Using more than 99% target language, Learning Chinese through Stories(LCTS) creates authentic and immersive podcasts to help people around the world develop Chinese language skills and cultural competency. It covers a wide range of topics and proficiency levels. Every story has two parts: story (A) and story explanation (B), accompanied by annotated vocabulary and transcript.
2.2.42B《此心安处是吾乡》Story walkthrough
24/09/2021 Duration: 27minPlease hit that Subscribe/Follow button on your Podcast player, so you won't miss the latest episode. Full Transcript of this episode can be found on our Patreon page 0:00-02:01 女:听故事说中文,听得越多说得越好,大家好,今天给大家带来故事解读,解读故事《此心安处是吾乡》。 男:《此心安处是吾乡》。 女:本期节目由我们的Patrons赞助完成,Patrons你们在哪里?在这里感谢你们,没有你们的支持和帮助就没有这一期的故事解读。 男:没错,我们的Patrons给了我们很多的帮助,给了我们很多的支持,真的,没有你们就没有《听故事说中文》,在这里跟你们说一声大大的谢谢。 女:谢谢,谢谢,下面一起来听故事解读,解读故事《此心安处是吾乡》。 男:《此心安处是吾乡》。 女:哦,这句话听起来很好听很美,是你写的吗? 男:不是我写的。 女:那是谁写的? 男:是一个作家写的。 女:作家? 男:嗯。 女:你说的应该是... 男:诗人。 女:诗人和词人吧? 男:对。 女:大文豪啊。 男:对,苏东坡。 女:苏东坡?哦,苏东坡他有微信吗?我可以加一下他的微信吗?你有苏东坡的微信吗? 男:我有。 女:你可以让我加他一下吗? 男:你开玩笑的,苏东坡是很久很久以前的人。 女:很久很久以前的人?多久以前啊? 男:他是中国宋代的人。 女:哦,宋代,宋代还分北宋和南宋呢,你说的是哪一个宋代啊? 男:应该是南宋吧。 女:哦,所以苏东坡不是现在的人,苏东坡是一个大文豪,他写过很多的宋词。 男:没错。 女:对,他还有一个名字叫苏轼。 男:对了。 ..... For the full transcript of this episode and many others, please support us by becoming our patrons. ************************************************************ If you think our podcast is valuable to you and others, become our patron for as low as $5/month.You
18/09/2021 Duration: 05minPlease hit that Subscribe/Follow button on your Podcast player, so you won't miss the latest episode. Full Transcript of this episode can be found on our Patreon page 一年的节日里,中秋仅次于春节,也是阖家团圆的日子。 关于中秋的来历有不同的传说,一般认为起源于上古时代的月神祭祀,也有说它来自秋收祭祀。在唐代,中秋从祭祀变成了赏月和游乐的日子。 ..... For the full transcript of this episode and many others, please support us by becoming our patrons. ************************************************************ If you think our podcast is valuable to you and others, become our patron for as low as $5/month.You will have access to all of the transcripts, vocabulary list and patrons only episodes ************************************************************ Are you already a listener? Leaving the show a review on iTunes will help more people find the podcast. Thank you!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
05/09/2021 Duration: 44minPlease hit that Follow/Subscribe button on your Podcast player, so you won't miss our latest episode. Full Transcript of this episode can be found on our Patreon page 0:00-02:02 女:听故事说中文,听得越多说得越好,大家好,今天给大家带来故事解读,解读成语故事《黔驴技穷》。 男:《黔驴技穷》。 女:本期节目由我们的Patrons赞助完成,在这里感谢我们的Patrons,没有你们的支持就没有这一期的故事解读。 男:没错,非常感谢我们的Patrons,你们给了我们很多想法和建议,同时谢谢你们的帮助,我们真的非常心存感激。 女:下面一起来听故事解读,解读成语故事《黔驴技穷》。 男:《黔驴技穷》。 女:听这个故事的名字,这个故事里面又有一种动物,是什么动物呢? 男:驴。 女:驴?驴。 男:但这个... 女:驴看起来有一点像马,对不对?但不是马。 男:驴看起来有点像马。 女:所以驴这个汉字左边是马字旁的。 男:对,这是哪里的驴呢? 女:是你们老家安徽的驴吗? 男:皖驴吗? 女:不是安徽的驴,也不是东北的驴。 男:东北的驴叫什么驴啊? ..... For the full transcript of this episode and many others, please support us by becoming our patrons. ************************************************************ If you think our podcast is valuable to you and others, become our patron for as low as $5/month.You will have access to all of the transcripts, vocabulary list and patrons only episodes ************************************************************ Are you already a listener? Leaving the show a
27/08/2021 Duration: 05minPlease hit that Subscribe button on your Podcast player, so you won't miss the latest episode. Full Transcript of this episode can be found on our Patreon page 据说,古时候,贵州这个地方没有驴子。有个商人从外地运进来一匹驴子,但是贵州山多,驴子派不上用场。商人只好把驴子放到山下,让它在那儿吃 草、溜达。 ..... For the full transcript of this episode and many others, please support us by becoming our patrons. ************************************************************ If you think our podcast is valuable to you and others, become our patron for as low as $5/month.You will have access to all of the transcripts, vocabulary list and patrons only episodes ************************************************************ Are you already a listener? Leaving the show a review on iTunes will help more people find the podcast. Thank you!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
