Weekly sermons from our Sunday morning service at Bethel Church in Jennings, La.
Courageous Living - Part 4
05/07/2020 Duration: 01h18minPastor Rick Julian continued the sermon series Courageous Living with a sermon titled, Tough Calls. Today's message is from Joshua 5:1-9 with four Tough Calls.
Recharge - Episode 15
01/07/2020 Duration: 11minIn this episode, Pastor Rick Julian shares some important and exciting updates in the life of Bethel and its ministry outreach.
Courageous Living - Part 3
28/06/2020 Duration: 01h05minPastor Rick Julian continued our sermon series, Courageous Living with a sermon titled, The Next Generation. Today's sermon was from Joshua 4:4-7; 21-24.
Recharge - Episode 14
25/06/2020 Duration: 19minPastor Rick Julian with a mid-week word, from Revelation chapter 13, in this episode of Recharge. Pastor Rick also shares some news and notes for the week.
Every Man's Battle
21/06/2020 Duration: 01h25minPastor Rick Julian shared a special Father's Day message titled, Every Man's Battle. Pastor Rick gives us three things that every man needs to guard.
Recharge - Episode 13
17/06/2020 Duration: 22minIn this week's Recharge, Michael Tadlock, Monique Doucet, Amanda Tadlock and Scott Sensat have a roundtable discussion about this past Sunday's sermon and what's coming up on Father's Day!
Courageous Living - Part 2
14/06/2020 Duration: 01h01minPastor Rick Julian continues our sermon series, Courageous Living. Today's sermon is titled, Shady Faith. Pastor Rick talks about faith through the story of Rahab.
Recharge - Episode 12
10/06/2020 Duration: 18minIn this week's Recharge, Pastor Rick Julian will speak into your week, as we're all going through some very challenging times. Pastor Rick shares with us from Judges 19.
Courageous Living - Part 1
08/06/2020 Duration: 01h16minPastor Rick Julian begins a new summer sermon series from the book of Joshua, Courageous Living. Today's sermon was titled, Faith and our Future.
Recharge - Episode 11
04/06/2020 Duration: 34minA weekly encouragement from God's Word! This week's message was from Pastor Rick Julian and his awesome wife, Rachel. Tonight's message is about Anger and Hate. It's a very timely topic in our culture today.
Happy Life - Part 7
31/05/2020 Duration: 01h01minPastor Rick Julian continues our Happy Life series titled, Happy With More or Less
Recharge - Episode 10
27/05/2020 Duration: 30minA weekly encouragement from God's Word! Tonight our timely message on the mental effects of COVID-19 is brought by Rachel Julian and Monique Doucet!
Happy Life - Part 6
24/05/2020 Duration: 56minPastor Rick Julian continues our sermon series, Happy Life. Today's sermon is titled, Honor.
Recharge - Episode 9
21/05/2020 Duration: 15minRecharge with Pastor Rick Julian! Watch as Pastor Rick shares a practical message from Proverbs 12:25.
Happy Life - Part 5
17/05/2020 Duration: 58minOur Sunday morning church service with a message by Pastor Rick Julian. Pastor Rick continued our series, Happy Life, with a message titled, Happy Home.
Recharge - Episode 8
14/05/2020 Duration: 15minRecharge and an update on Back to Bethel Sunday with Pastor Rick Julian!
Happy Life - Part 4
10/05/2020 Duration: 01h11minPastor Rick Julian's wife, Rachel Julian, shared a special message today in honor of our moms for Mother's Day.
Recharge - Episode 7
07/05/2020 Duration: 28minA Weekly Recharge with an encouraging message and prayer. In today's episode, Pastor Rick Julian shares a devotional and is also joined by Sarah Deese with a few updates about Bethel Cares.
Happy Life - Part 3
03/05/2020 Duration: 58minPastor Rick Julian continued our sermon series with Part 3 of "Happy Life". In today's sermon Pastor Rick addresses conflict and how we can deal with it.