Our Mission: To lead many out of separation from God, and into a life-transforming, joy-filled relationship with Him
Facing My Crisis
08/12/2013 Duration: 59minLearn to keep praying in the most difficult times (crisis) and trust God with the results (prayer and sovereignty) - How to get through a crisis?
The Lord's Supper
24/11/2013 Duration: 50minWhy the world needs a Savior (betrayal - Judas (a picture for us), cowardice (disciples) - those closest to Jesus still desperately needed a Savior) /// Why the world needs a Savior - being close to Jesus wasn't enough - our issues run much deeper than seeing a good example /// See how those CLOSEST to Jesus related to Him
The End is Near (I)
03/11/2013 Duration: 49minBe prepared to suffer / Don't be surprised at suffering / What should you anticipate when the end is near?
A Contrast of Values
27/10/2013 Duration: 58minWhen you recognize WHO Jesus is (great giver), instead of being a taker, you too will be a giver
The Great Commandment
20/10/2013 Duration: 59minBecause God is most worthy, nothing matters more than loving Him.
What Happens After Death?
13/10/2013 Duration: 52minThose who are ready to die - live best // What happens to people after they die?
In the World but Not of it
06/10/2013 Duration: 50minHow to live in world but not be off it --- surrender all to God (how will end)
The Parable of the Tenants
29/09/2013 Duration: 53minOur propensity to reject God's help / recognize your propensity to reject God's help / learn to quickly receive God's help when it comes
Prayer that Moves Mountains
22/09/2013 Duration: 51minFaith in God moves mountains /// connection between believing and receiving /// Faith and Prayer /// What is essential for effective prayer?
Jesus in the Temple
08/09/2013 Duration: 58minDon't use God for your purposes // Jesus won't co-exist with religious hypocrisy!
Persistent Faith
25/08/2013 Duration: 51minPersistent Faith (keep trusting!!! - wait on Jesus to come through - don't let obstacles hold you back)
What Makes You Great
18/08/2013 Duration: 53minTo follow Jesus means to suffer / How God defines greatness / Greatness comes through sacrificial service in God's eyes
Entering the Kingdom of God
11/08/2013 Duration: 48minUnderstand how to come to Jesus and the benefits of it /// Coming to Jesus /// The Kingdom /// How to enter the Kingdom of God
Jesus on Marriage and Divorce
04/08/2013 Duration: 52minExplain what divorce is. Encourage fulfill marriage. Comfort the divorced.
Living Out The Gospel
28/07/2013 Duration: 49minThe gospel should be lived out by connecting what we do to what Jesus has done
Help My Unbelief
21/07/2013 Duration: 50minWant to be a person of faith - trusts God in the most difficult of times? Must grow as a person of prayer
The Cost of Discipleship
23/06/2013 Duration: 55minRecognize the cost of discipleship and the blessing that follows