会VS 能
10/08/2021 Duration: 15minPlease hit that Follow/Subscribe button on your Podcast player, so you won't miss our latest episode. Full Transcript of this episode can be found on our Patreon page 0:00-02:09 女:听故事说中文,听得越多说得越好,大家好,今天给大家带来一个语法点,今天的语法点是会和能的用法。 男:会和能。 女:本期节目由我们的Patrons赞助完成,在这里感谢我们的Patrons,没有你们的支持就没有这一期的节目。 男:没错,非常非常感谢我们的Patrons,谢谢你们的支持,谢谢你们的建议,没有你们就没有《听故事说中文》。 女:好,那现在我们来一起学习今天的两个语法点,会和能。 男:嗯。 女:叮,会的第一个用法,在句子里面问的是将来、以后要不要做一件事情。 男:嗯,你可以再说一遍吗? 女:会的第一个用法是用在一个问题问句里面,问的是以后、将来要不要做一件事情。 男:哦,所以第一个会是在一个问题里面,问一个人将来会不会、以后会不会做一件事情。 ..... For the full transcript of this episode and many others, please support us by becoming our patrons. ************************************************************ If you think our podcast is valuable to you and others, become our patron for as low as $5/month.You will have access to all of the transcripts, vocabulary list and patrons only episodes ************************************************************ Are you already a listener? Leaving the show a review on iTunes will help more people find the pod
2.1.35B《活鸟还是死鸟》Story Walkthrough
27/07/2021 Duration: 30minPlease hit that Subscribe button on your Podcast player, so you won't miss the latest episode. Full Transcript of this episode can be found on our Patreon page 0:00-02:01 女:听故事说中文,听得越多说得越好,大家好,今天给大家带来故事解读,解读故事《活鸟还是死鸟》。 男:《活鸟还是死鸟》。 ..... For the full transcript of this episode and many others, please support us by becoming our patrons. ************************************************************ If you think our podcast is valuable to you and others, become our patron for as low as $5/month.You will have access to all of the transcripts, vocabulary list and patrons only episodes ************************************************************ Are you already a listener? Leaving the show a review on iTunes will help more people find the podcast. Thank you!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
17/07/2021 Duration: 03minPlease hit that Subscribe button on your Podcast player, so you won't miss the latest episode. Full Transcript of this episode can be found on our Patreon page 从前,有一个村子里面住着一位很有智慧的老人,村民们有什么疑难问题都来向他请教。 有一天,一个调皮的孩子捉了一只小鸟,握在手中,跑去问老人:“老爷爷,听说您是最有智慧的人,不过我却不相信。 ..... For the full transcript of this episode and many others, please support us by becoming our patrons. ************************************************************ If you think our podcast is valuable to you and others, become our patron for as low as $5/month.You will have access to all of the transcripts, vocabulary list and patrons only episodes ************************************************************ Are you already a listener? Leaving the show a review on iTunes will help more people find the podcast. Thank you!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
27/06/2021 Duration: 32min大家好, 之前我们跟大家分享了《坚强自信的和和》这本书,大家给了我们很多反馈! 今天我们非常开心,我们请到了这本书的作者园园,她的先生安来,以及孩子和和。 We introduced Strong and Confident Jeremy a few weeks ago, and so many of you have shared with us very positive feedback. Today we invited them on the show to share with us the stories behind this book. Hope you enjoy it. Free transcript of this book in 8+ languages can be found @ Please also support them by getting a hard copy on Amazon
23/05/2021 Duration: 14minBig Shout out to Yuanyuan Laoshi. Thank you Yuanyuan Laoshi for writing such a great book that we can read to our children and teach them to be strong and confident. Thank you for letting us read your book. Thank you for being vulnerable and sharing with us the discrimination and pains that you and many of us have experienced during the Covid. Transcript of this book in 8+ languages can be found @ Please also support them by getting a hard copy on Amazon
