Keep up with what's going on in DC without the liberal media slant & establishment spin. CRTV congressional correspondent Nate Madden's got you covered.
Firepower 101: The MSM’s misleading Second Amendment name game | Capitol Hill Brief
07/03/2018 Duration: 03min -
Heroes helping heroes: How kayaking and campfires are changing veterans’ lives | Capitol Hill Brief
01/03/2018 Duration: 03min -
Reining in runway leftist judges who rigged our system | Capitol Hill Brief
28/02/2018 Duration: 03min -
Ted Cruz: Republicans have lost their minds with amnesty push | Capitol Hill Brief
16/02/2018 Duration: 04min -
Pandering pols use tragedy for gun control agenda (again) | Capitol Hill Brief
15/02/2018 Duration: 04min -
How swampy spenders turn the troops into human shields | Capitol Hill Brief
15/02/2018 Duration: 03min -
Will the U.S. Senate finally unseal the ‘Creeplist’ hush-fund deals? | Capitol Hill Brief
08/02/2018 Duration: 06min -
How Congress can SLAP open-borders politicians with serious jail time | Capitol Hill Brief
06/02/2018 Duration: 04min -
Michelle Malkin's 2018 Liberal Handbook of Racial Code Words | Capitol Hill Brief
06/02/2018 Duration: 03min -