Sermons from Sundays at Central City Church in Lexington, SC. Lead Pastor Sheldon Sundell. Central City Church is an historic Assemblies of God Church in Columbia, SC, now being re-launched in the town of Lexington.
I'm Enthusiastic
23/09/2018 Duration: 32minAs people who are choosing to STAY POSITIVE, we are embracing Enthusiasm that comes from being filled with God's Spirit. Like David, we can lose our enthusiasm, but we can also allow the Spirit to stir us up again!
I'm Encouraging
09/09/2018 Duration: 38minOne of the most spiritual things we can do is encourage others. Our God is an encouraging God--and we are to be just like Him. In this message, Pastor Sheldon shares three key ways we can grow in encouragement.
I'm Grateful
02/09/2018 Duration: 48minCynicism and negativity might be the easy choice but they’re not the best choice. If you seek what is good, you’ll see what is good. Let’s embrace the way we’re created to think and Stay Positive. In this message Pastor Sheldon shares 3 important statements from Scripture that will help us stay grateful and avoid complaining.
I'm Optimistic
26/08/2018 Duration: 43minCynicism and negativity might be the easy choice but they’re not the best choice. If you seek what is good, you’ll see what is good. Let’s embrace the way we’re created to think and Stay Positive. In this message Pastor Sheldon gives 8 reasons to be optimistic from Romans 8.
Forward Looking Faith
01/07/2018 Duration: 37minHebrews 11 recalls how one generation would bless the next and see greater things ahead through the eyes of faith.
Bringing Your Best
24/06/2018 Duration: 35minHebrews 11 recalls the story of Cain and Abel. What made Abel's offering better? He brought his best!
Faith Like Abraham
17/06/2018 Duration: 38minIn this message, we discover four fundamentals of faith from the life of Abraham, as recounted in Hebrews 11.
Letting Go of Jericho
10/06/2018 Duration: 31minGod is leading us all into new places. But we must be willing to let go of the comfort and safety of our "Jericho."
Faith to Start
20/05/2018 Duration: 32minYou don't have to have the faith to finish, just the faith to start. Get moving in God's direction for your life as we conclude our series.
Trust the Process
13/05/2018 Duration: 36minWe live in an "instant" society, but God often works in our lives through a process. In this message, we look at 4 steps in God's process.
Wisdom to Discern
06/05/2018 Duration: 35minLife can seem complicated at times, yet we still have key decisions we need to make. We need wisdom! In this message, we learn 3 simple steps to obtaining directional wisdom for our lives.
What's the Plan?
29/04/2018 Duration: 40minWhether or not you are a "planner," it isn't a bad idea to latch onto a good plan. However, we must remember that God cares about WHO before DO and WHY before WHAT.
The Elements of Vision
22/04/2018 Duration: 50minA vision is more than an opinion. It requires elimination, focus, and understanding. We need to ask some clarifying questions to drill down to the vision God has for us.
The Mission of God
15/04/2018 Duration: 36minGod is writing a story and is on a mission to redeem and restore all of Creation. God's mission drives our vision.
Getting Back on Track - John 21
08/04/2018 Duration: 40minIn the final chapter of John, Jesus meets his disciples at the Sea of Galilee, helping them to get back on track with the mission.
Easter: Receiving the Resurrection
01/04/2018 Duration: 34minJesus is Alive! Yet, it takes some time for this truth to sink in. Mary, the Disciples, and Thomas all have obstacles to overcome in order for the resurrection of Jesus to make a difference in their lives. The same is true for each of us.
The Hour of Trial - John 18
18/03/2018 Duration: 38minIn John 18, Jesus begins his hour of trial. In the Garden, the Arrest, and the Courtyard, Peter also has his faith put to the test. What can we learn from these scenes as we face our own hour of trial?
You Got Served - John 13
11/03/2018 Duration: 39minIn John 13, Jesus demonstrates what love and discipleship is all about in serving and washing his disciples feet.
Lazarus - John 11
04/03/2018 Duration: 47minIn John 11, Jesus turns tragedy into triumph--but not without entering into the pain of those he loves along the way.
The Blind - John 9
25/02/2018 Duration: 42minJesus heals a man born blind--and reveals to us that blindness is truly a matter of the heart.