Move Church

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 74:35:23
  • More information



Welcome to the weekly audio podcast for Move Church in Carleton Place, ON where our vision is to Call Higher, Engage Deeper and Impact Greater. Visit us at


  • One for the Men 2018

    17/06/2018 Duration: 43min

    Description Our culture is increasingly defining manhood by extremes and the result is the growth of men who don't know how to be men according to God's definition. This morning we look at what it means to be a man according to how God defines it and two of the most important areas in our lives this plays out.

  • The Jerusalem Council

    10/06/2018 Duration: 45min

    Description This week we looked at the ongoing division between Jew and Gentile which led to the Jerusalem Council and consider three important takeaways for the church. Acts 15:1-33

  • The Holy Spirit Falls on the Gentiles

    03/06/2018 Duration: 45min

    Description This week; week 7 in our study through the book of Acts, we look at the receiving of the Good News and the falling of the Holy Spirit on the Gentiles in Acts 10:1-44 and consider two important takeaways for God's church.

  • The Conversion of Saul

    27/05/2018 Duration: 58min

    Description This week, as we continue our series through the book of Acts, Guest speaker; Dan Courteau, takes us through the story of the conversion of Paul and looks at two main ideas from the text: formidable opposition faces the church and the spread of the gospel but the church has the unstoppable person and power of the triune God.

  • Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you Believed?

    20/05/2018 Duration: 33min

    Description In Acts 19:2 Paul asks a group of new believers in Ephesus the question: Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed? This week we consider this question in light of the fact that they Holy Spirit was an experiential reality for New Testament believers. The receiving of the Holy Spirit is not just a doctrine to believe in, but a fact we can know.

  • One for the Women 2018

    13/05/2018 Duration: 32min

    Description On Mothers Day we took time out from our series on Acts to speak directly to women. In this message entitled 'One for the Women 2018' we address the struggles many women face with control, comparison and insecurity.

  • Opposition and Boldness

    06/05/2018 Duration: 34min

    Description In week four of our series through the book of Acts we consider two motivators that make our witness for Jesus weak: The need to belong and the fear of opposition and what allows us to overcome these challenges.

  • Real

    29/04/2018 Duration: 30min

    Description This week we took time out from our series through the book of Acts to address recent events in Canada and the importance of living with a heart postured toward a lost and broken world. 

  • Fellowship of the Believers

    22/04/2018 Duration: 37min

    Description This week we looked at the Fellowship of Believers as portrayed in Acts and considered three characteristics that should be present in the gathering of Jesus' church along with three desired effects this kindof fellowship has when we get it right. Scriptures: Acts 2:42-47 Acts 4:32-35 Acts 5:12-15

  • Empowered by the Spirit

    15/04/2018 Duration: 30min

    Episode Notes Jesus gave the Apostles a command to wait in Jerusalem for the promise of the Holy Spirit. This week we look at the arrival of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost and Peter's first sermon. As those who have now been enstrusted with the message of Jesus, we consider three takeaways from our text that are relevant to living out the responsibility we have of sharing the gospel.

  • The Command to Wait

    08/04/2018 Duration: 36min

    Descriptions How did Christianity grow from a small movement that began in Jerusalem over 2000 years ago to a faith claimed by approximately one third of the entire world? This week we begin a new series in the Book of Acts by looking at the call Jesus placed on the Apostles life and the subsequent season of waiting they entered into before being released into it. We see this reflected in our lives: God often calls, then he equips through a season of waiting.

  • Who Do You Say I Am? (Easter Sunday)

    01/04/2018 Duration: 28min

    Description On Easter Sunday we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus from the tomb on the third day after his crucifixion. Jesus' resurrection is the hope of eternal life for every man, woman and child who places their faith in Him. This morning, we consider the question; one more time, Who do you say Jesus Is?

  • Who Do You Say I Am? (Good Friday)

    30/03/2018 Duration: 29min

    Description Good Friday is the beginning of the most momentous weekend in the history of the world. On Good Friday we remember the day Jesus willingly suffered and died by crucifixion as the ultimate sacrifice for our sins. We consider the question: "Who Do You Say I Am?" in light of the cross.

  • Who do you Say I Am? (Palm Sunday)

    25/03/2018 Duration: 29min

    Description On Palm Sunday we celebrate Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem and the beginning of Passion Week; the final seven days of Jesus' earthly ministry. As Jesus entered the Holy city of Jerusalem he neared the culmination of his journey to the cross. This morning we consider the question: 'Who do you say Jesus Is?' and the eternal implications our response to this question holds.

  • By This Shall All Men Know

    18/03/2018 Duration: 26min

    Description This week, Nick Trytsman shares a message on Love and the importance of displaying this love as God does by meeting the needs of others.

  • Do not Quench the Spirit

    11/03/2018 Duration: 36min

    Description The work of the Holy Spirit is integral in the life of a believer, but scripture makes it clear we can hinder the work of the Spirit in our lives. Today we examine Paul's warning to the church in Thessalonica regarding the quenching of the Spirit and we will look at some specific examples of differences between ministry and manipulation.

  • Deliverance

    04/03/2018 Duration: 41min

    Description This week we cover the topic of deliverance. Deliverance is not a Gift of the Spirit, but is still a demonstration of God's power and Jesus' authority which has been delegated to his followers. We look at the debate that rages regarding whether a follower of Christ can be indwelt by an unclean spirit as well as how scripture and subsequently, how a follower of Christ should approach this controversial topic.

  • Healing

    25/02/2018 Duration: 34min

    Description This week we examine a biblical view of healing and the role faith plays in the miraculous works of God.

  • Prophecy and Tongues

    18/02/2018 Duration: 39min

    Description Paul wrote 1 Corinthians 14 in response to some pride that had entered the Corinthian church regarding the gift of tongues. Paul begins the chapter with the exhortation to 'Pursue love, and earnestly desire the spiritual gifts, especially that you may prophecy'. Today we look at the gift of prophecy and tongues and Paul's instruction for their usage in corporate gatherings.

  • Earnest Desire

    11/02/2018 Duration: 29min

    Description Pursue love, and earnestly desire the spiritual gifts... - 1 corinthians 14:1 Paul issues this commmand to followers of Jesus in the church of Corinth and it is as relevant or us today. What does it mean to pursue love and how should we earnestly desire the spiritual gifts.

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