Two Bros. One Basement. In Texas? This is NOT your typical "Christian Church" talk! Tune in to hear HOT Kingdom Takes, Real Life Conversations and Unbelievable Stories from two seasoned ministry veterans!
Episode 34 - More Holy Spirit Discipleship
15/04/2019 Duration: 24minThe Bros just keep on talking about the Holy Spirit's work in revealing Christ TO and IN a believer!
Episode 33 - Holy Spirit Discipleship
12/04/2019 Duration: 33minThe Bros focus on the Holy Spirit's work in revealing Christ and engaging a follower in a transforming experience!
Episode 32 - Bros News, Parabolic Stephen & Sparks Talk
11/04/2019 Duration: 43minThe Bros give an update regarding the podcast and the Chik Fil A saga is decided! Parabolic Stephen breaks out and the Bros discuss an excerpt from a T. Austin-Sparks book.
Episode 31 - Matthew 18 For Real!
08/04/2019 Duration: 35minBase upon a real life situation, a listener asked a question about the "Church Discipline Process" referred to in Matthew 18 so the Bros respond. Buckle up!
Episode 30 - Bros in a Disciple Ship!
05/04/2019 Duration: 47minThe Bros blatantly discuss authentic discipleship and the nuances of getting involved in navigating the potentially hazardous and/or rewarding waters of discipleship.
Episode 29 - You Might Be In A Cult If.......
03/04/2019 Duration: 41minThe Bros further break down the list of signs you might be in a cult and explore the ramifications of what that might mean for a believer! Is your liberty and a follower of Christ in jeopardy?
Episode 28 - What The Hail Is Happening?
01/04/2019 Duration: 39minOne of the Bros is having a bad day........a particular state is banned from mention by the Bros, a chik fil a rant ensues and hail is mentioned! Eventually the Bros come back from the ledge and begin to discuss "15 Signs You Might Be In A Cult"!
Episode 27 - Opening the Can on the "D" Word!
29/03/2019 Duration: 46minGo make disciples! Easy enough to understand; not so easy to do apparently.............. The Bros banter back and forth about the Oh, so serious kingdom topic of Discipleship!
Episode 26 - He Never Left Home Without His God-card!
27/03/2019 Duration: 41minThe Bros flip the Jesus coin and talk about the other side......Deity! There's a significant difference between probing the depths of wonder and attempting to provide answers and explanations.
Episode 25 - Bros News Served With Honeybake Ham
25/03/2019 Duration: 50minThe Bros talk about miscellaneous catch-up news, unemployment issues, getting together and a random call to another brother involved in some deep life transition!
Episode 24 - He Ain't No Paint-By-Number Jesus!
22/03/2019 Duration: 42minThe Bros pop the cork on the topic of Jesus; the who, the why and the how. Do we view Jesus as the mysterious Masterpiece of God's Handiwork to be revealed or do we resign Him to a paint-by-number work we can attempt to control?
Episode 23 - What's Love Got To Do With It, eh, Michael Rose?
20/03/2019 Duration: 37minThe Bros dial up Canada from the Basement to converse with precious bro and Author, Michael Rose to discuss his journey and gain insights from his book, Becoming Love!
Episode 22 - Invite Him In......we dare you!
18/03/2019 Duration: 42minFather desires to be intimately included in your Transitions! The Bros talk about how and why to invite Him in to your situation and circumstance and the blessings of doing so.
Episode 21 - Butts In Seats
15/03/2019 Duration: 46minThe Bros springboard off of a "Church Marketing" Webinar promotion in order to share the authenticity of their hearts towards those locked into the System. A must listen!
Episode 20 - Then, what!?!?
13/03/2019 Duration: 39minOkay, so transition happens...........Then, what?The Bros offer some suggestions and personal experiences in moving into a new day!
Episode 19 - Transition Continued
11/03/2019 Duration: 20minHaving finished their Random Call with Another Brother, the Bros. take the deep dive into discussing what transition is really all about.......Certainty of Circumstance or Relational Confidence embracing the Cruciform Life.
Episode 18 - Navigating Transition and a Random Call To Another Brother
08/03/2019 Duration: 36minThe Bros provide some counsel about how to tackle inevitable life changes and transitions that occur and place a Random Call to Another Brother who is actually in a season of significant transition!
Episode 17 - Generational Transition
06/03/2019 Duration: 43minThe Bros engage in meaningful repartee regarding the trans-generational nature of the Kingdom and proper generational relationships!
Episode 16 - Anti-Depressing Talk
04/03/2019 Duration: 41minIt's getting real down here in the Basement as the Bros. give personal testimonies about battling Depression and share some practical insights in exercising victory over such a dastardly foe.
Episode 15 - Bros News and a Random Call
01/03/2019 Duration: 37minStephen and Bryon share lots of Bros in the the Basement updates and introduce a new podcast segment called, "A Random Call to Another Brother".