Weekly sermons from our Sunday morning service at Bethel Church in Jennings, La.
Christmas - Part 2
10/12/2017 Duration: 34minPastor Blaine St. Germain continued our December sermon series, Christmas - From Manger To Majesty. Today's sermon was titled, Getting Messy. Pastor Blaine gives us the true picture of the manger scene that we've often mistaken for something that it isn't.
Christmas - Part 1
03/12/2017 Duration: 33minPastor Blaine St. Germain began our December sermon series, Christmas - From Manger To Majesty. Today's sermon was titled, Bringing Your Gifts to Jesus. Pastor Blaine gives us three things our gifts should include.
Remembering God's Love
26/11/2017 Duration: 24minPastor Blaine St. Germain shares a sermon on the importance of remembering the love of God and showing that love to the least of us. We also took this time to observe the Lord's Supper.
People Groups in the Story of Healing
19/11/2017 Duration: 27minGuest preacher, Keith Cating shared a message about the different people groups involved in the story of the healing of the paralyzed man in Mark chapter 2.
Truly Thankful?
12/11/2017 Duration: 30minOur Lead Pastor, Blaine St. Germain, shares a message this morning titled, Truly Thankful. Today's sermon takes a deeper look into a familiar chapter in God's Word, Psalm 100.
Realities of Heaven
05/11/2017 Duration: 31minThe Realities of Heaven... In this sermon Pastor Blaine St. Germain shares five areas about Heaven that are often misunderstood.
Holding It Together - Part 4
29/10/2017 Duration: 33minPastor Blaine St. Germain wraps up our sermon series, Holding It Together, with a sermon about the Power of Our Words. Pastor Blaine shares four ways our words bring power.
Holding It Together - Part 3
22/10/2017 Duration: 34minPastor Blaine St. Germain continues our sermon series, Holding It Together. Pastor Blaine gives four steps we can take for a "New Life".
Holding It Together - Part 2
15/10/2017 Duration: 31minPastor Blaine St. Germain continues our sermon series, Holding It Together. Today's sermon is from Colossians chapter 2 and focuses on the supremacy of Christ.
Holding It Together - Part 1
08/10/2017 Duration: 33minPastor Blaine St. Germain begins our new sermon series, Holding It Together. This is a series that will take us through the book of Colossians. Today's sermon is on chapter 1.
What is the Mission of the Church?
01/10/2017 Duration: 32minWe had a special guest preacher today, Bruce Baker, Executive Director at the Carey Baptist Association. The message today was a reminder and a challenge as to what our purpose is as part of the church.
Enemies From Within - Part 3
24/09/2017 Duration: 33minPastor Blaine St. Germain concluded our sermon series, Enemies From Within. Today's sermon was The Roots of Greed.
Enemies From Within - Part 1
10/09/2017 Duration: 36minPastor Blaine St. Germain begins our new sermon series, Enemies From Within. Today's sermon is "Guilt: I Owe You". Pastor Blaine gives us four steps to freedom from guilt.
Game Changers - Part 4
27/08/2017 Duration: 27minPastor Blaine St. Germain concluded our sermon series, Game Changers. Today’s sermon was The Church of Macedonia – The Generous. Pastor Blaine shares four ways we can give and show that generous spirit.
Game Changers - Part 3
20/08/2017 Duration: 36minPastor Blaine St. Germain continues our sermon series, Game Changers, with a message about Aquila and Priscilla, The Servants. Pastor Blaine gives us four ways we can serve like these two game changers.
Game Changers - Part 2
13/08/2017 Duration: 35minPastor Blaine St. Germain continued our sermon series Game Changers. Today's sermon was about Ananias "The Listener".
Game Changers - Part 1
06/08/2017 Duration: 35minPastor Blaine St. Germain begins our August sermon series, Game Changers. Today's sermon is "Barnabas, The Encourager". Pastor Blaine gives us three key points to being an encourager.
Gamer Changers - Series Promo
31/07/2017 Duration: 01minPastor Blaine St. Germain shares a few words, from LSU Tiger Stadium, about our August Sermon Series, Game Changers.
He Sees You
30/07/2017 Duration: 24minDiscipleship Pastor, Chris Wales preached this morning with a message titled, He Sees You. Pastor Chris shares three things we need to know when we feel like we can't see Jesus.
Following the Footsteps of Jesus - Part 4
23/07/2017 Duration: 35minLead Pastor, Blaine St. Germain concludes our sermon series, Following the Footsteps of Jesus with a sermon titled, Jesus at the Garden. Jesus prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane the night before His betrayal and before He was crucified. Pastor Blaine gives us three questions to consider about this event.