Tony Kurre - radio personality, classic rock legend. Hes seen it all (and done most of it). Josh Klapow - a psychologist giving advice and breaking it all down from a human angle. What happens when these guys get together? They talk about things that grab them. Have a listen see if it doesnt grab you too.The Kurre and Klapow Show- One's a psychologist. One might need one.Live Saturday Nights 7-10pm CST. Stream from anywhere at:
K & K Reflections: The Urban Meyer Situation
05/08/2018 Duration: 14minTony Kurre and Dr. Josh Klapow analyze the Zach Smith interview and breakdown the chances that he and Urban Meyer are being truthful.
8/4 K&K Reflections: We Are A Redemptive Society (Usually)
05/08/2018 Duration: 07minTony Kurre and Dr. Josh Klapow discuss how as a society, we are very forgiving if you come clean. They also visit the idea of morality being subjective.
8/4 K&K Reflections- The Subjective Nature Of Morality: In Football, Marriage, The Bedroom And Life
05/08/2018 Duration: 47minTony Kurre and Dr. Josh Klapow discuss the Zach Smith audio about him allegedly abusing his wife, Courtney Smith. Then, Dr. Brian Christine is in studio to join them in Behind the Curve presented by Boston Scientific. Then, Dr. Misty Smith discusses how to deal with a couple who has incorporated sexual exploration that includes inflicting pain. Finally, they discuss the Urban Meyer situation more in depth and how we are a forgiving society.
8/4 K&K Reflections - Dr. Misty Smith On Sexual Exploration Versus Sexual Abuse
05/08/2018 Duration: 08minTony Kurre and Dr. Josh Klapow are joined by Dr. Misty Smith to discuss what do you do when a partner wants to incorporate sexual practices that involve pain. Also, what do you do when a partner has decided after a while that they no longer want to partake in it. When is it exploration and when is it abuse?
8/4 Behind the Curve: Care Is At The Heart Of Sexual Medicine
05/08/2018 Duration: 05minTony Kurre and Dr. Josh Klapow interview Urologist Dr. Brian Christine in this edition of Behind the Curve sponsored by Boston Scientific. In this edition, Dr. Christine discusses the unique nature of sexual medicine and the importance of caring for patients regardless of beliefs, cultural differences or personal values.
8/4 Football, Power, Morality, And Redemption
05/08/2018 Duration: 47minTony Kurre and Dr. Josh Klapow discuss during the first hour abusive relationships and why it's so hard to leave a long-term relationship, despite it being abusive. Then, they are joined by Father Josiah Rengers to talk about people who say they're good Christian people, but do unmoral and unethical actions. Finally, Coach Mike Leach joins the show once again to discuss his practices at Ohio State and the Urban Meyer situaiton.
8/4 Coach Mike Leach on How Practice is Going and the Urban Meyer Situation.
05/08/2018 Duration: 06minTony Kurre and Dr. Josh Klapow are joined by Head Coach Mike Leach to discuss how practice is going at Washington State, what it's like having a former head coach as an assistant, and also gives his input on the Urban Meyer situation at Ohio State.
8/4 Father Josiah Rengers on Morality Being Subjective, Saying You're a Good Christian But Have an Affair, and Taking Steps of Accountability.
05/08/2018 Duration: 12minTony Kurre and Dr. Josh Klapow are joined by Father Josiah Rengers to discuss people who say they're good Christians, but have an affair. Father Josiah Rengers also discusses about the new social norm in relationships when it's abusive.
8/4 K&K Reflections: Why It Is Hard to Get Out of a Long Term Abusive Relationship
05/08/2018 Duration: 06minTony Kurre and Dr. Josh Klapow discuss in depth the psychology behind being in an abusive relationship and why it's harder than people think to get out of a long term relationship, despite it being abusive.
07/28 Kurre and Klapow Classic Rock Hour: Rock Heard, Rock Discussed
29/07/2018 Duration: 48minTony Kurre and Dr. Josh Klapow bring you #ClassicRock songs that are rarely played any more on terrestiral radio. And in Kurre and Klapow form, personal stories and observations that have never been heard anywhere!
