Strengthened by Grace is a podcast devoted to expounding the truths of Reformed systematic theology. As such, SBG aims to be Christ-centered with teaching that stresses the importance of having a personal, experiential, Spirit-worked knowledge of Christ, and by extension, all the great truths of Scripture. The teacher and podcast host, Matthew Dowling, is a former Marine and one-time evolutionary biologist and agnostic who was called by the grace of God to become a Christian and Reformed preaching minister. He is broadly interested in Systematic Theology, Reformation and Post-Reformation Church History, Christian Apologetics, and Creation Science. He is a preaching minister in Plymouth, Michigan. He has served churches in Oklahoma, New Jersey, and Michigan.
3 Minutes to a Stronger Faith - Ep. 15 - "Is Young Earth Creationism Worth Defending?"
24/10/2019 Duration: 03minDo you have three minutes? In episode 15, we ask the question, "Is Young Earth Creationism worth defending?" Join me today as we explore the answer to this question and invest 3 minutes today and grow your faith!
3 Minutes to a Stronger Faith - Ep. 14 - "Why Does Romans 1 Say Humans Are Without Excuse?"
26/09/2019 Duration: 03minDo you have three minutes? In episode 14, we ask the question, "Why Does Romans 1 Say Humans Are Without Excuse?" We consider three amazing animals which are a testimony to our Heavenly Father's creative design work which show us He exists. Join me today as we explore the answer to this question and invest 3 minutes today and grow your faith!
3 Minutes to a Stronger Faith - Ep. 13 - "What's the Deal with the Biblical Kinds?"
22/08/2019 Duration: 03minDo you have three minutes? In episode 13, we ask the question, "What's the deal with the Biblical Kinds?" Did all species evolve from one common ancestor? Genesis 1 repeats ten times that God created creatures separately according to various “kinds.” Today’s species show the potential variation that God designed within the original kinds. Join me today as we explore the answer to this question together. Invest 3 minutes and grow your faith!
3 Minutes to a Stronger Faith - Ep. 12 - "Do All Religions Lead to God?"
08/08/2019 Duration: 03minDo you have three minutes? In episode 12, we ask the question, "Do All Religions Lead to God?" Some people claim that all religions are essentially the same and only superficially different. The truth is, all religions are essentially different and only superficially the same. But why the confusion? Join me today as we explore the answer together. Invest 3 minutes and grow your faith!
3 Minutes to a Stronger Faith - Ep. 11 - "How Should We Teach Our Kids in the Midst of Moral Chaos?"
01/08/2019 Duration: 03minDo you have three minutes? In episode 11, we ask the question, "How should we teach our kids in the midst of moral chaos?" Christian parents recognize that our culture is experiencing the moral chaos that has come from the sexual and gender revolutions. What can parents do? Let me give you some things to do in the coming years to help your children manifest a sexual ethic that honors God and his Word. Invest 3 minutes and grow your faith!
3 Minutes to a Stronger Faith - Ep. 10 - "Is there absolute truth?"
18/07/2019 Duration: 03minGot three minutes? In episode 10 of this weekly podcast, we ask the question, "Is there absolute truth?" Yes, absolute truth is real. In fact, Christianity rests on a foundation of absolute truth, and that foundation is as sturdy as a rock. Find out why today as you invest 3 minutes and grow your faith!
3 Minutes to a Stronger Faith - Ep. 9 - "Why did God punish Adam over a little piece of fruit?"
13/06/2019 Duration: 03minGot three minutes? In episode 9, we ask the question, "Why did God punish Adam over a little piece of fruit?" We give five reasons why It was not the fruit that made it so bad as what eating the fruit said about how Adam and Eve thought of God. Invest 3 minutes and grow your faith!
3 Minutes to a Stronger Faith - Ep. 8 - "When does human life begin?"
06/06/2019 Duration: 03minEpisode 8 - When does human life begin? It's the question that is at the heart of our culture's debate about abortion. We will answer that question today in 3 minutes.
3 Minutes to a Stronger Faith - Ep. 7 - "Why did God create mosquitoes?"
23/05/2019 Duration: 03minEpisode 7 - Why did God create mosquitoes? It's that perennial question that never goes away - why, why, why? We will answer that question today in 3 minutes.
3 Minutes to a Stronger Faith - Ep. 6 - "What is true, Biblical religion?"
16/05/2019 Duration: 03minEpisode 6 - What is true, Biblical religion? We will answer that question today in 3 minutes. True, Biblical religion answer three primary things: 1. How great my sins and miseries are (1 Cor. 6:10-11; John 9:41; Rom. 3:10, 19); 2. How I may be delivered from all my sins and miseries (John 17:3); 3. How I shall express my gratitude to God for such deliverance (Eph. 5:8-10). These three things still stand as defining marks of true religion.
3 Minutes to a Stronger Faith - Ep. 5 - "Does the Bible contain a secret code?"
09/05/2019 Duration: 03minEpisode 5 - Does the Bible contain a secret code? Some people think so. They contend computers have revealed these secret codes through computer analyses. We will answer that question today in 3 minutes.
3 Minutes to a Stronger Faith - Ep. 4 - "Why are some words colored red in the Bible?"
02/05/2019 Duration: 03minEpisode 4 - Why are some words colored red in the Bible? Some Bibles put the words of Jesus in red. But the Greek manuscripts of the New Testament don’t use a special color. People didn’t start printing red-letter Bibles until 1899. So why do publishers do it? We will answer that question today in 3 minutes.
3 Minutes to a Stronger Faith - Ep. 3 - "Should We Follow the Bible? What About the Apocrypha?"
25/04/2019 Duration: 03minEpisode 3 - "Why is it so important to follow the Bible? Is the Apocrypha part of the Bible? A: Bible is the Word of God; it cannot be broken (John 10:35). When God speaks, we must listen (Amos 3:8). We dare not add to it nor subtract from it (Prov. 30:5-6). When men contradict the Bible, we must obey God and not men (Acts 5:29). The Apocrypha is a collection of 13 books which give us some idea of what Jews believed in the period between 300 and 100 b.c. They contain some interesting history and ideas, but they are not the Word of God.
3 Minutes to a Stronger Faith - Ep. 2 - "How did we get the Bible?"
19/04/2019 Duration: 03minEpisode 2 - "How did we get the Bible? A: God spoke His Word to people, then God helped them to write it down, and then God led His church to collect their writings into one book. Join us as our host Matthew Dowling explains the blessed process."
3 Minutes to a Stronger Faith - Ep. 1 - "How do we know God is real?"
12/04/2019 Duration: 03minEpisode 1 - "How do we know God is real? How do we prove it? We can know that God is real by using our eyes, our minds, and our hearts. Join us as our host Matthew Dowling expounds on this big question."