Tony Kurre - radio personality, classic rock legend. Hes seen it all (and done most of it). Josh Klapow - a psychologist giving advice and breaking it all down from a human angle. What happens when these guys get together? They talk about things that grab them. Have a listen see if it doesnt grab you too.The Kurre and Klapow Show- One's a psychologist. One might need one.Live Saturday Nights 7-10pm CST. Stream from anywhere at:
5/11 KCast: Super Heroes and Super Parents
11/05/2019 Duration: 06minTony Kurre and Dr. Josh Klapow discuss the infatuation with super heroes, given the success of the latest Avengers movie, but also compare the traits of a super hero to what it takes to be a truly super parent. Why do some of us fall short, and what does it take to truly be SUPER?
5/11 KCast Spy Stories: The Hot Boss
11/05/2019 Duration: 06minTony Kurre and Josh Klapow discuss a story of a man whose new boss is younger and very physically attractive. How transparent should he have been with his spouse about his feelings?
5/11 KCast: Spanking
11/05/2019 Duration: 09minTony Kurre and Dr. Josh Klapow delve into the controversial topic of spanking children. When is it OK, when ISN'T it OK, and what are the impacts of it on the children?
5/11 KCast: Politics vs. Personal Life
11/05/2019 Duration: 06minTony Kurre and Josh Klapow get into politics...but not the way you may be imagining. They aren't talking about the issues, but rather, why have the rest of us suddenly become so aroused by politics, particuarly the 2020 election compared to years past?
5/11 KCast: Pet Stories
11/05/2019 Duration: 06minAs Tony Kurre said, every great show has a great pet he and Dr. Josh Klapow discuss a miraculous story about a cat who found his way home across the country, among other stories about animals and pets.
5/11 KCast: Marriage
11/05/2019 Duration: 11minTony Kurre and Dr. Josh Klapow discuss the ins-and-outs of marriage, starting with the story of Katherine McPhee and David Foster - specifically her bachelorette party.
5/11 KCast: K&K Contact
11/05/2019 Duration: 11minTony Kurre tosses rapid fire questions at Dr. Josh Klapow, covering most subjects under the sun, for another edition of K&K Contact!
5/11 KCast: Jennifer Aniston
11/05/2019 Duration: 06minTony Kurre and Dr. Josh Klapow discuss the lovelife of Jennifer Aniston. This isn't an episode of TMZ or Entertainment Tonight; on this KCast, the guys take a look at the male perspective of why she is single and why she has had so many failed relationships, despite being so physically attractive.
5/11 KCast: A Mistress...or...Maybe Not?
11/05/2019 Duration: 06minTony Kurre and Josh Klapow discuss an odd story about a wife who discovers her husband secret life... Is it another woman? Hint: nope.
5/11 KCast: Death and Songs for a Funeral
11/05/2019 Duration: 10minTony Kurre and Josh Klapow discuss Luke Perry's death, which leads into a discussion of songs that the people tend to want at their funerals.
5/11 KCast: Asking Out Women
11/05/2019 Duration: 06minTony Kurre and Josh Klapow dig into when to stop pursuing a woman. What should you do after the first rejection, and if you DO continue, when should a normal man realize that it's time to abort the mission?
5/11 KCast: Are You Threatened By a Women's Movement?
11/05/2019 Duration: 13minTony Kurre and Josh Klapow discuss a new group called Supermajority whose goal is to mobilize women in politics. Should men be THREATENED by women who want to be more empowered? On the same token, are women ready to accept all angles of full equality?
05/03 KCast: How Do You Make Others Feel Better?
05/05/2019 Duration: 12minTony Kurre and Josh Klapow discuss the words you should and should NOT say to make someone else feel better. Some words seem great, and we use them every day, but they can prove to be insensitive. Dr. Josh was in Bustle recently discussing the STRATEGIES that will keep you from pissing anyone off when you want them to feel good!
05/03 KCast: K&K Contact!
05/05/2019 Duration: 11minTony Kurre and Josh Klapow take questions from listeners. Listen as Tony puts Josh on the spot, particularly as he explains why riding a moped was super cool back in the day. Much more inside...
05/03 KCast: Who Wins the Presidency in 2020?
05/05/2019 Duration: 13minTony Kurre and Josh Klapow delve into unfamiliar waters and discuss politics, specifically which person WILL be President in 2020. Listen as Josh tries to separate who he likes, versus the person who probably wins? More importantly, WHY is each candidate significant?
05/03 KCast: Boy Scout Scandal
05/05/2019 Duration: 15minTony Kurre and Josh Klapow discuss a scandal that has rocked the Boy Scouts of America. Tony has personal experience about a Boy Scout leader, which falls in line with the numbers discussed by the guys. How comfortable are you leaving your sons in the Boy Scouts?
05/03 KCast: Joe Biden, Tony Kurre, and Inappropriate Actions
05/05/2019 Duration: 12minTony Kurre and Josh Klapow talk how far is too far when it comes to sexual language and touch. Tony tells about how asked a bus driver to "see his snake," and learned a valuable lesson from it. What lessons could we all learn from Joe Biden's follies, too?
05/03: KCast: '13 Reasons Why' on Netflix - Teen Suicide
05/05/2019 Duration: 11minTony Kurre and Josh Klapow discuss the series on Netflix, '13 Reason Why,' and the impact it has or HASN'T had on adolescent suicide. How significant is the correlation between this show and suicide among youths, and is this the sole cause or merely a nudge for those who are already at-risk?
05/03 KCast: Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue
05/05/2019 Duration: 13minTony Kurre and Josh Klapow discuss the controversial new Sports Illustrated swimsuit model, leading to a discussion about why these issues even exist, and whether they serve the purpose they're supposed to serve in 2019. Should swimsuit issues cater to different audiences, even if it takes away from the essence of what these issues are about in the first place?
04/27 Kurre & Klapow Show Hour 2: Platitudes, Which Story Will Be Bigger in 5 Years, Freudian Slips, and Changing Social Mores
28/04/2019 Duration: 47minTony Kurre and Dr. Josh Klapow talk about whether platitudes help while you're going through bad times, debate which story will be bigger in five years between the Mueller Report, the fire at Notre Dame Cathedral, or Tiger Woods winning the 2019 Masters, talk about Freudian Slips, and changing social mores.