Experience Jesus, all the time! Embark on a new, fresh journey with Jesus. Subscribe to receive regular encouragement and wisdom on your journey with Jesus.
Why Knowing About God Isn't Enough
28/05/2019 Duration: 02minDo you know about God, or do you know Him? Beloved, God has so much more for you than simply knowing facts and history about Him—He wants you to experience Him! Discover why the Lord Jesus Christ came to live inside you.
Who Am I?—The Answer You’ve Been Looking For
21/05/2019 Duration: 02minMany of us struggle with questions about our identity, value, and worth. Discover the beautiful answer to these questions laid out for us in the Word of God. You are a child of God, beloved, and He wants you to know exactly who He has made you to be.
When God Says "Wait"
14/05/2019 Duration: 02minWhen life is at its hardest, and we desperately need answers, it is hard to hear God say, “Wait.” But there is a promise God makes us while we wait, and every one of His children needs to know it. May you hold on tightly to Father today, knowing that He IS at work on your behalf.
What to do When You Fall Short
07/05/2019 Duration: 02minWorrying about what others think of us, and trying to be perfect all the time are exhausting burdens to carry. But what if our identity, worth, and value actually didn’t depend on our behavior at all? Discover how our Heavenly Father describes a righteous person.
Want Others to See God in Your Life? Here’s What Not to Do
30/04/2019 Duration: 02minWhat does it mean when the Bible tells us to not quench the Spirit? This can be a confusing verse for us, one that will be untangled for you as you listen today. It’s up to us to allow the Holy Spirit to transform our lives.
The Only Thing to do When You’re Feeling Overwhelmed
23/04/2019 Duration: 03minWhen our eyes are on our circumstances we quickly lose sight of God. We become overwhelmed as we try to make sense of things, forgetting that there is only one thing God has called us to do. Our Father will be our strength as He leads us through the darkness.
Our Resurrection to New Life
21/04/2019 Duration: 03minCelebrating the resurrection of Jesus is not reserved solely for Easter Sunday. It’s something for us to celebrate every day. Not only did Jesus rise from death, but we too rose from death into brand new life with Him!
Celebrating the Depths of God's Love
19/04/2019 Duration: 03minWhen we lose a loved one, we gather together to mourn their death and celebrate a beautiful life that was lived, and today we remember the death of our Lord Jesus Christ. I have a radical thought for you to consider.
He is Faithful, Even When You Wander
16/04/2019 Duration: 02minThe world calls us in every direction, and we sometimes head down paths we shouldn’t but no matter where we go, what we do, or who we become, our loving Father never leaves us or forsakes us. In His faithfulness, our God perpetually calls us to Himself.
Don't Believe Everything You Hear
09/04/2019 Duration: 02minOur God is the Father of Light, but there is also the father of lies who seeks to deceive us by speaking truth mixed with a little lie. We shouldn’t believe everything we hear, this world is a dangerous place and we must walk closely with God. Always search the scriptures to confirm that what you’re being taught is true.
Connecting the Dots: How to Trust God in This Dark World
02/04/2019 Duration: 02minAre you struggling or becoming overwhelmed by your circumstances? By connecting the dots of God’s past faithfulness, our hearts can be encouraged, and our faith strengthened. May our walk be transformed, as we learn to trust God regardless of the circumstances we face.
Finding Shelter in God
26/03/2019 Duration: 01minUsing incredible imagery from a recent movie, Frank reveals the breathtaking words of our Father who tells us “I will be your host, I will protect you, and am so much for you that I will lay down my life for you.” We will dwell in Him, and He will be our home.
The Most Important Thing God Wants You to Know About Death
19/03/2019 Duration: 04minDeath is a topic not often spoken of, and when it is, it is often misspoken of. This has brought fear, sadness and confusion to many people. God does not want His children to live that way; there are answers for the hurting. For believers, the grave is not the end of the story.
Who God Really Wants to Be to You
12/03/2019 Duration: 01minWhat would our lives look like if we truly understood the depths of all God wanted to be to us? May you discover and be changed by the depths of Fathers love for you. Our Father who loves us doesn't just put a shield up around us, He IS the shield around us!
Knowing This Habit of God Will Change Your Life
05/03/2019 Duration: 03minHurt, betrayal, and loss abound on any given day of our lives, but He has not forgotten you loved one. May you feel Father’s arms around you as you discover what God is in the habit of doing for His children.
How to avoid the greatest danger of trials
27/02/2019 Duration: 01minWhen trials come it can be very easy for our eyes to become fixed on the trial. Find out how you can avoid the greatest danger of trials and hold unto His joy, peace and faith. The trial may remain, but it's not the end of the story, there is One who can deliver us!
It's Not You, It's Him
19/02/2019 Duration: 01minIf you know anything about this world we live in, you know how hard it is to hold onto God when the storms of life come our way. Thankfully, we are not alone! It’s not about you and how much you hold onto God, it’s about God and how much He holds onto you.
The Heart of God and How it Changes Everything
12/02/2019 Duration: 02minGod tells us that He will be the strong one, the exalted one; our protector, and our provider. May your life be changed as you discover the heart of your Father. God doesn’t always deliver us FROM our trouble, but He is always with us IN our trouble.
Did Paul Really Tell us Not to Grieve?
05/02/2019 Duration: 02minLosing a loved one causes unbearable grief. But have you ever been made to feel that if you really trusted God, your loss wouldn’t be causing you so many tears and so much pain? If Jesus felt the freedom to grieve the loss of a loved one, we should feel the same freedom.
4 Powerful things that will change the way you see God
29/01/2019 Duration: 01minUncertainty and trials come, and when they do, fear wants to take hold of you. Arm yourself for the battle with these four powerful truths of who God really is. May you take refuge in the God who longs to be your shelter from the storm.