A podcast from a church for people who don't like church in Gig Harbor, WA. We'll bring you Sunday messages, discussions and interviews, all with the goal of helping you "Live the Adventure" with us.
Online Worship Gathering: The Ultimate Survival Guide (Week 1)
25/10/2020 Duration: 37minOur service premieres each Sunday at 10:30am. This week, join us for the first message in our new series, "The Ultimate Survival Guide". Here are some helpful links that will be referenced during the service: The Bible App: Our Connection Card for Prayer Requests or other contact requests: For a Discussion and Activity Guide that goes along with this week's message: For videos and resources for your Intrepid Kids this week: To donate to Intrepid online: Our mailing address is: 5775 Soundview Dr. # E-103 Gig Harbor, WA 98335
Coffee Time with James 10/19/20
19/10/2020 Duration: 10minIn today's Coffee Time, I talk about the importance of boundaries. Here are some of the verses referenced:
Online Worship Gathering: The Way, The Truth, The Life (Week 3 of 3)
18/10/2020 Duration: 37minOur service premieres each Sunday at 10:30am. This week, join us for the third message in our series, "The Way, The Truth, The Life" as we explore what Jesus meant in John 14:6. Here are some helpful links that will be referenced during the service: The Bible App: Our Connection Card for Prayer Requests or other contact requests: For a Discussion and Activity Guide that goes along with this week's message: For videos and resources for your Intrepid Kids this week: To donate to Intrepid online: Our mailing address is: 5775 Soundview Dr. # E-103 Gig Harbor, WA 98335
Coffee Time with James 10/12/20
12/10/2020 Duration: 09minCoffee Time with James October 12, 2020: "What do you do when you feel like you are on an emotional roll-a-coaster?" Bible references:,10-11
Online Worship Gathering: The Way, The Truth, The Life (Week 2 of 3)
11/10/2020 Duration: 34minOur service premieres each Sunday at 10:30am. This week, join us for the second message in our new series, "The Way, The Truth, The Life" as we explore what Jesus meant in John 14:6. Here are some helpful links that will be referenced during the service: The Bible App: Our Connection Card for Prayer Requests or other contact requests: For a Discussion and Activity Guide that goes along with this week's message: For videos and resources for your Intrepid Kids this week: To donate to Intrepid online: Our mailing address is: 5775 Soundview Dr. # E-103 Gig Harbor, WA 98335
Coffee Time with James 10/05/2020
05/10/2020 Duration: 09minI hope you enjoy a cup of coffee and a word of encouragement. Today's Bible thought comes from Proverbs 3.
Online Worship Gathering: The Way, Truth, & Life (Week 1 of 3)
04/10/2020 Duration: 01h02minOur service premieres each Sunday at 10:30am. This week, join us for the first message in our new series, "The Way, Truth, & Life" as we explore what Jesus meant in John 14:6. Here are some helpful links that will be referenced during the service: The Bible App: Our Connection Card for Prayer Requests or other contact requests: For a Discussion and Activity Guide that goes along with this week's message: For videos and resources for your Intrepid Kids this week: To donate to Intrepid online: Our mailing address is: 5775 Soundview Dr. # E-103 Gig Harbor, WA 98335
Coffee Time with 09/28/2020
28/09/2020 Duration: 16minWelcome to Coffee Time with James! I hope you are having a great start to your week. Here is a link to the passage we are looking at today:
Online Worship Gathering: Alive (Week 6)
27/09/2020 Duration: 01h07minOur service premieres each Sunday at 10:30am. This week, join us for the final message in our series, "Alive" as we walk through the book of James. Here are some helpful links that will be referenced during the service: The Bible App: Our Connection Card for Prayer Requests or other contact requests: For a Discussion and Activity Guide that goes along with this week's message: For videos and resources for your Intrepid Kids this week: To donate to Intrepid online: Our mailing address is: 5775 Soundview Dr. # E-103 Gig Harbor, WA 98335
Coffee Time with 09/21/2020
21/09/2020 Duration: 15min2020 is providing us with many opportunities to learn to trust God. If you are a planner like me then this year could seem very unnerving and stress full. Join me for this week's coffee time and be reminded that you can trust God. Here are the Bible verse referenced: 'Now listen, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money.” Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. ' James 4:13-14 “So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” Matthew 6:31-34 h
Online Worship Gathering: Alive (Week 5)
