Hope East Village Sunday Sermons
Active in the Waiting
15/06/2020 Duration: 37minSpeaker: Matt Kay | Scripture: Acts 1:12-26 | Series: A Pentecost Movement: Preparing for a New Thing
07/06/2020 Duration: 30minSpeaker: Drew Jackson | Text: Acts 1:1-11 | Series: A Pentecost Movement: Preparing for a New Thing
Let the Idols Fall
02/06/2020 Duration: 37minSpeaker: Matt Kay | Scripture: 1 John 5:1-21 | Series: Walk in the Light
Loving Out of the Overflow
26/05/2020 Duration: 25minSpeaker: Chelsea Whitfield | Scripture: 1 John 4:1-21 | Series: Walk in the Light
Stillness in the Storm: A Conversation on Mental Health in Light of COVID-19
19/05/2020 Duration: 01h48minListen to this important conversation that Pastors Matt & Drew have with Rich & Emmy Bowman of Reliant Counseling on the importance of attending to our mental health in light of the current pandemic we're all facing. They also discuss the impact that the ongoing trauma of racism in America has on our mental health. Rich Bowman contact info: Email:
Made for Love
18/05/2020 Duration: 38minSpeaker: Drew Jackson| Scripture: 1 John 3:11-24 | Series: Walk in the Light
Born to Run
11/05/2020 Duration: 34minSpeaker: Matt Kay | Scripture" 1 John 3:1-10 | Series: Walk in the Light
The Refiner’s Fire
27/04/2020 Duration: 42minSpeaker: Matt Kay | Scripture: 1 John 2:3-17 | Series: Walk in the Light: Eastertide with First John
God, Photons, & Freedom
20/04/2020 Duration: 37minSpeaker: Drew Jackson | Series: Walk in the Light: Eastertide with First John | Text: 1 John 1:1-2:2
Palm Sunday 2020: Salvation from Business as Usual
06/04/2020 Duration: 35minSpeaker: Drew Jackson | Scripture: Luke 19:28-44
Groaning & Hoping in a COVID-19 World
31/03/2020 Duration: 36minSpeaker: Matt Kay | Scripture: Romans 8:18-39 | Series: Come & Die: An Invitation to the Cruciform Life
Come On Up the Mountain
23/03/2020 Duration: 35minSpeaker: Drew Jackson | Scripture: Matthews 17:1-13 | Series: Come & Die: An Invitation to the Cruciform Life
Online Gathering: Coronavirus Response
18/03/2020 Duration: 23minSpeaker: Matt Kay | Scripture: Hebrews 10:19-25 | Series: Come & Die: An Invitation to the Cruciform Life
Cycle Breakers
10/03/2020 Duration: 56minSpeaker: Drew Jackson | Scripture: Matthew 18:21-35 | Series: Come & Die: An Invitation to the Cruciform Life
Do You Really Want This?
02/03/2020 Duration: 46minSpeaker: Drew Jackson | Scripture: Matthew 16:13-26 | Series: Come & Die: An Invitation to the Cruciform Life
Fasting to Fight for our Fire
24/02/2020 Duration: 52minSpeaker: Drew Jackson | Scripture: Joel 2:12-19, 23-29 | Series: Rooted
Sabbath as Liberation
18/02/2020 Duration: 31minSpeaker: Chelsea Whitfield | Scripture: Isaiah 58:13-14 | Series: Rooted