Our Mission: To lead many out of separation from God, and into a life-transforming, joy-filled relationship with Him
At the Feet of Jesus
21/07/2019 Duration: 46minLife gets overwhelming when I don't spend time with Jesus.
The Fear and Faith Fight in our Hearts
30/06/2019 Duration: 44minEvery person has a fight in their heart.
The Dangers of Laziness
28/06/2019 Duration: 22minIf laziness isn't addressed, I will neglect my responsibilities.
A Message from God
16/06/2019 Duration: 55minI am honored by God to share His message to change the world.
Mountaintop Encounters With God
26/05/2019 Duration: 53minAs I follow Jesus closely, I position myself for mountaintop encounters with God. #God97proud
When Subtraction is Addition
19/05/2019 Duration: 48minEverything I lose for following Jesus profits me.
The Danger's of Being a Passive Father
17/05/2019 Duration: 28minBecause passivity encourages rebelliousness, we must be active in raising our children...
Jesus is a Patient Savior
28/04/2019 Duration: 47minBecause my Savior is patient, I can be patient.
Fleeing from Lust
26/04/2019 Duration: 24minBecause adultery begins in the heart, we must fight against lustful desires
Death Crushed (Easter 2019)
21/04/2019 Duration: 40minIn this world of endless dark uncertainties, I can face tomorrow because Jesus lives!
I Am More Human the Closer I Come to Jesus
14/04/2019 Duration: 49minThe more power Jesus has over my life, the more human I become.
Lord of Peace
07/04/2019 Duration: 54minThe same Jesus who calmed the storm with a Word, will calm me - when I believe His Word.