Weekly sermons from our Sunday morning service at Bethel Church in Jennings, La.
What Do You Want?
30/09/2018 Duration: 25minOur guest preacher, Brian Manuel, Pastor of Carlyss Community Church, preached a message challenging us with the question of whether what we want matches what God wants.
God's Chosen People
23/09/2018 Duration: 33minBethel Church Elder, Dean St. Cyr preached a message today titled, God's Chosen People.The sermon viewed what is happening to the nation of Israel from a Biblical perspective and what that means to us personally and as a nation.
Help! I Don't Know What To Do
16/09/2018 Duration: 33minJack Tillery preached this morning and shared a sermon from James 5:1. Today's sermon was titled, "Help! I Don't Know What To Do.
Attitude of Gratitude
09/09/2018 Duration: 33minDarby Jurls, former Student Pastor at Bethel and current pastor at The Point Church in Wake Forest, NC, preached this morning. Darby's sermon was from 1 Thessalonians 5:18 entitled "Attitude of Gratitude". To keep up with Darby's new church as they prepare to launch, subscribe to his newsletter by going to and then click on "Get Connected".
R U Ready?
02/09/2018 Duration: 40minOne of our church elders, Dean St. Cyr, preached this morning about a very important topic of Jesus’ return. Without any sensationalist ideas, Bro. Dean presented what the Bible has to say about Jesus coming back.
And How Shall They Believe?
26/08/2018 Duration: 22minOur preacher today was Mickey Istre, one of our elders at Bethel. Bro. Mickey's message was from Romans 10:14. Man lost his hearing in the garden when he believed a lie. Now, man needs to hear truth, "And how shall they hear without a Preacher?"
12/08/2018 Duration: 37minOur guest preacher today was Beau Guidry, Director of Small Groups at First Moss Bluff. Beau's sermon took us though Mark 5:21-24 and what it means to be desperate for Christ.
From the Struggle to the Staff
05/08/2018 Duration: 40minBethel Elder, Mickey Istre, was our preacher today. Pastor Mickey shared some powerful truths from Scripture about the struggle of Jacob that can be applied to many of the struggles all of us have as Christians. Lean on the Staff.
Stephen McWhirter - Worship at Bethel
29/07/2018 Duration: 01h04minToday we had a special guest, Stephen McWhirter, the lead singer of Iron Bell Music. Stephen led us into worship with music and a Word from God. He also shares a powerful testimony of the saving glory of God.
Responding To God's Call
15/07/2018 Duration: 29minPastor Randy Caswell shared a brief message on Responding to God's Call followed by a conversation with Donavan and Elizabeth Schexnayder, who are a couple in our church that responded to the call of God and are now planning to go to the mission field in Guatemala.
Not Ashamed
08/07/2018 Duration: 40minThis morning our Worship Pastor, Mitch Bohannon, shared his testimony and a message called, Not Ashamed. In the message, Pastor Mitch gave us eight area of core belief at Bethel which unites us.
Next Steps
24/06/2018 Duration: 27minOur guest preacher, Aulden LeBlanc, is a former Kids Pastor at Bethel and currently the pastor of First Southern Baptist Church in Malden, MO. Aulden's sermon today was titled, Next Steps. Matthew 14:22–23 No matter how hard we try to keep things the same, change is inevitable. The disciples experienced this during the time that they follow Jesus around on this earth. On one of those days, they encountered something new and terrifying, and because God knew that we would need to learn from their experience, Scripture records the details for our benefit!
Home Improvement - Part 3
17/06/2018 Duration: 27minPastor Blaine St. Germain preaches his last sermon as Lead Pastor at Bethel. Today he concludes our Home Improvement series with a message, No Longer I. Blaine takes us through his favorite verse, Galatians 2:20 with a look at Context, Content, and Challenge.
Home Improvement - Part 2
10/06/2018 Duration: 25minPastor Blaine St. Germain continues our sermon series, Home Improvement - Building Stronger Families. In today's sermon, Pastor Blaine gives six challenges for us to think about to help build a stronger family.
Home Improvement - Part 1
03/06/2018 Duration: 22minPastor Blaine St. Germain begins our June sermon series, Home Improvement - Building Stronger Families. Today's sermon was titled, "God's Design".
Home Improvement - Series Intro
31/05/2018 Duration: 01minPastor Blaine St. Germain shares a few words about our June sermon series.
Memorial Day Service 2018
27/05/2018 Duration: 33minToday's service was a time of remembering and honoring the sacrifice our Lord gave for the world as well as the sacrifice many of our military have made for our country. Pastor Blaine preached a sermon about remembering while Robert Richard, Retired 1Lt. US Army, led us in remembering and honoring a local hero, Staff Sgt. Jonathan R. Reed, who gave the ultimate sacrifice.
No Longer A Slave To Fear
20/05/2018 Duration: 31minWe had a special guest preacher, Kyle Wall, with us today. Kyle is the Pastor of Groups & Missions at Faith Promise Church in Knoxville, TN. Today's sermon was titled, "No Longer a Slave to Fear". Pastor Kyle showed us in God's Word how to be a victor over our fears through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Mother's Day Celebration
13/05/2018 Duration: 31minPastor Blaine St. Germain shared a brief message focused around an interview he had with our special guest, Missy Jenkins Smith. Paralyzed from the chest down after being hit by a bullet in a 1997 school shooting, Missy is more than a survivor. A wife, mother of two, author, and national speaker, Missy's story is one of love, forgiveness, courage, and determination.
Looking to the Future
06/05/2018 Duration: 32minToday we celebrated Graduate Sunday and honored our graduating students. Pastor Blaine's sermon was focused on this new season for our students and the seasons of change we all experience in life. Today's sermon was titled, Looking to the Future.