The Joburg Church of Christ - Central Region Podcast offers sermons recorded weekly as it was given to the congregation. Sermons can be offered as single instances or as part of a series. Contents are added on a weekly basis
Gift from God
16/08/2020 Duration: 19minThis Sunday, our brother Raj from the Tshwane Church dug into what it means to be justified and thus highlighted how much of an amazing gift it is that we have received from God.View the video here.Visit our website to get in touch!
Our Hearts at rest in His presence
12/08/2020 Duration: 07minTheological thoughts and responses to the COVID-19 crisis.Visit our website to get in touch!
Pray continuously
10/08/2020 Duration: 08minTheological thoughts and responses to the COVID-19 crisis.Visit our website to get in touch!
In Search of Worth
09/08/2020 Duration: 17minThis Sunday, as we uphold Women all over the country, our brother and sister Justin and Irene Renton reminded us that though women are often the ones said to be in search of worth, everybody actually struggles with the idea. Thus, they took some time to help us as we all navigate through our search of worth.View the video here.Visit our website to get in touch!
A life of meditation
07/08/2020 Duration: 06minTheological thoughts and responses to the COVID-19 crisis.Visit our website to get in touch!
A few thoughts on meditation
05/08/2020 Duration: 06minTheological thoughts and responses to the COVID-19 crisis.Visit our website to get in touch!
Spiritual Formation
03/08/2020 Duration: 07minTheological thoughts and responses to the COVID-19 crisis.Visit our website to get in touch!
Believe and don't give up
02/08/2020 Duration: 25minThis sunday, our brothers and sisters from london joined us for a combined service and we had the delight to be reminded that we ought to believe and not give up by our brother Mohan.View the video here.Visit our website to get in touch!
Pray At All Times
27/07/2020 Duration: 05minTheological thoughts and responses to the COVID-19 crisis.Visit our website to get in touch!
When God Gives You An Assignment
26/07/2020 Duration: 14minThis Sunday we joined our sister church in Zimbabwe where our brother Edwin took us through a lesson on how to react to when God gives us an assignment.View the video here.Visit our website to get in touch!
Sharing in the Body of Christ
24/07/2020 Duration: 06minTheological thoughts and responses to the COVID-19 crisis.Visit our website to get in touch!
Being Worthy
24/07/2020 Duration: 06minTheological thoughts and responses to the COVID-19 crisis.Visit our website to get in touch!
Devoted to the Breaking of bread
21/07/2020 Duration: 08minTheological thoughts and responses to the COVID-19 crisis.Visit our website to get in touch!
What the apostles could not keep to themselves
08/07/2020 Duration: 05minTheological thoughts and responses to the COVID-19 crisis.Visit our website to get in touch!
Friendship Through Prayer
06/07/2020 Duration: 09minTheological thoughts and responses to the COVID-19 crisis.Visit our website to get in touch!
The Miraculous Catch
05/07/2020 Duration: 25minThis Sunday we joined our sister church in San Antonio Texas where our Brother Mike taught us on good decisions, good friends and reverent submission.View the video here.Visit our website to get in touch!
Exemplary devotion
03/07/2020 Duration: 05minTheological thoughts and responses to the COVID-19 crisis.Visit our website to get in touch!
Pure Devotion
01/07/2020 Duration: 05minTheological thoughts and responses to the COVID-19 crisis.Visit our website to get in touch!
Let us be devoted
29/06/2020 Duration: 07minTheological thoughts and responses to the COVID-19 crisis.Visit our website to get in touch!
How Do You Respond
28/06/2020 Duration: 32minIn honour of youth month, this week's service was led by our Campus ministries around the Southern African Churches. Our brother Jacques then led us in thoughts on how we should respond to all things happening within the country and around the world.View the video here.Visit our website to get in touch!