Perspectives with Dr. Ari Grayson is a political talk show created to bring to you the voices, policies, and positions of trailblazers and leaders from Laguna Beach, Orange County, and all across the great State of California. A broad range of perspectives are explored, from non-partisan to highly partisan, and a different guest joins Ari each week to discuss issues that affect our life.
Laguna Roundtable ~ Ari interviews local author Jean Ardell – author of “Making My Pitch: A Woman’s Baseball Odyssey.”
15/05/2017Ari interviews local author Jean Ardell. Jean is an accomplished writer and recently co-authored the book – “Making My Pitch: A Woman’s Baseball Odyssey.”
Ari’s On The Table: “You’re FIRED”
14/05/2017This week my commentary on Laguna RoundTable, “You’re FIRED,” hit hard at Trump for firing people investigating his conduct and his relationships with Russia. Take a listen and let me know what you think!
The Bully Pulpit & the Bully (5-Feb-17)
05/02/2017Ari comments on Donald Trump’s contempt for an independent judiciary that doesn’t always bend to his wishes, his incessant bullying, and his lack of respect for the United States Constitution.
OtT – “Twisted Trump” – commentary by Ari Grayson (Jan-29-2017)
29/01/2017“HE’S EVIL” He comes on smooth, cool and kind, But he wants your body not your mind. He’s got style, personality, But he’s the devil in reality. He’ll make you laugh, make you smile, And make you feel good for a while. Wicked smile, decadent grin, He likes school girls, nuns and virgins. His skin […]
~ From Russia with Love – On the Table by Ari Grayson (Dec. 18, 2016)
18/12/2016From Russia with Love is Ari’s pointed commentary on Donald Trump’s love affair with Vladimir Putin and Russia’s hacking of American servers in an attempt to influence the U.S. Presidential election of 2016.
Erwin Chemerinsky ~ founding Dean of UCI’s School of Law
16/12/2016Erwin Chemerinsky – founding Dean of UCI’s School of Law speaks openly about the implications of the 2016 elections and how we move forward.
Laguna Roundtable – Dr. Ari Grayson ~ guests
17/04/2016It was a pleasure returning to the airwaves today. In an interview with my Laguna Roundtable co-host “Righty” Jim Kennedy, we discussed a few key issues including education and the economy. Thank you ~ Ari
Show 51a ~ Ari’s OtT: ‘bye Jeb! Nothing Lasts Forever
28/02/2016At a loss for words (ok – who really believes that) Ari expresses his feelings of lost love for Jeb! in the music of The Kinks song “Nothing Lasts Forever.”
Show 49a ~ Make America Great Again (Ari)
09/02/2016In this week's On the Table Ari discuss "Make America Great Again" and what made America great in the first place.
Show 48 ~ Navy SEAL Mike Beanan – Med. Marijuana
17/01/2016Former Navy SEAL Mike Beanan speaks with Ari and Jim about his military service as a SEAL in Vietnam, his personal battles with PTSD, and his advocacy for improved availability and access to Medical Marijuana for our nation's veterans - particularly those veterans living amongst us in Laguna Beach.
Show 46 ~ Anila Ali (interview)
27/12/2015Ari Grayson shares a very in-depth and poignant conversation with Anila Ali about her work and about the life of her father Qutubuddin Aziz - a man who was a writer of international repute, a former diplomat, a lecturer, broadcaster and social worker. Anila Ali a Pakistani-born educator, author, activist, and politician. In February 2015, Ms. Ali served on the “White House Panel on Countering Violent Extremism,” she’s president of the American Muslim Women's Empowerment Council (AMWEC), and she serves as a member of the highly acclaimed Los Angeles Pilot Program. This interview immediately became among Ari's personal favorites.
Show 43a ~ “And the Narcissist Shall Lead Them”
13/12/2015Ari's On the Table segment this week is "And the Narcissist Shall Lead Them". Several of the nation's leading psychologists suggest Republican presidential candidate and frontrunner, Donald Trump, has narcissistic personality disorder.
Show 44a ~ Ari puts “Muslims Amongst Us” OtT
13/12/2015When someone says to you "Where are the peaceful Muslims and why aren't they speaking against and combating violent extremism" I hope the following letter helps you provide a strong response. In short, there are good people and powerful voices all around us. All YOU need to do is take a moment to listen. Anila Ali is president of the American Muslim Women's Empowerment Council; In February 2015, she served on the “White House Panel on Countering Extreme Violence.” I wish to share with you a letter Ms. Ali recently penned.
Show 35a ~ Ari puts “Immigration & Islam” OtT
29/11/2015Ari introduces a new segment to “Laguna Roundtable” called “On the Table.” Ari uses his time to address comments made recently by Donald Trumpet and Ben Carson about Middle East immigrants and about Muslims. Please excuse the quality of the recording as the show was recorded remotely. Let us know your thoughts about the piece. Thanks!
Show 42a ~ Ari’s “On the Table” – “Fear Itself”
25/11/2015In the wake of the ISIS attacks in Paris and the call by some in the U.S. to prevent refugees from Syria into the country, Ari’s OtT addresses “Fear Itself.” As Benjamin Franklin famously said: “Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.” Let’s not become so […]