Three ministers discuss the absolute truth that can be discerned from observing the world God has made. We tackle many different topics. Hope you enjoy this long form podcast series.
WTT extra: Nakedness and Modesty
01/01/2019 Duration: 41minHere is an extra episode with just Tony Brewer. I this episode Tony talks about God's definition of nakedness and takes a short look at modesty. It was recorded with a live audience through facebook live.
WTT e2: About the word, "holy" and celebrating Christmas
25/12/2018 Duration: 01h14minThere are many arguments that break out among Christians around the holiday season. I this podcast Aaron, Brock, and Tony take a deep look at the word, holy, and really delve into what it meant when it was written in Scripture. Also, we discuss the Christmas holiday and the virtue or vice of esteeming one day above another to celebrate in reverent devotion any aspect of Jesus or His teaching.