Digital Era Entertainment CORe's regular podcast 'DEE CODE'! Hosted by DEE CORe Editor-in-Chief Kenneth Cardez and his team (Wally Oruam, Kristian Galan, and Luigino Gigante), this show primarily focuses on gaming culture as viewed from both industry and fan perspectives.Regularly broadcast on the DEE Twitch Channel ( with select videos also available on Youtube ( All written articles and more can be found at DEE CORe's website (
Episode 62: Nobody Expects the Inquisition!
26/05/2019 Duration: 43minThis week, Ken and Wally discuss the Overwatch fatigue being felt by the gaming community as well as the alternative games that could draw substantial audiences. Also, discussion of the situation with eSports organization FaZe, an ominous Kotaku article on eSports’ future, and a reflection on the evolution of eSports.
Episode 61: Happy Goku Day!
12/05/2019 Duration: 53minThis week, Ken and Wally celebrate everyone’s favorite super punchy monkey man while also discussing the featured items of Sony’s second “State of Play,” a series of thoughts on the state of the game industry as a whole following a tumultuous week, and the week’s eSports news!
Episode 60: Epic Nightmare Fuel
05/05/2019 Duration: 58min🎵BLUE SCREEN…CG…SONIC THE HEDGEHOG~ GAME STORES…AND MONOPOLIES…EPIC GAMES ESTORE! EPIC. MAKIN’ BRAZEN MOVES~ GAME FILMS. WE’RE DROPPIN’ PLATITUDES~ SONIC. CINEMATIC NIGHTMARE FUEL. TENCENT BUYIN’ EVERYTHING. ANTHEM’S SINKING BIOWAAAAARE~!🎵 (Also, discussion about the sudden announcement of a “Call of Duty” eSports league, new developments with Capcom’s licensing ambitions, and more!)
Episode 59: DEECODErs: EndGil
28/04/2019 Duration: 57minWith half the internet snapped away to the local cinemas to witness the Endgame after enduring The Online Ticketing Decimation of 2019, the DEE CODE crew stands up to the onslaught of Ol’ Gil who has gone full Thanos on Anthem’s player base! (Actually, it’s mostly an in-depth discussion about MORTAL KOMBAAAAAT…again, hahah. We do […]
Episode 58: U R Not Red E
28/04/2019 Duration: 59minWith Gino handling family business and “Vince” en route to Anime Boston, Ken and Wally hold down the fort to discuss The Division 2, the Respawn-produced Star Wars game Jedi: Fallen Order, TCGs and upcoming retro releases from Konami, Sega, and Capcom…all kulminating in a lengthy konversation about MORTAL KOMBAAAAAT!!! Also, discussions about Smash’s recent […]
Episode 57: Unfortunately Not Three Guys Exploding Through a Table
14/04/2019 Duration: 01h03minWRESTLINGWRESTLINGWRESTLINGWRESTLING…and video game talk, I guess. Also, Ol’ Gil taking Bioware to SUPLEX CITY, reports on Blizzard’s bizarre new employee policy, the latest fiasco with Epic Games Store, a trip down memory lane with Borderlines 2, and…digital pinball? (It makes sense, trust us!)
Episode 56 – Infinity Gil: The Borderlanding
07/04/2019 Duration: 01h03minWith Wrestlemania on the horizon and the team full of HYPE (and energy drinks), Gino recaps high points from his PAX East experience and the crew discusses the new Borderlands, the big story of the week regarding Kotaku’s post-mortem on Anthem’s BRUTAL development, and the state of modern game development culture the article shone light […]
Episode 55: MOCK GoGo…Go!
31/03/2019 Duration: 01h05minWith Gino at PAX East 2019, Ken and Wally discuss the pre-show announcements that dropped (Borderlands 3, Dangerous Driving, Wolfenstein: Youngblood, etc.), have a thorough breakdown of Sony’s first ever State of Play, and a spoiler-filled discussion of Devil May Cry 5! Also, eSports news concerning Dead or Alive 6, and Gamestop’s recent partnerships.
