Tony Kurre - radio personality, classic rock legend. Hes seen it all (and done most of it). Josh Klapow - a psychologist giving advice and breaking it all down from a human angle. What happens when these guys get together? They talk about things that grab them. Have a listen see if it doesnt grab you too.The Kurre and Klapow Show- One's a psychologist. One might need one.Live Saturday Nights 7-10pm CST. Stream from anywhere at:
06/09 K&K Reflections: Anthony Bourdain and Suicide
10/06/2018 Duration: 15minTony Kurre and Dr. Josh Klapow talk about the suicide of #AnthonyBourdain, copycat suicides, the reaction of those to suicide, and what to do if you see signs of suicide in your loved ones.
06/09 Kurre & Klapow Hour 3: Spy Stories, Dr. Misty Smith, Crazy Dog Story, and Wrap Up
10/06/2018 Duration: 48minTony Kurre, Dr. Josh Klapow, and Dr. Brian Christine bring you a #SpyStories, an interview with Dr. Misty Smith from the Erotic Art Show, hear a crazy story involving Tony's father-in-law with Polly Miller, and wrap up a wild, intense show.
06/09 K&K Reflections: Tony's Crazy Dog Story
10/06/2018 Duration: 11minTony Kurre, Dr. Josh Klapow, and Dr. Brian Christine talk with Nashville, Illinois resident Polly Miller about a crazy story involving Tony's father-in-law, a dog, and the cops.
06/09 K&K Reflections: Dr. Misty Smith from the Erotic Art Show
10/06/2018 Duration: 07minTony Kurre, Dr. Josh Klapow, Dr. Brian Christine, and Dr. Misty Smith talk about the Erotic Art Show at Workplay.
06/09 Spy Stories: A Husband's Dark Secret
10/06/2018 Duration: 08minTony Kurre and Dr. Josh Klapow bring you #SpyStories sponsored by Spy For Rent. In this edition, a wife grows more concerned about a husband's erratic behavior. She learns that it's hiding a dark secret.
06/09 Behind the Curve: The Effect of Testosterone on Your Sex Life
10/06/2018 Duration: 10minTony Kurre, Dr. Josh Klapow, and Dr. Brian Christine bring you #BehindTheCurve sponsored by Boston Scientific. In this episode, Dr. Brian Christine talks about the effects of testosterone on your sex life.
06/09 Kurre and Klapow Hour 2: Sara-Jayne King, Suicide Stats, #BehindTheCurve, and a Unique Call for Dr. Christine
10/06/2018 Duration: 47minTony Kurre and Dr. Josh Klapow speak with Sara-Jayne King live from South Africa, they give #suicide stats, do #BehindTheCurve with Dr. Brian Christine, and get a unique call for Dr. Christine.
06/09 K&K Reflections: Sara-Jayne King on Her Battles with Suicide, Mental Illness, and More
10/06/2018 Duration: 10minTony Kurre and Dr. Josh Klapow talk with Sara-Jayne King live from Cape Town, South Africa about her battle with #suicide, #mentalillness, and more.
06/09 Kurre and Klapow Show Hour 1: Coach Mike Leach, The Suicide of Anthony Bourdain, Copycat Suicides, and More!
10/06/2018 Duration: 49minTony Kurre and Dr. Josh Klapow interview Washington State Head Football Coach Mike Leach live from Croatia, discuss the #suicide of Anthony Bourdain, copycat suicides, and #ValKilmer's reaction to Anthony Bourdain's suicide.
06/09 K&K Reflections: Coach Mike Leach on Big Sports Moments, Going to the White House if You Win A Championship, and the Stupid NFL Decision
10/06/2018 Duration: 12minTony Kurre and Dr. Josh Klapow interview Washington State Head Football Coach Mike Leach about the big sports moments this weekend, on if you should go to the #WhiteHouse if you win a championship, and why the NFL royally screwed up the #TakeAKnee protest.
6/2 Kurre & Klapow Hour 3: Cannabis Talk, Attractive Women in the 70s, and the Communication That Gradually Declines For Parents During Divorce.
03/06/2018 Duration: 41minTony Kurre and Dr. Josh Klapow recap the Mike Leach interview and give their take on cannabis. Then, things get fun as they talk about the most attractive women during the 1970s. Lastly, they finish the show up a discussion about parents who go through a divorce and their lack of communication throughout the seperation.
6/2 K&K Reflections: Cannabis Talk
03/06/2018 Duration: 07minTony Kurre and Dr. Josh Klapow recap the Mike Leach interview and give their stance on cannabis.
6/2 Kurre and Klapow Hour 2: Behind the Curve with Dr. Brian Christine, Seven First Date Mishaps, and Spider Cracks.
03/06/2018 Duration: 20minTony Kurre and Dr. Josh Klapow have some more fun in the second hour, kicking the first segment off with Behind the Curve. Then, they discuss the first seven mistakes you need to avoid when going on a date. Lastly, a weird segment "spider crack", includes best birthday memories and most beautiful places they've ever visited.
6/2 Kurre and Klapow Hour 1: Mike Leach and Patricia Stevens Interview, and Recapping Dr. Josh Turning 50.
03/06/2018 Duration: 39minTony Kurre and Dr. Josh Klapow interview Washington State Head Football Coach Mike Leach and Judge Patricia Stevens. Then, Dr. Josh turned 50 over the weekend, so they recap his fun.
6/2 K&K Reflections: Seven First Date Mishaps
03/06/2018 Duration: 09minTony Kurre and Dr. Josh discuss the seven first date mistakes that you should avoid when you're out on a lovely date.
6/2 Behind the Curve: Dr. Brian Christine
03/06/2018 Duration: 07minTony Kurre and Dr. Josh interview urologist Dr. Brian Christine.
6/2 K&K Spy Stoires: Judge Patricia Stephens
03/06/2018 Duration: 17minTony Kurre and Dr. Josh interview circuit court judge, Patricia Stephens (@prstephe), on her job and, the process during a divorce, and what she does to try to help parents understand the importance of their kids during the divorce.
6/1 K&K Reflections: Coach Mike Leach on Medicinal Marijuana
03/06/2018 Duration: 07minTony Kurre and Dr. Josh interview Washington State Head Coach, Mike Leach (@Coach_Leach) to discuss his take on marijuanna.
05/26 Kurre & Klapow Hour 3: Mike Leach, Dinosaurs, and Ronaldinho's Two Fiances
29/05/2018 Duration: 47minTony Kurre and Dr. Josh Klapow interview Washington State Head Football Coach Mike Leach, the Loch Ness Monster, dinosaurs, hybrid animals, and how soccer player Ronaldinho has two fiances and wants to marry both.
05/26 Kurre & Klapow Hour 2: Behind the Curve, Dream Interpretations, Spy Stories, and Dr. Misty Smith
29/05/2018 Duration: 47minTony Kurre and Dr. Josh Klapow bring you #BehindTheCurve, what it means if you dream about sleeping with a coworker, #SpyStories, and Dr. Misty talks about toxic moms!