07/05/2022 Duration: 08minNotorious currents, freezing waters and sharks, but groups of swimmers regularly brave the waters and swim out to Alcatraz prison island.
A.I. is helping to revitalize Maori language skills
07/05/2022 Duration: 13minA Māori radio station is using A.I. to help build a digital language archive to revitalize and increase Maori language speaking.
02 | Face Value — Ethnic ambiguity and the Kardashian effect
07/05/2022 Duration: 42minFor the longest time, Western beauty has been celebrated. The desire and pressure to look more 'Western' has led to skin whitening products, nose jobs and double eyelid surgery. But the tide is turning. Celebrities like the Kardashians are leaning into an ethnically ambiguous aesthetic. Is this cultural appropriation or cultural appreciation? What do people of colour, who've often been racially vilified for their appearance, have to say about others cherry-picking their features?
Sex in a changing world
07/05/2022 Duration: 10minSexual selection is a potent evolutionary force responsible for much of the weird and wonderful diversity of life on our planet. So what happens when it's disturbed by human-induced environmental change?
These kangaroos are a long way from home
07/05/2022 Duration: 11minForestry officials in India were shocked to find three adult kangaroos in the wild in West Bengal
Ireland to give struggling artists a basic wage
07/05/2022 Duration: 13minThe Irish government will pay 2-thousand randomly selected struggling artists a basic wage of more than $400 a week for three years.
Russia is turning up the heat on Europe over gas supply
07/05/2022 Duration: 12minRussia says ‘unfriendly’ European countries will have to pay for its gas in roubles, which the EU says would breach the sanctions it has imposed.
The Roundtable: How equal are we in Australia?
30/04/2022 Duration: 29minWith inflation at its highest level in more than two decades, and a rise in the cost of living, it seems a good time to ask how equality is faring in Australia. Is inequality growing?