16/05/2021 Duration: 38minPlease hit that Subscribe button on your Podcast player, so you won't miss the latest episode. Full list of the 14 Chengyu can be found on our Patreon page 一心一意 yī xīn yī yì to do something whole-heartedly 两全其美 liǎng quán qí měi to satisfy rival demands 三心二意 sān xīn èr yì in two minds about sth 四通八达 sì tōng bā dá roads open in all directions 五体投地 wǔ tǐ tóu dì to prostrate oneself in admiration 五花八门 wǔ huā bā mén all kinds of; all sorts of Help us create the best Chinese story podcast by becoming our patrons. ************************************************************ If you think our podcast is valuable to you and other people, become our patron for as low as $7/month.You will have access to all of the transcripts, videos, vocabulary list and patrons only episodes. ************************************************************ Are you already a listener? Leaving the show a review on iTunes will help more people find the podcast. Thank you!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤
10/05/2021 Duration: 26minPlease hit that Subscribe button on your Podcast player, so you won't miss the latest episode. For the full transcript of this episode, vocabulary list, bonus episode for and many others, please support us by becoming our patrons. ************************************************************ If you think our podcast is valuable to you and other Chinese learners, become our patron for as low as $7/month.You will have access to all of the transcripts, videos, vocabulary list and patrons only episodes. ************************************************************ Are you already a listener? Leaving the show a review on iTunes will help more people find the podcast. Thank you!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
22/04/2021 Duration: 05minPlease hit that Subscribe button on your Podcast player, so you won't miss the latest episode. Full Transcript of this episode can be found on our Patreon page 很久很久以前,天和地还没有分开,宇宙一片混沌,像鸡蛋一样。有一个叫盘古的人,在混沌中出生。 盘古出生以后,一直在混沌中睡觉,但他每天都在变化,不断长大。有一天,盘古醒来,他伸了伸腰,把天和地撑开了。 ..... Help us create the best Chinese story podcast by becoming our patrons. ************************************************************ If you think our podcast is valuable to you and other people, become our patron for as low as $7/month.You will have access to all of the transcripts, videos, vocabulary list and patrons only episodes. ************************************************************ Are you already a listener? Leaving the show a review on iTunes will help more people find the podcast. Thank you!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
16/04/2021 Duration: 51minPlease hit that Subscribe button on your Podcast player, so you won't miss the latest episode. Full Transcript of this episode can be found on our Patreon page 16:10-18:01 女:对,这里有一个词挺有意思的,叫简单来说,就是如果你在告诉别人一件事情或者写一篇文章的时候,就是有的时候你要说A是什么什么,B是什么什么,对吧?所以你其实可以用一个词就是简单来说。 男:嗯,你吃过汉堡包吗? 女:什么是汉堡包? 男:汉堡包简单来说就是...就是... 女:美国的肉夹馍。 男:没错,就是美国的肉夹馍。 女:嗯。 男:那什么是肉夹馍? 女:肉夹馍简单来说就是...据说是很多陕西人每天吃的食物。 男:陕西人每天吃的。 女:陕西人的主食。 男:哦,叫肉夹馍。 女:嗯。 男:就是面包里面夹一个肉。 女:你要这样说,你说肉夹馍简单来说就是肉里面...面里面夹着肉,馍里面夹着肉。 男:好。 女:所以就是你在解释一个东西是什么,然后你想用一个很简单的语言告诉别人这个东西是什么。 ..... For the full transcript of this episode, vocabulary list, bonus episode for and many others, please support us by becoming our patrons. ************************************************************ If you think our podcast is valuable to you and other Chinese learners, become our patron for as low as $7/month.You will have access to all of the transcripts, videos, vocabulary list and patrons only episodes. ************************************************************ Are you already a listener
