The Tara Granahan Show 9am-Noon
Karl Wadensten
26/06/2018 Duration: 10minKarl Wadensten joins the Tara Granahan Show to discuss his decision to run for Lt. Governor.
Bob Flanders
26/06/2018 Duration: 09minBob Flanders joins the Tara Granahan Show to discuss his decision to run for Senate against Sheldon Whitehouse.
Joe Trillo
25/06/2018 Duration: 09minJoe Trillo joins the Tara Granahan Show to discuss a complaint he is filing against an Allan Fung billboard.
Speaker Nick Mattiello
25/06/2018 Duration: 12minNick Mattiello joins the Tara Granahan Show to discuss the latest with the Pawsox, and also about Steve Frias announcing he is running against Nick Mattiello.
Rep. John Lombardi
25/06/2018 Duration: 13minJohn Lombardi joins the Tara Granahan Show to discuss his decision to not run for Mayor of Providence.
Steve Frias
25/06/2018 Duration: 04minSteve Frias joined the Tara Granahan Show to discuss his decision to run against Nick Mattiello for his seat as a State Rep.
Matt Brown Candidate for Governor
25/06/2018 Duration: 16minMatt Brown joins the Tara Granahan Show to discuss his decision to withdraw his bid for the party's endorsement.
Bristol County Sheriff Thomas Hodgson
22/06/2018 Duration: 14minThomas Hodgson Joins the Tara Granahan Show to discuss the situation going on at the border, and also about his issues with Mass AG Maura Healey.
Rep Anthony Giarrusso
22/06/2018 Duration: 11minRep. Anthony Giarrusso joins the Tara Granahan Show to discuss the latest with the Pawsox, and also about changing the name of the airport.
Sen. Lou Raptakis
21/06/2018 Duration: 12minSen. Lou Raptakis joins the Tara Granahan Show to discuss the new budget, along with his bill about leaving kids in a car, and about the airport name change.
Rep. Charlene Lima
21/06/2018 Duration: 10minRep. CHarlene Lima joins the Tara Granahan Show to discuss the cost to study the impact of changing the name of TF Green Airport.
Rick Simone Executive Director Federal Hill Commerce Association
20/06/2018 Duration: 04minRick SImone joins the Tara Granahan Show with an update on the broken fountain on Federal Hill.
Rep. Brian Newberry
20/06/2018 Duration: 08minRep Brian Newberry joins the Tara Granahan Show to discuss John Carnevale potentially running for office again.
Gen. Reginald Centracchio
20/06/2018 Duration: 12minGen. Reginald Centracchio joins the Tara Granahan Show to discuss what the Governor has the authority to do when it comes to potentially sending troops to the border.
Reynaldo Almonte Latino Public Radio
20/06/2018 Duration: 09minReynaldo Almonte joins the Tara Granahan Show to discuss the Governor promising in her campaign to give driver's license's to illegals, and not doing anything about it since.
Giovanni Feroce Republican Candidate for Governor
15/06/2018 Duration: 14minGiovanni Feroce joins the Tara Granahan Show to give his opinion of the situation with Allan Fung not making rent payments, and about Patricia Morgan's comments.
Barbara Ann Fenton Cranston Mayor Allan Fung's Wife
15/06/2018 Duration: 11minBarbara Ann Fenton joins the Tara Granahan Show to discuss comments made by Patricia Morgan where she said Allan Fung was digging so deep he was going to be in China.
Steven Brown RI ACLU
15/06/2018 Duration: 07minSteven Brown of the ACLU joins the Tara Granahan Show to discuss the Kristen's Law bill, and why people are against it.
Rep. Patricia Morgan
14/06/2018 Duration: 10minPatricia Morgan joins the Tara Granahan Show to discuss Allan Fung cutting new checks after not paying rent in 2016.
John Marion Common Cause RI
14/06/2018 Duration: 12minJohn Marion joins the Tara Granahan Show to discuss Allan Fung cutting new checks after not paying rent in 2016.