Episode 54: Those Who Do Not Learn From History…
24/03/2019 Duration: 01h01minWith Ken bound for Chicago and “Vince” stuck in The Dark Zone because of ISP shenaningans at DEE HQ (ironically relevant to the main topic of the night), it’s up to Gino and Wally to be the light in the darkness as they tackle topics ranging from patched retro games to the week’s Nintendo Indies […]
Episode 53: In-DEE-stry Standard
17/03/2019 Duration: 59minThis week, Ken and Gino break down upcoming events such as PAX East, the plethora of big happenings with the eSports tournament scene, Dragonball Super TCG event updates, and the longevity of certain games. Also, a discussion about the implications of Destiny 2’s Jokers Wild DLC for the series’ lore. And Ol’ Gil’s latest gaffe. […]
Episode 52: Bang Bang Bang DIDNEY WURL!
10/03/2019 Duration: 58minThis is our future…as described by Ken and Gino, who kick off the week discussing the upcoming DOTA Paris Majors in Disneyland before sharing thoughts on the rest of the week’s eSports news including PUBG tournament news, 2K League’s first female eSports player, as well as interesting updates about offerings at PAX East 2019. Also, […]
Episode 51: What About Aegislash?
03/03/2019 Duration: 01h41sWith Gino back in the fold, the squad discusses EVO, THQ Nordic’s substantial PR misstep, philosophies of player character choices in Overwatch, and the big news of the week: Pokémon Sword and Shield! Also, the week’s eSports news, including information about the Fortnite World Cup!
Episode 50: Reflecting Forward
24/02/2019 Duration: 55minOn the milestone fiftieth episode of the show, Ken and Wally reflect upon the show’s run up to now, the philosophies of different-sized game companies, Ken’s thoughts on Anthem, and the day’s major news of the impending retirement of Nintendo’s Reggie Fils-Aime. Also, the week’s esports news and the return of Overwatch League!
Episode 49: Too Sweet DEE-livery
17/02/2019 Duration: 41minOn a magical and 💖LOVE💖-filled Valentine’s Day edition of the podcast, the 💖BROMANCE💖 of Ken and Wally break down the Activision layoffs fiasco, the surprising rise of Apex Legends since its debut, and ALL the updates from the week’s Nintendo Direct. Also, Wally kicks off the show with a Podcast Speed Run due to technical […]
Episode 48 – A Broken Clock Is Right Twice A Day After All
10/02/2019 Duration: 50minThis week, Ken and Gino discuss interesting happenings in eSports at the pro level (including the recognition of pro gamers by China and Ubisoft’s proposed eSports expansion), Respawn Entertainment’s recent exciting entry into the Royale genre through “Apex Legends”, and an emotional “Real Talk with Ken” about how this game positively promotes diversity in gaming! […]
Episode 47: The Tale of Fail-Tasia, Jack Sparrow Edition
03/02/2019 Duration: 01h02minTHIS IS THE TAAAALE…OF EA’S LOOT BOXES AND HOW THEY GOT BANNED…IN BELGIUM AND STUFF~ (Also, thoughts on Kingdom Hearts III, Anthem’s VIP Demo, an in-depth discussion of Nintendo’s delay of Metroid Prime 4, and the week’s eSports news!)
Episode 46: [Insert Thom Cruise Laugh Here]
27/01/2019 Duration: 50min…Farming Simulator eSports League. This happened. It was discussed. What more do you want? (Also, discussions about the Resident Evil 2 Remake right before launch, upcoming game releases, current streaming trends, and TOURNEYS TOURNEYS TOURNEYS.)
Episode 45: Down in the Dumps
20/01/2019 Duration: 01h01minAmidst the undignified mess of the White House Banquet of Steamed Hams, and with the undignified visage of US President #45 beaming over the store-bought meal behind them, the crew discusses the dung heap of a week that the game industry had with a focus on EA’s latest bungling of the Star Wars Franchise, Activision’s […]
Episode 44: DEE Comeback Tour
13/01/2019 Duration: 56minThe boys are back [online]! After a holiday hiatus, the crew returns to break down the holiday happenings, controversy surrounding Overwatch Contenders (and reactions to new character developments), and the Bungie-Activision split. Also, the first update about 2019 content now airing on the DEE Twitch channel ( and coming to the DEE CORe website (!
Episode 43: DEE Podcast Before Christmas
23/12/2018 Duration: 57minT’was DEE podcast before Christmas and all across the ‘net, Stirred a nest full of hornets o’er lawsuits that set A bunch of celebrities ‘gainst Epic Games And the Crew had to discuss it without HD Mane~ (This week, the internet generously gave as much as Soulja Boy on eBay via lawsuit-related news across a […]