Lewis and Clark Bible Church
The Christ-Centered Home, Part 3
25/11/2012 Duration: 49minHusbands, love your wives. Christ's love is both the model and the fuel that makes possible the sacrificial love God is demanding.
The Christ-Centered Home, Part 2
11/11/2012 Duration: 53minGod's design for marriage is modeled on both the submission and the leadership of Jesus Christ.
The Christ-Centered Home, Part 1
28/10/2012 Duration: 52minGod has given us a design for sex and marriage that is contrary to our culture's permissive views.
Worship and the Word
21/10/2012 Duration: 43minAuthentic worship is a way of life, no a Sunday-only endeavor. It includes teaching, admonishing and submitting to each other and springs from the indwelling word of Christ.
God's Good Work
14/10/2012 Duration: 37minBorn-again believers are God's own work—even His masterpieces. His continuing work enables our personal sanctification as we work out our salvation.
Paul Mwesigwa from Hope Mercy Mission reports.
07/10/2012 Duration: 49minPastor Paul speaks of the amazing work accomplished and goals set at the Uganda village of Kabaale. Lives are being changed. This effort is short on bureaucracy and long on results. More information at:
Worship Matters (Part 7)
30/09/2012 Duration: 44minChurch attendance nurtures and equips believers according to the love of Christ.
Worship Matters (Part 6)
23/09/2012 Duration: 38minThe church's attraction must be in the love of Jesus and the desire to worship and glorify Him, not in the desire to be entertained and/or served.
Worship Matters (Part 5)
16/09/2012 Duration: 42minJoyful praise is an essential element in Christian living.
Worship Matters (Part 4)
09/09/2012 Duration: 39minChristian living is living praise, generously sharing and glorifying God.
Worship Matters (Part 2)
26/08/2012 Duration: 49minWorship is the over-flow of a Spirit-filled, Truth-filled heart. It involves sacrifice.
Worship Matters
19/08/2012 Duration: 37minGod-centered worship is Spirit-led and involves our entire lives. To live in a way that reflects God's grace is to glorify and worship Him. Unless one is born again worship is impossible.
His Word in You
05/08/2012 Duration: 42minTo live a Christ-centered life be in the Word and let the Word live in you.
Let His Peace Rule
29/07/2012 Duration: 37minPeace is only found in the person of Jesus Christ and His completed work on the cross.
Forbearing and Forgiving
15/07/2012 Duration: 43minMake allowance for the faults of others. Forgive. Release others from supposed debts incurred by offenses.
Uganda Mission Trip Report
08/07/2012 Duration: 57minPastor Jerry, Laura and Carissa Conklin report on the joys of their recent trip to Uganda.
10/06/2012 Duration: 40minPutting on Christ-like longsuffering makes us patient, forgiving and never vengeful.