Please enjoy the message library of Valley Community Church, a non-denominational church in Weldon, NC.
Are You A Peacemaker?
23/03/2014 Duration: 53minThe Bible tells us that being a peacemaker has tremendous value - if we sow the seeds of peace, we will reap harvest of righteousness, which means favor and blessings, which means for you - a better life!If you would like to support Valley Community Church, please send your tithes and offerings to: 1215 Julian R Allsbrook Highway, Weldon NC, 27890
From Prison to Purpose: Living Like Daniel
16/03/2014 Duration: 49minYou ever notice that life just doesn't turn out the way you expect it to? Whatever the reason life is an adventure. Sometimes it seems more like a nightmare. But at the very moment we give our lives to Christ, our path becomes a heavenly one. Our ives now become a part of the plot, the drama. The temptation is to feel that our lives do not matter or that God does not care. Perhaps those despairing words have come out of your mouth, but, O Christian, do not be deceived for surely the Devil would have you think these things because nothing could be farther from the truth. Your life does matter, and you are now part of the great story, and the saga that is your life is meant to be a chapter for the glory of God. How does this happen you ask? Why don't we look at a very special person from the Bible so that we might learn.If you would like to support Valley Community Church, please send your tithes and offerings to: 1215 Julian R Allsbrook Highway, Weldon NC, 27890
The Story of Jonah - A Prophetic Word for the Church
09/03/2014 Duration: 01h03minIf you would like to support Valley Community Church, please send your tithes and offerings to: 1215 Julian R Allsbrook Highway, Weldon NC, 27890
Are We In The Last Days?
02/03/2014 Duration: 56minIf you would like to support Valley Community Church, please send your tithes and offerings to: 1215 Julian R Allsbrook Highway, Weldon NC, 27890
The Privilege
23/02/2014 Duration: 46minWhen we accept the gift of salvation, we are given the privilege of living with God in heaven in an intimate relationship forever. However, God holds this awesome gift until he is ready for us. Why? Because we have another privilege afforded us, that is, we have been given the privilege of telling others about this wonderful gift. Our father wants us to share in his joy, his work, his passion for souls by telling others about our wonderful Jesus and his sacrifice for all mankind. So, how do we respond to this privilege, this great honor?If you would like to support Valley Community Church, please send your tithes and offerings to: 1215 Julian R Allsbrook Highway, Weldon NC, 27890
Harvest War: From Brokenness to Breakout
16/02/2014 Duration: 43minGod took a weakened, self-defeated man like Gideon and made him into a nation saving warrior and devoted follower of God. The times in which Gideon lived are like our times. Will you answer the call to become a devoted follower of God? Jim Laffoon is an international prophet who came to give the church a prophetic word about what God has in store for VCC.If you would like to support Valley Community Church, please send your tithes and offerings to: 1215 Julian R Allsbrook Highway, Weldon NC, 27890
Fast Forward
09/02/2014 Duration: 45minPastor David Schmaltz recaps the story of Jacob and how Jacob's life relates to our own walk with Christ.If you would like to support Valley Community Church, please send your tithes and offerings to: 1215 Julian R Allsbrook Highway, Weldon NC, 27890
02/02/2014 Duration: 49minDoes God still perform miracles today? What is the definition of a miracle? Pastor David Schmaltz answers these questions and more in this discussion of the miraculous.If you would like to support Valley Community Church, please send your tithes and offerings to: 1215 Julian R Allsbrook Highway, Weldon NC, 27890
Big Starts with Something Small
19/01/2014 Duration: 35minIn this message, Senior Pastor David Schmaltz discusses the importance of getting connected in small groups. If you would like to support Valley Community Church, please send your tithes and offerings to: 1215 Julian R Allsbrook Highway, Weldon NC, 27890
Something New
05/01/2014 Duration: 53minIf you would like to support Valley Community Church, please send your tithes and offerings to: 1215 Julian R Allsbrook Highway, Weldon NC, 27890
10 Reasons To Hope
29/12/2013 Duration: 52minIf you would like to support Valley Community Church, please send your tithes and offerings to: 1215 Julian R Allsbrook Highway, Weldon NC, 27890
The Christ in Christmas
22/12/2013 Duration: 20minIf you would like to support Valley Community Church, please send your tithes and offerings to: 1215 Julian R Allsbrook Highway, Weldon NC, 27890
A Legendary Christmas: Home for the Holidays
15/12/2013 Duration: 20minIf you would like to support Valley Community Church, please send your tithes and offerings to: 1215 Julian R Allsbrook Highway, Weldon NC, 27890
Your Spiritual Gift
08/12/2013 Duration: 39minIf you would like to support Valley Community Church, please send your tithes and offerings to: 1215 Julian R Allsbrook Highway, Weldon NC, 27890
Living Life with Consistency
01/12/2013 Duration: 43minConsistency is key. Pastor Jamie Taylor gives us several points on how to live a consistent life in Christ. If you would like to support Valley Community Church, please send your tithes and offerings to: 1215 Julian R Allsbrook Highway, Weldon NC, 27890
Taking Your Next Step
24/11/2013 Duration: 42minYou hIf you would like to support Valley Community Church, please send your tithes and offerings to: 1215 Julian R Allsbrook Highway, Weldon NC, 27890ave your Godly dream, now what? "Your Next Step" is Pastor David's follow-up including his Bibilical formula for success.I
What Dreams May Come
17/11/2013 Duration: 41minAre your dreams from God? Or just fantasies? Senior Pastor David Schmaltz presents Biblical definition of a Godly dream, and clears the boundary between dream and fantasy.If you would like to support Valley Community Church, please send your tithes and offerings to: 1215 Julian R Allsbrook Highway, Weldon NC, 27890
10/11/2013 Duration: 59minIn the fourth and final part of "The Freedom Series," Senior Pastor David Schmaltz reads out of Romans 13 and discusses the power and importance of Authority in our lives.If you would like to support Valley Community Church, please send your tithes and offerings to: 1215 Julian R Allsbrook Highway, Weldon NC, 27890