Happiness Injection With Shonette Bason

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 23:11:37
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The Happiness Injection with Shonette Bason will get your happiness up! There's no drugs or alcohol or calories involved. This is your instant happiness injection.


  • Festival of Happiness Tips For Increased Happiness

    05/08/2019 Duration: 11min

    In June 2019 The Festival Of Happiness came to Birmingham.Around a thousand people were treated to a day of inspirational speakers and practical ways to boost those happiness levels.It's a not for profit event with all the speakers appearing for free and all money made going to Shonette's charity Spreading The HappinessThis series of special podcasts are recordings of the day, the talks, interviews with some the speakers and even a catch up with beneficiaries of the charity.So if you were there you can relive the event, if you missed the festival you can get a flavour of the day. Oh and keep your eye out here for Festival of Happiness 2020!Just a quick note from Charlotte who does the podcasts for Shonette - some of the speakers use slightly more grown up words than you normally hear on the podcast. None are said in a nasty way or aimed at people. They're words I'd say in front of my parents, but perhaps not my 7 year old niece!Today you'll hear from Jennifer Barnfield and Maria Paviour who have some tips for

  • Festival of Happiness Paul McGillivray

    02/08/2019 Duration: 18min

    In June 2019 The Festival Of Happiness came to Birmingham.Around a thousand people were treated to a day of inspirational speakers and practical ways to boost those happiness levels.It's a not for profit event with all the speakers appearing for free and all money made going to Shonette's charity Spreading The HappinessThis series of special podcasts are recordings of the day, the talks, interviews with some the speakers and even a catch up with beneficiaries of the charity.So if you were there you can relive the event, if you missed the festival you can get a flavour of the day. Oh and keep your eye out here for Festival of Happiness 2020!Just a quick note from Charlotte who does the podcasts for Shonette - some of the speakers use slightly more grown up words than you normally hear on the podcast. None are said in a nasty way or aimed at people. They're words I'd say in front of my parents, but perhaps not my 7 year old niece!Next up on our list of speakers is Paul McGillivray who loves technology and wants

  • Festival of Happiness Richard Gerver

    01/08/2019 Duration: 42min

    In June 2019 The Festival Of Happiness came to Birmingham.Around a thousand people were treated to a day of inspirational speakers and practical ways to boost those happiness levels.It's a not for profit event with all the speakers appearing for free and all money made going to Shonette's charity Spreading The HappinessThis series of special podcasts are recordings of the day, the talks, interviews with some the speakers and even a catch up with beneficiaries of the charity.So if you were there you can relive the event, if you missed the festival you can get a flavour of the day. Oh and keep your eye out here for Festival of Happiness 2020!Just a quick note from Charlotte who does the podcasts for Shonette - some of the speakers use slightly more grown up words than you normally hear on the podcast. None are said in a nasty way or aimed at people. They're words I'd say in front of my parents, but perhaps not my 7 year old niece!Today you'll hear from Richard Gerver - he knows some pretty famous people and he'

  • Festival of Happiness Dr Andy Cope

    31/07/2019 Duration: 41min

    In June 2019 The Festival Of Happiness came to Birmingham.Around a thousand people were treated to a day of inspirational speakers and practical ways to boost those happiness levels.It's a not for profit event with all the speakers appearing for free and all money made going to Shonette's charity Spreading The HappinessThis series of special podcasts are recordings of the day, the talks, interviews with some the speakers and even a catch up with beneficiaries of the charity.So if you were there you can relive the event, if you missed the festival you can get a flavour of the day. Oh and keep your eye out here for Festival of Happiness 2020!Just a quick note from Charlotte who does the podcasts for Shonette - some of the speakers use slightly more grown up words than you normally hear on the podcast. None are said in a nasty way or aimed at people. They're words I'd say in front of my parents, but perhaps not my 7 year old niece!Today you'll hear from Dr Andy Cope, a doctor of happiness, author and the man beh