08/04/2021 Duration: 07minPlease hit that Subscribe button on your Podcast player, so you won't miss the latest episode. Full Transcript of this episode can be found on our Patreon page 今天是清明节,回老家上坟。上坟也称扫墓,简单来说,就是一种后人祭拜祖先的活动。 父辈已经在讲,上坟是一种陋习,可能慢慢会消失,但他们还是遵循了这一传统。在我的家乡,记忆中每年有两个时间要去上坟,一个是大年初二,一个就是清明。 ..... For the full transcript of this episode and many others, please support us by becoming our patrons. ************************************************************ If you think our podcast is valuable to you and other Chinese learners, become our patron for as low as $5/month.You will have access to all of the transcripts, vocabulary list and patrons only episodes ************************************************************ Are you already a listener? Leaving the show a review on iTunes will help more people find the podcast. Thank you!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
25/03/2021 Duration: 08minPlease hit that Subscribe button on your Podcast player, so you won't miss the latest episode. Full Transcript of this episode can be found on our Patreon page “有陆地的地方就有华人的足迹”!这句话背后渗透着血泪,弥漫着沧桑,也充满着骄傲。华人散居在世界各地。华人人口排名前四位的是印度尼西亚、马来西亚、泰国和美国。据记载,美国的华人有452万之多,他们大多数居住在纽约以及加利福尼亚。其实,从19世纪中叶开始,就有大量的华人开始移民美国。但是,你知道第一位移民美国的华人女性是谁吗? ..... For the full transcript of this episode and many others, please support us by becoming our patrons. ************************************************************ If you think our podcast is valuable to you and other Chinese learners, become our patron for as low as $5/month.You will have access to all of the transcripts, vocabulary list and patrons only episodes ************************************************************ Are you already a listener? Leaving the show a review on iTunes will help more people find the podcast. Thank you!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
14/03/2021 Duration: 49min职场女性身边的焦虑 Anxiety and stress among career women 第三集 Episode 3 :我的“恋人”就是我的工作 My job is my “sweetheart” 谁:莉莉 多大:32岁 坐标:北京 Transcript of this episode can be found here 0:00-02:00 男:听故事学中文,听得越多学得越好,大家好,今天给大家带来故事解读,解读故事《我的“恋人”就是我的工作》。 女:嗯,《我的“恋人”就是我的工作》,本期节目由我们的Patrons赞助完成,在这里感谢我们的Patrons,没有你们的支持就没有这一期的节目,同时也欢迎更多的听众成为我们的Patrons,享受成为Patron的特殊待遇。 男:哎呦,今天我想说你说的话,但是没有说成功,但是确实欢迎你成为我们的Patrons帮助我们,当然了,如果你在听我们的节目,也是对我们最大的支持,我们非常感谢每一个听我们节目的人,如果你有什么新的想法或者有什么想听的故事,欢迎大家给我们在Patreon上留言,也可以给我们发Email或者说在我们网站上留言。 女:我们全都会看到而且全都会考虑哟。 男:对。 女:好,谢谢,那今天给大家带来的这个故事解读是上一期的故事职场焦虑系列的第三集。 男:没错。 女:我的恋人双引号,《我的“恋人”就是我的工作》。 ... For the whole transcript of this episode and many others, please support us by becoming our patrons. ************************************************************ If you think our podcast is valuable to you and other Chinese learners, become our patron for as low as $5/month.You will have access to all of the transcripts, vocabulary list and patrons only episodes ********************************************************
09/03/2021 Duration: 06min职场女性身边的焦虑 Anxiety and stress among career women 第三集 Episode 3 :我的“恋人”就是我的工作 My job is my “sweetheart” 谁:莉莉 多大:32岁 坐标:北京 Transcript of this episode 我身边的朋友们,似乎都在走极端,要么早早结婚生子,要么迟迟未嫁。 我的大学同学里面,只剩下我、大姚和贝贝是单身,其他三个姐妹毕业一两年就结婚了。我们仨毕业都留在了北京工作。我工作很忙,公司经常996,一有突发情况就需要加班,忙得像个陀螺,凌晨3点钟的北京我经常见。莉莉尴尬又自豪地说,“我真的是把自己嫁给了工作”。 ..... ************************************************************ If you think our podcast is valuable to you and other Chinese learners, become our patron for as low as $5/month.You will have access to all of the transcripts, vocabulary list and patrons only episodes ************************************************************ Are you already a listener? Leaving the show a review on iTunes will help more people find the podcast. Thank you!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
23/02/2021 Duration: 20minPlease hit that Subscribe button on your Podcast player, so you won't miss the latest episode.