A podcast from a church for people who don't like church in Gig Harbor, WA. We'll bring you Sunday messages, discussions and interviews, all with the goal of helping you "Live the Adventure" with us.
Unboxing Love
23/12/2019 Duration: 32minMerry Christmas! This message is the fourth in our Unboxing Christmas series. In this message unbox love. #unboxing #love #Christmas
Unboxing Joy
16/12/2019 Duration: 37minToday we are Unboxing Joy! This is a gift God offers us that makes celebrating Christmas (or anything else for that matter) possible.
Unboxing Peace
09/12/2019 Duration: 42minThe Christmas season reminds us of the many gifts God gives. One of the gifts God offers us is Peace. In the second message of our Unboxing Christmas series you are invited to Unbox Peace with us.
Unboxing Hope
02/12/2019 Duration: 32minChristmas season has begun at Intrepid. This week we Unbox Hope. Hope is a gift we cannot live without.
Faith & Doubt: "Giving thanks when in doubt"
25/11/2019 Duration: 30minThis is the season we are reminded to give thanks. But how can we give thanks when we are in doubt? In the final message of our "Faith & Doubt" series we will discover the answer to this question.
Faith & Doubt: "How can I overcome my doubts?"
18/11/2019 Duration: 34minIn the third message in our "Faith & Doubt" series we explore the question: "How do I overcome my doubt?"
Faith & Doubt: "If I have doubt then do I really believe?"
11/11/2019 Duration: 29minIn the second message of our "Faith & Doubt" series, we answer the question "If I have doubt then do I really believe?" We discover that our doubts do not negate faith. Even two great examples of faith had their doubts.
Faith & Doubt: "If God is Good Why is There Evil & Suffering?"
04/11/2019 Duration: 45minIf God is good then why is there evil and suffering? In the first week of our "Faith & Doubt" series we will look at this question.
DEVOTED: 'D' is for Discipleship
28/10/2019 Duration: 41minIn this final message in our DEVOTED series we talk about the Discipleship. A Christian's maturity is measured in their ability to be a disciple of Jesus who produces disciples of Jesus. In this message we will look at what time means to be a disciple of Jesus. Play time is over.
Devoted: 'E' is for Empowered by God's Spirit
21/10/2019 Duration: 38minWhere does the church find its strength? In this sixth week of our DEVOTED series we discover the church is Empowered by God's Spirit.
DEVOTED: 'T' is for Time, Treasures, and Talent
14/10/2019 Duration: 41minDiscover how God can help you maximize your time, treasures and talents to make a difference in the world, and in your own life.
DEVOTED: 'O' if for Outreach
07/10/2019 Duration: 38minJesus was clear about His mission. His church should be clearly living His mission. This week in our DEVOTED series we will be focusing on "O" for Outreach. What is outreach and why is it essential to living as a follower of Jesus?
DEVOTED: Drawn to God the Father
16/09/2019 Duration: 33minGod wants a real, every day relationship with you. In this first week of our DEVOTED series, we will discover that we are Drawn to God the Father. How does He draw us to Him? Watch and learn.
Shareable: The Secret to Beautiful Feet
09/09/2019 Duration: 33minIn this final message in our "Shareable" series we will give you the secret of beautiful feet.
Shareable: Sharing Your Story
03/09/2019 Duration: 28minHow do you tell other people the good news about Jesus Christ? Start with your story. Tell people what He has done for you.
Shareable: Seeing is Believing---Sometimes
26/08/2019 Duration: 36minIn the third week of our message series, "Shareable," we will see another simple way to share about Jesus with people. But before we do we need to change the way we answer the question "why."
Shareable: Come and See What You Think
19/08/2019 Duration: 34minIn this second week of our series "Shareable," we are looking at the story of a woman who introduced her village to Jesus. Her example shows us that you don't have to have all the answers to lead people to Jesus. You just have to be willing to share with them what He is teaching you and invite them to come and see what they think.
Shareable: Friends Who Tell Friends
12/08/2019 Duration: 40minFor some the idea of evangelism can seem intimidating. For others it may seem impossible in our current culture climate. Some may even wonder what evangelism is? Simply put evangelism is friends introducing friends to Jesus. And it is what Intrepid is all about.