07/28 K&K Reflections: Tony's Dog Dilemma
29/07/2018 Duration: 04minTony Kurre tells Dr. Josh Klapow and Dr. Misty Smith about his dilemma with his dogs and son while trying to get milk.
07/28 Intimate Connections: Health, Love, Pets and Music
29/07/2018 Duration: 47minTony Kurre and Dr. Josh Klapow interview Dr. Misty Smith about reigniting the spark after a dry spell, #BehindTheCurve, #SpyStories, and Tony's Dog Dilemma.
07/28 Spy Stories: The Sammy Exchange
29/07/2018 Duration: 11minTony Kurre, Dr. Josh Klapow, and Dr. Misty Smith bring you Spy Stories sponsored by Spy For Rent. In this edition, an old married couple divorces and have a custody fight over the dog. The sharing of the dog leads to some craziness.
07/28 Behind the Curve: Why Follow-Ups Are Important
29/07/2018 Duration: 06minTony Kurre and Dr. Josh Klapow interview Urologist Dr. Brian Christine in this edition of Behind the Curve sponsored by Boston Scientific. In this edition, Dr. Christine discusses the importance of follow-up appointments with doctors.
07/28 K&K Reflections - Dr. Misty Smith on Rediscovering Your Partner After a Long Dry Spell
29/07/2018 Duration: 07minTony Kurre and Dr. Josh Klapow talk with Dr. Misty Smith about how to rediscover your partner sexually after a long dry spell.
07/28 Sports, Life, and Expectations: John Parker Wilson, Coach Mike Leach, and the Kurre & Klapow Grab Bag with Jimmy Garoppolo and Demi Lovato!
29/07/2018 Duration: 47minTony Kurre and Dr. Josh Klapow preview the show for tonight, interview new Alabama Football Color Analyst John Parker Wilson, interview Washington State Head Football Coach Mike Leach, and do the Kurre and Klapow Grab Bag about Jimmy Garoppolo going on a date with a porn star and how Demi Lovato will battle addiction for the rest of her life.
07/28 K&K Reflections: Coach Mike Leach on Pac 12 Media Days, His Reaction to the Media's Predictions, Pre-Camp Anxiety, His Books, Shark Week, and Shipwrecks
29/07/2018 Duration: 13minTony Kurre and Dr. Josh Klapow interview Washington State Head Football Coach Mike Leach. They talk about #Pac12MediaDays, Coach Leach's reaction to the media's prediction of his Cougars, being comfortable with the nucleus of his team, how to hand expectations, his books resurgence of popularity online, #SharkWeek, and shipwrecks.
07/28 K&K Reflections - John Parker Wilson on Getting the Color Analyst Job for Alabama Football, What the New Job Entails, How Alabama Stays Dominant, and More!
29/07/2018 Duration: 09minTony Kurre and Dr. Josh Klapow interview the new Alabama Football Color Analyst, John Parker Wilson. They discuss how John got the job, how much liberty he has in his commentary, how Bama stays dominant despite the turnover, and which SEC Team is a dark horse this year.
7/21 K&K Show: The Classic Rock Hour
22/07/2018 Duration: 47minTony Kurre and Dr. Josh Klapow sit back and play some of the best classic rock hits that you rarely hear on classic rock stations. They chat (and argue) over what constitutes #classicrock. And Tony Kurre gives some Classic Rock "Zen" wisdom. It's talk radio like you've never heard it before.
7/21 K&K Show: Self-Improvement: Your Body, Your Mind and Your Taste in Music
22/07/2018 Duration: 47minTony Kurre and Dr. Josh Klapow are joined by Dr. Brian Christine for #BehindTheCurve segment. Then, Dr. Maureen Muecke joins the show to discuss weight loss and liposuction surgery. Finally, the guys have some trouble trying to determine what is or what isn't #classicrock.