The official sermon podcast of the Middle School Ministry of LifeSpring Church in Bellevue, Nebraska. For more info visit
Biblical Manhood and Womanhood
19/10/2016Pastor Ryan paints the picture of what the Bible shows us about what a godly man and woman look like.
The Bible and Gender
12/10/2016Pastor Ryan opens our Gender Matters with taking a look at what the Bible has to say about why gender really does matter.
Is the Bible Accurate?
07/09/2016Pastor Ryan takes a look at the historical Bible to determine just how accurate and reliable it is for us today.
What is Apologetics?
31/08/2016Pastor Ryan helps our students understand what apologetics is and how we can use it in our daily lives.
Overcoming Stress
01/05/2016Pastor Ryan gives 4 practical ways we can overcome the burden of stress and sin in our lives.
The Stress of Not Trusting God
17/04/2016Pastor Ryan talks about how the pace of our lives and the focus of our lives determine the stress level in our lives.
Where is God When All Hope Seems Lost?
27/03/2016It's Easter! But the three days leading up to Easter the Disciples must have been questioning where God was. Where is God when all hope seems lost?
Where is God When I'm Disappointed?
06/03/2016Pastor Ryan explains where disappointment comes from and where God is in the middle of life's let downs.
The 7th and 8th Commandments
21/02/2016Pastor Ryan talks about how the 7th commandment relates to people and not just married people and covers the 8th commandment as well.
The 3rd and 4th Commandment
31/01/2016Pastor Ryan shares why the 3rd and 4th commandment are so important to remember.
How to Memorize The Ten Commandments
17/01/2016Pastor Ryan opens The Decalogue series with an introduction to the Ten Commandments and also helps us all memorize all ten commandments.
29/11/2015Pastor Ryan shares three principles in being counter cultural in our entertainment choices including movies, apps, video games, tv shows, music, and books and talks about what it looks like to walk in wisdom and make the best use of our time.
Gender Roles
25/10/2015Pastor Ryan talks about what it means to be made as male and female and how we shine God's image distinctly as the gender God designed us to be.