The weekly sermons from the Boston Avenue United Methodist Church in Tulsa,Ok.
Barton-Clinton-Gordy 02-22-2011 If You Get the Chance - Go!
22/02/2011 Duration: 39minMark 1: 16-20
Sunday Sermon 02-13-2011 Jesus Sets The Bar Very High
13/02/2011 Duration: 24minMatthew 5: 21-24, 43-48
Sunday Sermon 02-06-2011 November 22, 1963 - Remember Where You Were?
06/02/2011 Duration: 23minIsaiah 6: 1 - 8
Sunday Sermon 01-30-2011 Do You Know Me? I've Known You Longer!
30/01/2011 Duration: 23minJeremiah 1: 4-10
Sunday Sermon 01-23-2011 They, Too, Stood For The Reading!
23/01/2011 Duration: 27minNehemiah 8: 1-3, 5-6, 8-10
Sunday Sermon 01-16-2011 Tomorrow Will Be Better I Promise!
16/01/2011 Duration: 25minIsaiah 62: 1-5
Sunday Sermon 01-09-2011 I Know Your Name - And Where You Live!
09/01/2011 Duration: 22minIsaiah 43: 1-7
Sunday Sermon 01-02-2011 Lift Up Your Eyes And Look - They Come!
02/01/2011 Duration: 23minIsaiah 60: 1-6