  • Festival Of Happiness Paul McGee

    30/07/2019 Duration: 01h07min

    In June 2019 The Festival Of Happiness came to Birmingham.Around a thousand people were treated to a day of inspirational speakers and practical ways to boost those happiness levels.It's a not for profit event with all the speakers appearing for free and all money made going to Shonette's charity Spreading The HappinessThis series of special podcasts are recordings of the day, the talks, interviews with some the speakers and even a catch up with beneficiaries of the charity.So if you were there you can relive the event, if you missed the festival you can get a flavour of the day. Oh and keep your eye out here for Festival of Happiness 2020!Just a quick note from Charlotte who does the podcasts for Shonette - some of the speakers use slightly more grown up words than you normally hear on the podcast. None are said in a nasty way or aimed at people. They're words I'd say in front of my parents, but perhaps not my 7 year old niece!We'll start with the first speaker of the day Paul McGee - you may know him as th

  • Holiday Happiness

    29/07/2019 Duration: 14min

    Shonette's on holiday, with her mum, and she's got some tips for you for your holiday!This podcast is for you if you ever feel guilty about having time off and just relaxing.It's also for you if you're facing a challenge or you're on a tough path.And there's also a lesson to be learned about gratitude!Get in touch with Shonette on Insta @basonshonette and her website https://www.shonettebasonwood.com/Music used under creative commons license. Why oh you are L O V E by Dancefloor is Lava.

  • Let Me Tell You About My Friendship Break Up

    19/06/2019 Duration: 12min

    This episode is all about friendships and in particular friendship break ups.It’s hard to break up with a friend and it hurts. It can hurt as much as a relationship break up.Shonette’s been through a friendship break up and it did make her feel sad. But there’s a quote that resonates with her when it comes to this situation.It goes “There are three types of friends in life - friends for a reason, friends for a season and friends for life.”Friendships can come and go because we’re all changing. Sometimes it’s others who have changed, sometimes it’s us. But change makes us different.So in this episode Shonette tells you why it’s so important to cherish your friends right now, no matter if they are a reason, season or lifetime friend.And if you do go through a friendship break up write down 10 good things that came from that friendship and keep it.Let Shonette know about your friendships and your friendship break ups.You can get in touch with Shonette @basonshonette on Instagram@Shonette Bason - Wood o

  • Unhappily busy, busy, busy?

    14/06/2019 Duration: 08min

    How many times a day do you get stressed out about being busy busy busy busy busy? But are you actually busy? Really? On Instagram? Having a coffee? Just distracting yourself because you don’t actually want to do the things you need to do.This episode is all about Time Management. Shonette knows your life is busy, her life is busy too.But she’s got a solution. STRUCTURE YOUR WEEK. Yes it does sound dull but give it a go for four weeks and Shonette promises your life will improve.You can find the planning grid Shonette talks about and download it from Shonette’s website https://www.spreadthehappiness.co.uk/product-category/free-download/And when you give it a go tell Shonette all about how it’s working for you!You can get in touch with Shonette @basonshonette on Instagram@Shonette Bason - Wood on facebook @ShonetteBason on TwitterMusic used under creative commons license. Why oh you are L O V E by Dancefloor is Lava.

  • Take Part In Your Life

    11/06/2019 Duration: 10min

    Shonette is extra happy today and is talking about taking part in your life.So many people tell Shonette their life is dull and they need help.And her answer is TAKE PART. Wherever you are in your life take part in it. Stop being a spectator in your own life. Not sure how to do that? Well Shonette has some suggestions for you in this episode.Let Shonette know how you are taking part in your life this week…You can get in touch with Shonette @basonshonette on Instagram@Shonette Bason - Wood on facebook @ShonetteBason on TwitterMusic used under creative commons license. Why oh you are L O V E by Dancefloor is Lava.

  • 50: Appreciation Is Simple But Deeply Rooted

    30/05/2019 Duration: 09min

    AppreciationWhere do you find your gratitude? For Shonette gratitude feels like a platitude. It’s far easier to find gratitude when you’ve got a set time to look for it. But where on earth do you find gratitude if you are in the middle of a lemon sucker onslaught? Maybe it’s time to take gratitude and turn it in to appreciation. It’s far deeper than simply saying thank you or I am grateful. And let’s start with you. What do you appreciate about yourself?  And do you show appreciation to others?If you want to find out more about Zig Ziglar and his wheel of life you can check it out here…Appreciation is beginning to change Shonette’s life and she wants you to try it and let her know how it goes.You can get in touch with Shonette @basonshonette on Instagram@Shonette Bason - Wood on facebook @ShonetteBason on TwitterMusic used under creative commons license. Why oh you are L O V E by Dancefloor is Lava.