20/09/2020 Duration: 01h09minOur service premieres each Sunday at 10:30am. This week, join us for the fifth message in our new series, "Alive" as we walk through the book of James. Here are some helpful links that will be referenced during the service: The Bible App: Our Connection Card for Prayer Requests or other contact requests: For a Discussion and Activity Guide that goes along with this week's message: For videos and resources for your Intrepid Kids this week: To donate to Intrepid online: Our mailing address is: 5775 Soundview Dr. # E-103 Gig Harbor, WA 98335
Coffee Time with James 09/14/20
15/09/2020 Duration: 10minHere are the verse used during this week's coffee time: But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. James 3:17 If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. James 1:5 My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, James 1:19 Do everything without grumbling or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure “children of God without fault in a warped and crooked generation.” Then you will shine among them like stars in the sky Philippians 2:14-15
Online Worship Gathering: Alive (Week 4)
13/09/2020 Duration: 54minOur service premieres each Sunday at 10:30am. This week, join us for the fourth message in our new series, "Alive" as we walk through the book of James. Here are some helpful links that will be referenced during the service: The Bible App: Our Connection Card for Prayer Requests or other contact requests: For a Discussion and Activity Guide that goes along with this week's message: For videos and resources for your Intrepid Kids this week: To donate to Intrepid online: Our mailing address is: 5775 Soundview Dr. # E-103 Gig Harbor, WA 98335
Coffee Time with 09/08/2020
08/09/2020 Duration: 12minWelcome to Coffee Time with James. Today, we unpack how to have a faith that is alive. Here are the Bible verse for today:
Online Worship Gathering: Alive (Week 3)
06/09/2020 Duration: 53minOur service premieres each Sunday at 10:30am. This week, join us for the third message in our new series, "Alive" as we walk through the book of James. Here are some helpful links that will be referenced during the service: The Bible App: Our Connection Card for Prayer Requests or other contact requests: For a Discussion and Activity Guide that goes along with this week's message: For videos and resources for your Intrepid Kids this week: To donate to Intrepid online: Our mailing address is: 5775 Soundview Dr. # E-103 Gig Harbor, WA 98335
Coffee Time with James 08/31/2020
31/08/2020 Duration: 11minWelcome to Coffee Time with James. Today, we answer the question: "What do you do when you realize you have blown it?" Here are the verse from today's Bible thought: 'Therefore, get rid of all moral filth and the evil that is so prevalent and humbly accept the word planted in you, which can save you. ' James 1:21 'Therefore, get rid of all moral filth and the evil that is so prevalent and humbly accept the word planted in you, which can save you. Those who consider themselves religious and yet do not keep a tight rein on their tongues deceive themselves, and their religion is worthless. Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.' James 1:21,26-27,26-27 'My brothers and sisters, believers in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ must not show favoritism. ' James 2:1
Online Worship Gathering: Week 2
30/08/2020 Duration: 49minOur service premieres each Sunday at 10:30am. This week, join us for the second message in our new series, "Alive" as we walk through the book of James. Here are some helpful links that will be referenced during the service: The Bible App: Our Connection Card for Prayer Requests or other contact requests: For a Discussion and Activity Guide that goes along with this week's message: For videos and resources for your Intrepid Kids this week: To donate to Intrepid online: Our mailing address is: 5775 Soundview Dr. # E-103 Gig Harbor, WA 98335
Coffee Time with James 8/24/20
24/08/2020 Duration: 14minWelcome to Coffee Time with James. Sorry I am a little late. I had some technical difficulties (well beyond it being Monday, haha!) Here are links to the verses I reference in today's Bible thought:
Online Worship Gathering: Alive (Week 1)
23/08/2020 Duration: 55minOur service premieres each Sunday at 10:30am. This week, join us for the first message in our new series, "Alive" as we walk through the book of James. Here are some helpful links that will be referenced during the service: The Bible App: Our Connection Card for Prayer Requests or other contact requests: For a Discussion and Activity Guide that goes along with this week's message: For videos and resources for your Intrepid Kids this week: To donate to Intrepid online: Our mailing address is: 5775 Soundview Dr. # E-103 Gig Harbor, WA 98335
Coffee Time with James 08/17/2020
17/08/2020 Duration: 08minGod has given you gifts to share in the Church. Today's Bible to talk comes from Download the discussion & activity guide for 8/16/20 message Let us know how we can pray for you or let us know you would like to be on out email list.