Welcome to Career Crashers where we tell the stories of those who are not content to wait around following rules and hoping for good things to happen. Great careers arent found theyre forged. Its time to Crash the party. On weekly episodes, you'll hear from people who have broken free of the conventional path and forged great careers.
Daily Job Hunt Weekend Edition: May 7th
07/05/2022 Duration: 03minThere is no such thing as a “boss”, work place relationships are just equal humans making agreements with each other in the marketplace. That and more in this weekend edition of the Daily Job Hunt. Get The Daily Job Hunt sent to your inbox every day as well as the sign-up bonuses at
DJH 285: How to Keep a Job
06/05/2022 Duration: 03minInitiative doesn’t just mean doing things on your own, it means doing the right things without being told. If you want to make yourself indispensable (and unfireable), find ways to take initiative and solve the right problems without being told. That and more in this edition of the Daily Job Hunt. Get The Daily Job Hunt sent to your inbox every day as well as the sign-up bonuses at
DJH 284: Your Greatest Asset?
05/05/2022 Duration: 02minYour greatest asset is your mind. Are you going to engage your mind and take action? The choice is all yours. That and more in this edition of the Daily Job Hunt. Get The Daily Job Hunt sent to your inbox every day as well as the sign-up bonuses at
DJH 283: What to Say in an Email
04/05/2022 Duration: 01minYou’ve got all the information you could want at your fingertips, but the information can’t change your life -only you can change your life. Do you have what it takes to follow through? That and more in this edition of the Daily Job Hunt. Get The Daily Job Hunt sent to your inbox every day as well as the sign-up bonuses at
DJH 282: Positive vs. Negative
03/05/2022 Duration: 03minAs humans, we’re designed to find negatives. To counteract this trend and stay pumped on the job hunt, consciously count what you’re doing well. That and more in this edition of the Daily Job Hunt. Get The Daily Job Hunt sent to your inbox every day as well as the sign-up bonuses at
DJH 281: Watch for the Crabs
02/05/2022 Duration: 02minIt’s ok to listen to the negative voices in your head, just don’t believe them! Be aware of the little crabs of traumatic conditioning, but don’t let them pull you down! That and more in this edition of the Daily Job Hunt. Get The Daily Job Hunt sent to your inbox every day as well as the sign-up bonuses at
Daily Job Hunt Weekend Edition: April 30th
30/04/2022 Duration: 04minDevelop the “skill of starting” by taking small steps towards your goals every single day. That and more in this weekend edition of the Daily Job Hunt. Get The Daily Job Hunt sent to your inbox every day as well as the sign-up bonuses at
DJH 280: How to 50x Your Interview Rate
29/04/2022 Duration: 03minMost people are miserable while job hunting. The trick is to be different from most people. That and more in this edition of the Daily Job Hunt. Get The Daily Job Hunt sent to your inbox every day as well as the sign-up bonuses at
DJH 279: 100 Ways to Stand Out
28/04/2022 Duration: 03minOne of the easiest ways to increase your career upside is to go where the action is. Where are the most interesting people? What are they doing? That’s where you’ll likely find the most opportunity. That and more in this edition of the Daily Job Hunt. Get The Daily Job Hunt sent to your inbox every day as well as the sign-up bonuses at
DJH 278: Go Above and Beyond?
27/04/2022 Duration: 02minWant to feel happier at work? Do more than you’re asked to do. That and more in this edition of the Daily Job Hunt. Get The Daily Job Hunt sent to your inbox every day as well as the sign-up bonuses at Join the Career Hackers Slack Channel here -
DJH 277: Long Game
26/04/2022 Duration: 03minYou might be underestimating what you can do over a month, a year, or a decade. What could you achieve if you let go of the pressure to accomplish your life goals so quickly? That and more in this edition of the Daily Job Hunt. Get The Daily Job Hunt sent to your inbox every day as well as the sign-up bonuses at
DJH 276: Follow My Passion?
25/04/2022 Duration: 03minStop asking “Why Me?” and start asking “Why Not Me?” Why not follow your passion? That and more in this edition of the Daily Job Hunt. Get The Daily Job Hunt sent to your inbox every day as well as the sign-up bonuses at
Daily Job Hunt Weekend Edition: April 23rd
23/04/2022 Duration: 02minIt’s really hard to tell when a situation is “just right”, but it’s a lot easier to tell when a situation is wrong. If you can hone your unhappiness sensors, you can stop doing stuff you hate and open yourself up to choose options that you know are “better”, even if those options aren’t perfect. That and more in this weekend edition of the Daily Job Hunt. Get The Daily Job Hunt sent to your inbox every day as well as the sign-up bonuses at
DJH 275: Friday is for Fun
22/04/2022 Duration: 02minWhen you’re operating from a state of fun, you tend to do better work. People having fun put out a vibe that everyone’s attracted to. Tap into the power of playful work. That and more in this edition of the Daily Job Hunt. Get The Daily Job Hunt sent to your inbox every day as well as the sign-up bonuses at
DJH 274: Try Something New
21/04/2022 Duration: 02minOne of the easiest ways to increase your career upside is to go where the action is. Where are the most interesting people? What are they doing? That’s where you’ll likely find the most opportunity. That and more in this edition of the Daily Job Hunt. Get The Daily Job Hunt sent to your inbox every day as well as the sign-up bonuses at
DJH 273: Podcasts
20/04/2022 Duration: 02minHow do you use your ear-time? A great hack for your career is to pick a good podcast and listen when your ears are free but your eyes are not. That and more in this edition of the Daily Job Hunt. Get The Daily Job Hunt sent to your inbox every day as well as the sign-up bonuses at
DJH 272: Mentors
19/04/2022 Duration: 01minEveryone around you can be a mentor! Find something that they do better than you - ask questions, observe, and learn. That and more in this edition of the Daily Job Hunt. Get The Daily Job Hunt sent to your inbox every day as well as the sign-up bonuses at
DJH 271: Just Get Some Work Done
18/04/2022 Duration: 01minSometimes, just getting something- anything -done is the cure for despondency. That’s one of the many benefits of daily blogging. That and more in this edition of the Daily Job Hunt. Get The Daily Job Hunt sent to your inbox every day as well as the sign-up bonuses at
Daily Job Hunt Weekend Edition: April 16th
16/04/2022 Duration: 02minYou don’t have to deny your emotions in order to transcend them. Ride the waves; make your emotions your ally, not your enemy. That and more in this weekend edition of the Daily Job Hunt. Get The Daily Job Hunt sent to your inbox every day as well as the sign-up bonuses at
DJH 270: What’s Bothering Other People?
15/04/2022 Duration: 02minLearn to spot the problems that others are facing, and you’ll always have people willing to pay you. That and more in this edition of the Daily Job Hunt. Get The Daily Job Hunt sent to your inbox every day as well as the sign-up bonuses at