Welcome to Career Crashers where we tell the stories of those who are not content to wait around following rules and hoping for good things to happen. Great careers arent found theyre forged. Its time to Crash the party. On weekly episodes, you'll hear from people who have broken free of the conventional path and forged great careers.
DJH 237: How to Stay Organized
01/03/2022 Duration: 03minWhen you focus on creating value for a company up front, logistical details get a lot easier to negotiate. Keep all of your value creation ideas organized in one place with note templates. That and more in this edition of the Daily Job Hunt. Get The Daily Job Hunt sent to your inbox every day as well as the sign-up bonuses at
DJH 236: But What Do I Say?
28/02/2022 Duration: 02minThe interview starts before the interview. Every interaction you have with a company sends a message about what type of person you are. Signal your excitement with quick replies. That and more on this edition of the Daily Job Hunt. Get The Daily Job Hunt sent to your inbox every day as well as the sign-up bonuses at
Daily Job Hunt Weekend Edition: February 26th
26/02/2022 Duration: 06minFrom the moment we’re born we learn to navigate through the world by tinkering and playing. And it’s super effective! We learn so fast! Why not tap into the power of tinkering on your job hunt? That and more in this weekend edition of the Daily Job Hunt. Get The Daily Job Hunt sent to your inbox every day as well as the sign-up bonuses at
DJH 235: Want a Little Tip?
25/02/2022 Duration: 04minEverything worth doing starts with small actions. Break down your goals into small actions and work on them one at a time. Those small actions will accumulate and compound. That and more in this edition of the Daily Job Hunt. Get The Daily Job Hunt sent to your inbox every day as well as the sign-up bonuses at
DJH 234: Are You an Entrepreneur?
24/02/2022 Duration: 04minWhether you like it or not, you are an entrepreneur offering services in a marketplace. The best way to ensure a sense of security is to continually hone a value-creation mindset. That and more in this edition of the Daily Job Hunt. Get The Daily Job Hunt sent to your inbox every day as well as the sign-up bonuses at
DJH 233: How to Balance Everything
23/02/2022 Duration: 03minHow do you find balance while trying to succeed in multiple areas? Keep everything in play by doing one thing each day for every one of your priorities. That and more in this edition of the Daily Job Hunt. Get The Daily Job Hunt sent to your inbox every day as well as the sign-up bonuses at
DJH 232: Fail, Fail, Fail…
22/02/2022 Duration: 02minOne of the biggest myths that we’re taught growing up is that failure is bad. But failure can be good! Failure is learning. Just remember to take your failures seriously and not personally. That and more in this edition of the Daily Job Hunt. Get The Daily Job Hunt sent to your inbox every day as well as the sign-up bonuses at
DJH 231: Why Not Do This One Thing?
21/02/2022 Duration: 02minThink up a project that would add value to a company and go make it for them! Of course, you don’t have to do any of that. But it’s fun and it gets results, so why not? That and more on this edition of the Daily Job Hunt. Get The Daily Job Hunt sent to your inbox every day as well as the sign-up bonuses at
Daily Job Hunt Weekend Edition: February 19th
19/02/2022 Duration: 04minIf you only had 7 seconds to talk your way into a full-length interview with the hiring manager for your dream job, what would you do to make an impression? That and more in this weekend edition of the Daily Job Hunt. Get The Daily Job Hunt sent to your inbox every day as well as the sign-up bonuses at
DJH 230: What Are You Struggling With?
18/02/2022 Duration: 05minThe job hunt can be lonely, stressful, and frustrating. That’s why we’re here. Shoot us an email or join our free Slack group for personalized support. That and more in this edition of the Daily Job Hunt. Get The Daily Job Hunt sent to your inbox every day as well as the sign-up bonuses at
DJH 229: How to Land 10x More Offers
17/02/2022 Duration: 04minMake a video pitch! You’ve got skills and achievements. Show them off and tell a story with video. That and more in this edition of the Daily Job Hunt. Get The Daily Job Hunt sent to your inbox every day as well as the sign-up bonuses at
DJH 228: How to Land the Job Offer in the Interview
16/02/2022 Duration: 03minInstead of answering interview questions directly, use the questions as jumping off points to tell the story of your value. That and more in this edition of the Daily Job Hunt. Get The Daily Job Hunt sent to your inbox every day as well as the sign-up bonuses at
DJH 227: Why Not Have Some Fun?
15/02/2022 Duration: 03minThe Internet is one big amusement park of career building opportunities. Which one are you going to ride? That and more in this edition of the Daily Job Hunt. Get The Daily Job Hunt sent to your inbox every day as well as the sign-up bonuses at
DJH 226: How to Always Make Progress
14/02/2022 Duration: 02minWant to achieve something that feels impossible? Do one thing a day to make progress and tap into the power of compound effort. That and more on this edition of the Daily Job Hunt. Get The Daily Job Hunt sent to your inbox every day as well as the sign-up bonuses at
Daily Job Hunt Weekend Edition: February 12th
12/02/2022 Duration: 05minInsanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. Success is going from one failure to the next without loss of enthusiasm. What’s the difference? Your ability to adapt and improve. That and more in this weekend edition of the Daily Job Hunt. Get The Daily Job Hunt sent to your inbox every day as well as the sign-up bonuses at
DJH 225: Why Career Growth is Like Dating
11/02/2022 Duration: 05minIf you were in the dating market, you wouldn’t make a list of reasons why you’re dateable, and then pass that list out to anybody who would take it. So why would you blast out resumes into the job market? That and more in this edition of the Daily Job Hunt. Get The Daily Job Hunt sent to your inbox every day as well as the sign-up bonuses at
DJH 224: Why Are You Listening to This Podcast?
10/02/2022 Duration: 03minAsking “why” = living consciously. Living consciously = living “the good life”. That and more in this edition of the Daily Job Hunt. Get The Daily Job Hunt sent to your inbox every day as well as the sign-up bonuses at
DJH 223: How to Crush the Job Interview
09/02/2022 Duration: 02minPerseverance and confidence are both vital parts of the job hunt. So how do you cultivate perseverance and confidence? That and more in this edition of the Daily Job Hunt. Get The Daily Job Hunt sent to your inbox every day as well as the sign-up bonuses at
DJH 222: Who is the Hiring Manager, Anyway?
08/02/2022 Duration: 02minWhen we say “hiring manager”, we mean “decision maker”. When pitching yourself to a company, the only rule is to think critically about the best person to receive your pitch. That and more in this edition of the Daily Job Hunt. Get The Daily Job Hunt sent to your inbox every day as well as the sign-up bonuses at
DJH 221: Are You Being Realistic Enough?
07/02/2022 Duration: 02minBeing realistic doesn’t just mean being honest about challenge and struggle, it also means being honest about your own creative potential. That and more on this edition of the Daily Job Hunt. Get The Daily Job Hunt sent to your inbox every day as well as the sign-up bonuses at