Weekly messages from Calvary Church's High School gathering.
Temptations of Jesus, Part 3: Authority / Eric Gregory
10/09/2017 Duration: 35minSatan tempts Jesus with the entire world and all the power and authority that comes with it.
Temptations of Jesus, Part 2: Applause / Eric Gregory
03/09/2017 Duration: 32minIn part two of The Temptations of Jesus, Satan appeals to a longing inside of all of us, the need for acceptance and applause from others.
Temptations of Jesus, Part 2: Appetite / Eric Gregory
27/08/2017 Duration: 37minWe are often tempted with immediate gratification, settling for less and not waiting for God’s timing. We will learn how Jesus overcame this temptation and how we can do the same.
Temptations of Jesus Part 1: Jesus Hidden Years / Gordon Gregory
20/08/2017 Duration: 37minNot much is known about a large part of Jesus’ life. His birth is well recorded, but the bible is curiously silent until his baptism, 30 years later. These are Jesus’ silent years, a time where God was growing and preparing him for his temptations, ministry and death.
Visions & Values, Part 1 : Values / Eric Gregory
13/08/2017 Duration: 39minThis week we want to talk about how we get there, with our Values. We will look at each of our five values (Loving God, Living God’s Word, Growing with God’s People, Going into God’s World and Investing in God’s Work) and see that our students are not just a part of Calvary Church, but they are the church!
Visions & Values, Part 1: Creation / Eric Gregory
06/08/2017 Duration: 38minCreation is so much bigger than a debate between the bible and scientists, it is our foundation for how God intended the world to be. It shows us why God created us and how we should relate to the world. Though the world doesn’t look like the paradise God created (we will see why next week), God intended for us to rest, as he did, in the goodness of him and his creation.