  • 49: Could You Be Kind For A Minute Please?

    21/05/2019 Duration: 10min

    Today’s Happiness Injection is all about kindness! If you’re ever not happy Shonette suggests being kind in return. It makes you feel better and will totally shock the person who has been unkind to you.Hywell who does the show show with Shonette (check out podcast number 7) told her how staff at a Pupil Referal Unit he worked at asked children there “to be kind for just one minute” And that got Shonette thinking (uh oh) imagine if everybody listening was kind for just one minute and the ripple that would create.(QUICK NOTE FROM Podcast producer Charlotte - Shonette says in this episode that recently the podcast went over a thousand listens. This is technically correct, but the big listening figure the podcast hit was actually TEN THOUSAND! And it’s now on more than TWELVE THOUSAND yay!) So what can you do to be kind for just one minute?Shonette has some ideas and suggestions for you so press play and find out how you can be kind for just a minute, or maybe longer!If you need more Happiness Injections to get y

  • 48: How Can I Help You Have A Happy Holiday

    17/04/2019 Duration: 11min

    Holidays are a time for chilling out and being happy right? Well no not always.How many times have you had a less than happy holiday? You’ve got to plan days out and pay for them and then enjoy yourself with the people you’re with at the hotel you’re staying at?Shonette has the key to having a happy holiday. It’s doing things for others and helping somebody else.But how does that make your holiday better? Well Shonette will explain as well as giving you all the tips you need to help others as holiday season begins!If you need more Happiness Injections to get you through just get in touch with Shonette... on insta it's @basonshonetteTwitter is @ShonetteBasonAnd she's also on FacebookMusic used under creative commons license. Why oh you are L O V E by Dancefloor is Lava.

  • 47: When Life Gives You Instant Hater Lemon Suckers

    10/04/2019 Duration: 14min

    Shonette’s been having a wild week! But it’s taken her a while to recover from being with people who drained her happiness to ZERO!Shonette met somebody at an event recently who took an instant dislike to her. And she was very rude too.But it’s ok because with a bit of wand therapy Shonette found it all quite amusing. The next day at this event the room was full of negativity and Shonette’s happiness and positivity was sucked dry! The good news is this helped Shonette realise just how lucky she is to have so many positive people in her life, her family and her team.Who do you have in your life who is positive? Who are the Lemon Suckers?Shonette has decided when she meets rude people she is going to challenge them and tell them they are rude! She wants you to do the same!If you need more Happiness Injections to get you through just get in touch with Shonette... on insta it's @basonshonetteTwitter is @ShonetteBasonAnd she's also on Facebook Music used under creative commons license. Why oh you are L O V

  • 46: Get Back In My Comfort Zone

    21/03/2019 Duration: 11min

    Shonette has been getting out of her comfort zone recentlyRegular listeners will know she wants to do stand up comedy and perform at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. Well exciting times are ahead because she’s only gone and got an audition for the next stage of that dream!But uh oh this is sending Shonette straight back to her comfort zone because this is scary!!!Anybody who tells you to "get out of your comfort zone" is probably still in their comfort zone because it is hard work!But how are you going to ever grow if you don't leave that nice comfy duvet?Shonette is here to help you identify if you're living in your comfort zone and what to do if you want to leave it behind. The good news is she's got your back the whole way. Get in touch with her via the socials listed below…Oh and the word Shonette can't pronounce is Amygdala. It's a bit of your brain!If you want to hit her up on insta it's @basonshonetteTwitter is @ShonetteBasonMusic used under creative commons license. Why

  • 45: Do You Want To Have More Fun

    14/03/2019 Duration: 11min

    Sit down, grab a brew because Shonette has some things to say about World Book Day. Or maybe it should be called World Dress Up As A Character (Not Always From A Book) Day instead?But what World Book Day does do is show Lemon Suckers who normally act all Lemon Sucky about dressing up that yes they can have fun too! We all have the potential to have fun so why so many people wait until we have permission?Let's all have more fun because having fun is what we all remember and maybe read some books to get inspired every day rather than World Book Day!Don't forget to check out Shonette's website If you want to hit her up on insta it's @basonshonetteTwitter is @ShonetteBasonShonette's books can be downloaded onto your kindle hereAmy Bradley who does Shonette's brilliant illustrations has her website hereMusic used under creative commons license. Why oh you are L O V E by Dancefloor is Lava.

  • 44: It Is What It Is

    06/03/2019 Duration: 12min

    Shonette is a big fan of the phrase "don't let people (or silly things) steal your happiness". She was reminded of this last week at an event she was speaking at. One of the attendees was crying during the happiness workshop and it turned out to be down to something somebody had said to her previously but she'd been going over and over and over it in her head.Now Shonette admits she is one of the worst offenders for "doing her own head in" because of others or situations she's got not much control over.So how can you learn from Shonette to stop doing your own head in and being your own worst lemon sucker?Well Shonette turns to another phrase in these moments "it is what it is" and in this episode of Happiness Injection she'll explain how this works and you'll hear her bonus icing on the cake mantra to use in partnership with "it is what it is".A note from Charlotte the podcast women - in answer to Shonette's question - No. Not really, but we can

  • 43: Be A Positive Influencer

    06/02/2019 Duration: 14min

    Shonette has been to the football. Not a surprise you might think, but actually this is out of her comfort zone because it was an away match AND she went on her own without her son!This episode of Happiness Injection looks at who and what influences us. It comes after a discussion on the way to the match where Shonette and her three football men talk about what it was that influenced them to love Manchester United.There's even a story that begins "I told Sir Alex Ferguson…" You'll have to listen to find out how that ends!Don't forget to check out Shonette's website and here is the all important music credit - Music used under creative commons license. Why oh you are L O V E by Dancefloor is Lava.

  • 42: Good Things Come In Threes

    28/01/2019 Duration: 09min

    No don't worry you've not misread the title of this episode of Happiness Injection.Shonette has been busy though and in particular she's noticed the way we talk and thinks it's time to flip the things we say.That means no longer will bad things come in threes, instead only good things will come in threes.There's plenty of phrases getting the Shonette Happiness Injection and there's even a flash back to her dog eating a squirrel!So remember #GoodThingsComeInThrees and let Shonette know your good things Don't forget to check out Shonette's website and here is the all important music credit - Music used under creative commons license. Why oh you are L O V E by Dancefloor is Lava.

  • 41: #ItsNotOK To Be A Work Place Lemon Sucker!

    22/01/2019 Duration: 17min

    In this episode of Happiness Injection Shonette is talking about what it's NOT ok to be.And in case the title isn't a big enough giveaway, today (and always) it is not OK to be a work place LEMON SUCKER.Shonette will tell you about a spectacular work place lemon sucker she encountered at an event and how this person made her decide it's time to stop letting the negative people run the show. It is time to pluck up the courage and tell the lemon suckers in your life that their negativity is affecting you.You'll also find out how Shonette was sad for three days and needed a shot of her own Happiness Injection.Shonette mentions the word "knacks" in this podcast, if you're not from the North East of England here is a definition "something that wears you out. A shortened version of knackered" It does not mean talent for something in this context!If you want to find out more about the school of Spread The Happiness which is also mentioned just click hereShonette makes no apolo

  • 40: My Dating Updates

    07/01/2019 Duration: 15min

    Welcome to the Happiness Injection with Shonette Bason.In this episode you'll hear all about Shonette's recent dating experiences.A quick word of warning, you might end up blushing more than a little bit. But you'll also laugh out loud!As always you'll be off your head with happiness without the need for calories, drugs or alcohol.Music used under creative commons license. Why oh you are L O V E by Dancefloor is Lava.www.shonettebasonwood.com/podcasts

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